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SM v VCA Match Report.


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SM challenged us to a match last night whilst we where in the middle of a public server invasion.

VCA outnumbered SM so we 'lent' them two of our squad, Annrke and TitaniumEyes, to even things out.

Rules where as follows:

VCA to start at construction site

SM to start at mansion

Once dead players to stay at spawn area until next round was called.

Last man(men) standing to be victors of round.

After a dodgy start with many timeouts and some tag swapping due to lending players the cal to GO GO GO was given and VCA rushed headlong to the mansion where SM had decided to sit and wait, upon reaching the mansion somebody tried to chop us up with the hunter, but some swift gunfire from xerox and mysellf soon had it crashing to the ground in flames, incinerating the pilot. There followed an enormous gunfight with granades, bullets and molotovs flying everywhere around the mansion grounds, resulting in only annrkey still standing for SM, and only one losss for VCA (Heck), in mid duel between myself and annr inside the mansion the server decided it couldnt hndle this much activity and went down.

It was agreed round one went to VCA.

We then tried another server, but unfortunately the admin switched on his firewall midgame and we all got disconnected from it, resulting in many SM not bothering to return.

So overall a great showing by VCA, no officers where killed, and although heck was lost in that sole round he faught valiently up to that point and with further training he will not drop quite so quickly.

The match will continue when a stable server with enough upstream is secured.

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Nice battle guys, i just want to say the reason SM didnt have enough members online is that the battle was set by a non leader SM member , so SM members werent notified in time, however i thinkSM will be more then glad to set up a match against any team iff its set by the leaders.

But again to the battle yes VCA plyed good and it was a nice battle .Hope we can have a repeat.

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WHAT!!! I missed this aww c'mon I would have fucked shit up. I would have gotten atleast 2 kills before I went down, hopefully. :(

However, VCA at the construction site does have an advantage since there is armor and healths sitting there across the street. And it looks like someone was using the 0.2 test version which could also be considered a little unfair to everyone else who can't ID the person they are shooting at. :P

I think we should hold off future battles until 0.2 is officially released.

Edited by Guest
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People had plenty of time to travel around and equip themselves before the match started. So there was no advantage to VCA, one of your guys had time to travel across the city and get the hunter remember :)

Nice battle guys, i just want to say the reason SM didnt have enough members online is that the battle was set by a non leader

I see xenex, i thought Goat was SM leader but apparently not. Could you let me know who is please and I'll speak to him about a future match.

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i had to quickly dodge a hunter - i nearly got wasted as well, the hunter pilot was about a half second from turning me into something outta the b*tchin' dog food factory =)

I found it easier to just stand back and pop off about 3 or 4 SM members from behind a wall instead of enter the fray myself =)

was a great game, and i hope to be there for round 2

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