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MTA:VC 0.2 Feature list

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hi all i agree this looks kool

if they wanted to add garages i am sure they would auto snc <-or that word , i wrote this code wich shows its only a few lines for garages and they could do it it think by pasting this text near the begining

NOTE: this is in bartons

0219:  2724?? = create_garage_type  5? from -914.129! -1263.54!  10.706! to -906.3! -1266.9!  14.421! front -907.137! -1246.626!
0219:  2728?? = create_garage_type  5? from -1014.341! -857.732!  6.325! to -1014.341! -841.532!  10.885! front -1001.315! -857.732!
03BB: set_garage  2728?? door_type_to_swing_open
0219:  2732?? = create_garage_type  5? from -886.157! -115.158!  9.992! to -876.7! -119.83!  15.58! front -882.699! -108.312!
0219:  2736?? = create_garage_type  5? from  323.9!  427.4!  10! to  313.9!  430.53!  15.7! front  326.3!  434.5!
0219:  2740?? = create_garage_type  5? from -7.55! -1253.77!  9.322! to  2.64! -1253.7!  14.4! front -7.55! -1261.2!
0219:  2752?? = create_garage_type  1? from -1056.05! -469.668!  10.053! to -1038.966! -467.675!  14.753! front -1054.074! -486.611!
03BB: set_garage  2752?? door_type_to_swing_open
0219:  2756?? = create_garage_type  23? from -823.448! -1488.083!  10.852! to -842! -1481!  16.165! front -834.686! -1515.899!
03DA: set_garage  2756?? camera_follows_player
03BB: set_garage  2756?? door_type_to_swing_open
0219:  2748?? = create_garage_type  1? from -966.016! -861.529!  5.761! to -966.016! -841.683!  11.273! front -978.454! -861.529!
03DA: set_garage  2748?? camera_follows_player
03BB: set_garage  2748?? door_type_to_swing_open
0219:  2760?? = create_garage_type  19? from  449.137!  340.002!  10.794! to  465.43!  326.187!  14.7! front  465.42!  340.002!
03BB: set_garage  2760?? door_type_to_swing_open
0219:  2764?? = create_garage_type  4? from -1163.248! -1407.282!  10.157! to -1159.338! -1397.813!  16.989! front -1178.292! -1400.939!
0219:  2620?? = create_garage_type  1? from  303.998!  400.718!  12.025! to  301.281!  410.584!  16.044! front  298.697!  402.389!
03DA: set_garage  2620?? camera_follows_player
03BB: set_garage  2620?? door_type_to_swing_open
057A: set_garage  2620?? max_cars_to  1?
0219:  2668?? = create_garage_type  1? from -848.225!  1303.119!  10.421! to -836.832!  1307.033!  15.816! front -853.657!  1318.901!
03DA: set_garage  2668?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2668?? max_cars_to  4?
0219:  2672?? = create_garage_type  1? from -825.466!  1311.499!  10.537! to -817.159!  1314.355!  15.061! front -828.66!  1320.791!
03DA: set_garage  2672?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2672?? max_cars_to  2?
0219:  2676?? = create_garage_type  1? from -816.37!  1314.69!  10.582! to -819.54!  1324.01!  15.061! front -808.09!  1317.46!
03DA: set_garage  2676?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2676?? max_cars_to  2?
0219:  2636?? = create_garage_type  1? from  27.143! -1483.954!  9.423! to  21.365! -1490.59!  12.994! front  22.611! -1483.384!
03BB: set_garage  2636?? door_type_to_swing_open
03DA: set_garage  2636?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2636?? max_cars_to  1?
0219:  2652?? = create_garage_type  1? from  450.136!  641.029!  10.112! to  457.977!  641.029!  13.092! front  450.136!  635.726!
03BB: set_garage  2652?? door_type_to_swing_open
03DA: set_garage  2652?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2652?? max_cars_to  1?
0219:  2768?? = create_garage_type  1? from -981.654! -802.265!  6.325! to -981.654! -821.865!  10.73! front -991.127! -802.265!
03BB: set_garage  2768?? door_type_to_swing_open
03DA: set_garage  2768?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2768?? max_cars_to  2?
0219:  2772?? = create_garage_type  1? from -992.416! -802.265!  6.325! to -992.416! -821.865!  10.73! front -1001.889! -802.265!
03BB: set_garage  2772?? door_type_to_swing_open
03DA: set_garage  2772?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2772?? max_cars_to  2?
0219:  2776?? = create_garage_type  1? from -1003.771! -802.265!  6.325! to -1003.771! -821.865!  10.73! front -1013.244! -802.265!
03BB: set_garage  2776?? door_type_to_swing_open
03DA: set_garage  2776?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2776?? max_cars_to  2?
0219:  2780?? = create_garage_type  1? from -1015.436! -802.265!  6.325! to -1015.436! -821.865!  10.73! front -1024.909! -802.265!
03BB: set_garage  2780?? door_type_to_swing_open
03DA: set_garage  2780?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2780?? max_cars_to  2?
0219:  2744?? = create_garage_type  1? from -362.12! -550.214!  11.722! to -353.12! -550.214!  15.16! front -362.12! -539.484!
03BB: set_garage  2744?? door_type_to_swing_open
03DA: set_garage  2744?? camera_follows_player
057A: set_garage  2744?? max_cars_to  2?
02FA: garage  2768?? change_to_type  27?
02FA: garage  2772?? change_to_type  28?
02FA: garage  2776?? change_to_type  29?
02FA: garage  2652?? change_to_type  16?
02FA: garage  2668?? change_to_type  17?
02FA: garage  2672?? change_to_type  18?
02FA: garage  2676?? change_to_type  24?
02FA: garage  2780?? change_to_type  30?

sorry if this is no use :cry: i jsut trying to help your gr8 team

Note : that includeds sunshine autos and pay "n" sprays

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We are in the test and fix phase of development, so it could be this week or it could be another couple of weeks. There is no way of really telling how long it will take to fix the majority of the bugs.

Sorry guys, I wish I could give you a release date but we DO NOT know at this point.

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