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MAYBE if you play MTA for 6 non-stoping hours , you can beat my score.



I'm Number 4 on this one .



No cheats or hacks were used in this ultimate score , because well... THERE IS NONE AND YOU CANT HACK SCORES :x .

P.S : I had to erase the name of the players i killed so much. Because i did not want to embarasse anyone :wink: .And if you know you were playing in the same game as I was . I sugest not posting here 8)

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  Kent747 said:
lol i like your avatar

Massage therapy Association of south africa



YO "KENT" At leatt i have a cool avatar . B*****

Lets vote :


OR this crappy shit . Made in Microsoft Paint .


Pure shit .

P.S : IF you did not noticed with your 4 geeky eyes , There is a big diference between . This :


And this:


I kinda used a BIG boy program with you would not undestand . oh yeah . it is not called "MS Paint" :x

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lol i am not one of them but that is what i think.

Why else would he erased the names.I wouldn't care about there bad scores.But if they are friends i would erase the names too.

That is my opinion but i think that there is alot of wisdom and knowlegde :D in it and also the truth i think

ANd by the way who else would stay in a server where you are always killed by the same guy?????


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To me it looks even more devious. Kinda like he loaded 2 other players on the same server and just killed them over and over again. Kinda odd how his 2 "friends" have insanely low scores, he has the highest, and everyone else has 0 kills. And all the negative scores equal 104:?

I can't imagine that his friends are that horrible. I have never even seen the newest noob get scores that low. #-o

Makes me wonder..... :-k

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  SM Gulag said:
To me it looks even more devious. Kinda like he loaded 2 other players on the same server and just killed them over and over again. Kinda odd how his 2 "friends" have insanely low scores, he has the highest, and everyone else has 0 kills. And all the negative scores equal 104:?

I can't imagine that his friends are that horrible. I have never even seen the newest noob get scores that low. #-o

Makes me wonder..... :-k

Nice use of emoticons dude :thumbup:

BTW Kent, do you really think he got seriously pissed? I just thought it was a joke assuming nobody would be that stupid! I guess the world is weird! :D

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