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POLL : Weapons of the Hunter helicopter , ENABLE or DISABLE


Do you want the hunters weapons to be activated???  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the hunters weapons to be activated???

    • YES , enable all weapons
    • NO , disable them all
    • only the machine gun
    • only the rockets

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Yeah im with u, but i saw a mod that changes the spot the bullets of the VCPD heli come out of in SP when the cops are after u, maybe thats what hes talking about or he i high at a mother :o

Not to go off topic, but im interested in this mod, and have not heard of it before. could you provide me with a link to it?

Also, while more than one chopper with guns is cool, do be wary if they team up, hehe :D

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The Hunter's weapons should be enabled and nothing else changed.

Have it that way in a version and afterwards we will know whether or not it will become too powerful. If so they could alter it in the release after that.

I think it would be cool if you add machine guns in the rear passenger seats of all mavericks.

One machine gun on each side so that the mavericks have two gunners in the back, one pilot and a passenger in the front. The gunners could then see through the crosshair like in singleplayer.

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There is another heli that has weapons, the Sea Sparrow which was in 0.1 i wonder why they took it out

Sea sparrow? with weapons? What've you been smoking?

Oh, and from what I hear, the decision to put it in again was made long ago :)

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  • 1 month later...
it wouldnt make you invincible, just can be taken down with like 15 M4 Carbine bullets

in deathmatch, I wonder how u all believe u can shoot 15 bullets into the apache...

I mean, it comes, it shoots 2 or 3 missiles, u all dead (the missiles explodes, so it's like fucking powerful grenades)...

How do u want to shoot@it about 20 bullets ?

anyway, the fugitives scenario seems to be great :)

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Ok people, it's not like we turned off the weapons for the Hunter, we never got them working yet, same as drive-by's. The main problem with the Hunter IF we get it working is that the reload of missiles is extremely fast and you get an unlimited amount. Then the auto-aim of the M-60 also makes it very hard to balance this vehicle's weapons. The hunter's weapons are not a priority, we have more important things to worry about. I do agree it would be a nice feature to have them working. As for hanging out the side of a copter while being able to fire handheld weapons is a feature that may be possible, and I will look into this code in the future.

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most of us knew that the only reason for not having it yet is that it's not possible yet, but we were debating wether or not we would like this feature added in when it is possible.

of course you guys can do whatever you want, with no regard to our opinions.

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A rocket in VC can go from the height limit of a heli to the ground in less than a second. You can't outrun or dodge it.

i busted the stopwatch out for this, it takes 1-2 seconds, depending on the speed and elevation of the heli, and the ground your aiming at, bearing in mind its nigh impossible to get the chopper to stay perfectly still. also bearing in mind, rarely will your targets NOT know your coming, you can hear the Hunter from some distance, so personally, id already be well on the run and looking for good spots to dodge missiles.

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busted the stopwatch out for this, it takes 1-2 seconds

hehehe, 1 or 2 seconds if u shoot from 1km....If i missile u from 200m u can dream about ur 2 seconds...it'll be more like 1/2 sec...

it's not depending of the speed of the apache...I mean the missiles are shot and that's it, whenever u fly @100mph or are in a static phase...

you can hear the Hunter from some distance, so personally, id already be well on the run and looking for good spots to dodge missiles.

So we're gonna have a new camp mode : after "spawn camp" to kill, we'll have a "dodge missile camp" and action will be centered on a few areas on the map...

seriously, dont think u can avoid it...

I mean, everybody is not a real pilot, but this one is really easy to fly and shoot with...With little practice, an apache pilot would be godlike...I can't imagine pedestrians avoiding missiles...

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If i missile u from 200m u can dream about ur 2 seconds...it'll be more like 1/2 sec...

they'll fly right into their own explosion if they get too close, and traveling at faster speeds means this is even more likely to happen.

So we're gonna have a new camp mode : after "spawn camp" to kill, we'll have a "dodge missile camp" and action will be centered on a few areas on the map...

seriously, dont think u can avoid it...

I mean, everybody is not a real pilot, but this one is really easy to fly and shoot with...With little practice, an apache pilot would be godlike...I can't imagine pedestrians avoiding missiles...

you have no imagination, i can easily see it happening. bearing in mind too, if mta stays traditional, there would be only one hunter. are 8, 10, 12, 24 or even 32 players ALL going to hide, or "camp" away from the hunter? i think not. especially if the m60 is present, among other weapons. get a cluster of 2 or 3 ppl with these weapons and the hunter will be on its merry way. or he'll kill the group of people with one missile. either way, that sounds pretty fun to me :D

if i die, eh, start again, nbd. i should think it would be quite a fun challenge.

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