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[News & Blog] New netcode for on-foot synchronization


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We've spent the last few days improving the on-foot and shooting sync code a little. Here's a video showing how it works at the moment:


Pick your download of choice below.

- XviD MPEG-4 compressed (800x300, 6.94MB) version

- H.264 (x264) compressed (800x300, 2.68MB) version

These videos were captured at a ping of about 100 milliseconds, which is a fairly average ping on good servers. We're very happy with how it looks and works so far :) , and as the video shows, the shots are deadly accurate, even on moving players.

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Looks really good 8)

Just wondering if you've added anything to fix the bug where if you don't look at an actor shooting you (say you're facing the other way), the bullets won't go exactly where they're supposedly shooting.. :P

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  [UVA]_ZzZ said:
Looks really good 8)

Just wondering if you've added anything to fix the bug where if you don't look at an actor shooting you (say you're facing the other way), the bullets won't go exactly where they're supposedly shooting.. :P

I've never experienced that problem at all. cowardly shooting someone in the back is easy, don't you worry ZzZ


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How much would a server of around 30 players effect someone with an average(ish) PC..?

With race mod and MTA 0.5 it killed my frame-rate a lot making it nearly unplayable :(

Either way, the aiming looks spot on.. nice going :D

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  =Phil= said:
How much would a server of around 30 players effect someone with an average(ish) PC..?

With race mod and MTA 0.5 it killed my frame-rate a lot making it nearly unplayable :(

Either way, the aiming looks spot on.. nice going :D

I found that with my P4 1.7/GF4 it runs okay single player, but anything over 16 players and the game is unplayable. On my AMD 3400+/GF6800 it runs great no matter how many players. Actually I upgraded to the AMD machine to play this game.

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  DZG said:
hmm on race mod another players are laging , but they had about ~20 ping

On this DM mod will be same?

You just saw what foot sync will look like at 100 ms. Vechicle sync has also been improved, though it will never be completely smooth.

  =Phil= said:
How much would a server of around 30 players effect someone with an average(ish) PC..?

With race mod and MTA 0.5 it killed my frame-rate a lot making it nearly unplayable :(

Either way, the aiming looks spot on.. nice going :D

The race mod is so demanding because everyone in the server is in close proximity to eachother. In DM people will generally be spread out over a large area, so you will rarely see 30 players on screen at one time. Then again if MTA:VC lagged, I wouldn't get my hopes up about MTA:SA..

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The important I hope is that we will have the time to move before getting shot, the lagging could be a real problem with this, lagging image with no shot then suddently you're dead because someone shot at you and you didn't see it happen because of the lag.

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  Dodge34 said:
The important I hope is that we will have the time to move before getting shot, the lagging could be a real problem with this, lagging image with no shot then suddently you're dead because someone shot at you and you didn't see it happen because of the lag.

That's a problem with CS too. In CS you can shoot someone just before they hide behind a wall, but by the time the server registers the hit and tells the player being shot at that he's dead, he is already behind that wall. It will appear lagless for the player that shot, but the guy being shot at will think he got shot through the wall. Less ping, less chance for this effect, but this is really a problem with any online game. Read more about it here: http://www.valve-erc.com/srcsdk/general ... rking.html

Note that this effect isn't noticable very often. I've hardly noticed it at all, and to be honest I've noticed it more while playing Counter-Strike than MTA.

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I guess the thing about the shooting around corners issue is that its more noticeable in an FPS style game than in GTA, because corners are there more, and you're often much closer to other players in FPS. As such, this shouldn't be a major issue in GTA - its certainly annoying to get shot around a corner!

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Cool it´s look almost ready but can u do this= when u play as cj u can change clothes tatoos and haircyle before playing or play whit one of pets so u can look like u want to look it would be cool and mucle/fat looking too but if u have no time for that then no it don´t destroy world so i dont even care mutch but it would be cool... and now here come the idea what i am saying!=!= :director: U guys can do cars and shit like that everywhere in sa becorse when u play sa-mp there is like sf_tdm and if u go lv or ls there´s no cars or if u play lv_dm and go sf or ls there´s no any cars so if u´r car do blow u must walk back in the main city and that sucks... :forcefeed:

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  NONAME_FIN said:
Cool it´s look almost ready but can u do this= when u play as cj u can change clothes tatoos and haircyle before playing or play whit one of pets so u can look like u want to look it would be cool and mucle/fat looking too but if u have no time for that then no it don´t destroy world so i dont even care mutch but it would be cool...

Didn't you see the DM#1 video? CJ was customised so I'm guessing they already made that option.

  NONAME_FIN said:
U guys can do cars and :~ like that everywhere in sa becorse when u play sa-mp there is like sf_tdm and if u go lv or ls there´s no cars or if u play lv_dm and go sf or ls there´s no any cars so if u´r car do blow u must walk back in the main city and that sucks... :forcefeed:

Ummm... that's up to the mapper's choice.

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