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Text colour codes discovered!!!

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someone once joined my game from ase and i noticed that their whole name didnt fit in the screen, and mta caused it to make their text alter colour sligtly.

I so thought hmm maybe its possible to use colour codes like in mta 0.1. and well IT IS!!!

heres some codes for you, put them before your name with no space, u may have to shorten your name if it wont fit, i dont reccommend using ase to enter your name as it may affect the aoutcome, change your name in your client.


Ok with some help from my good friend 'blues' who somtimes plays on my server i have learned to control the code, so here the list of the colours in their solid form

EDIT BY ME (the moderator): Using color nicknames is known to cause problems with MTA:VC. Please, do not use them.

So if your name was Dave you would put **Dave and your name would be Dave in game BUT IN RED!!!!!



there, to get that string of colour i pasted this into my client:


I forgot to mention, IT COLOURS YOUR NAMETAG TOO!!!!



OMG OMG OMG, i just discovered that u CAN use the code in your MOTD.txt server file!

if u do u get this:


DJ-Mills (dionsstuff@eircom.net)

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  andimon34 said:
Yep,it works,but a little differently for me :?

Do i have to paste it into Game or in Client?

In client Blue and Yellow looked like dark red :?

Here's a screenie:

  DJ-Mills said:

hmm, i dont know what u did their, but you paste it into client, its best for use in your name, and only at the beginning of your name, your name can be a MAX of 7 characters AFTER the CODE!

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  monkeydude35 said:
i dont think they should take it out it would be great for gangwars cause u cant always see the name but you would be able to see the color.

yeh me and my clan all went red once, and we didnt shoot each other by mistake cos u see a red nametag comin at u and u know its friendly, you could have colour teams too, blue vs red for example :wink:

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This would be very useful in the Gang Wars. I have seen a few battles goto hell real fast because their shooting based on the skins. By the time they get close enough to read the name...its a corpse.

I have seen one problem with COLOR Names. When you hit F11 everything after the colored name changes also, so if someone uses black then no scores can be seen.

(and yes there is a way to do BLACK and no im not posting how to do it)

deJaya, how come you singled out curly's sig...?

SeBsZ's is a bit shorter and longer, but almost the same size.

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DJ-Mills and i had no problems with using these codes, so i shouldn't know why it couldn't with you guys. It is great for team batles (we usually go our clan against rest). And then we will never kill eachother (or other RIP guys)

I had the same problem with the chatting in game, but i just restarted the game. It's a glitch in the server somehow.. Because once i changed server.. it never happend again.

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Here are some of the effects for using coloured names:

1. Can't bring up the scoreboard after coloring your name.

2. People names aren't showed no more.

3. Even more crashes then you normally have.

4. Other people's textmessages get scr*wed up

So don't color your names people, please. :evil:

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  NosGoth said:
Here are some of the effects for using coloured names:

1. Can't bring up the scoreboard after coloring your name.

2. People names aren't showed no more.

3. Even more crashes then you normally have.

4. Other people's textmessages get scr*wed up

So don't color your names people, please. :evil:

I dont know wot your goin on about m8, non of my clan experienced ANY of these problems!

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  NosGoth said:
That's what happened to me. :(

Somehow it edited my config.cfg file which includes the keybinds tobring up the scoreboard etc. :x

If this happens to some other people while playing the game, it can be very anoying. :wink:

So please don't try to f*ck up other people's fun.


ok, heres a solution, make your config.cfg, READ ONLY, then you'll be protected

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I know that. :wink: But alot of people don't know that. And I'm not going to argue with you, since you got no point in this discussion. I have to agree with SM-Gamefreek, I hope they remove all options to colour names. :roll: If the MTA producers want us to have colours they will build in some sort of device to help. 8)

For now, just don't use the colours, please.

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