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Try to break these:

Race: H2so4 - Im A Player		Record: 04:37:026 by (.)(.)		Average: 04:51:381
Race: SF SPRINT 1			Record: 00:37:651 by plop		Average: 01:01:086
Race: Skyroads3				Record: 01:56:437 by kalabac		Average: 03:22:456
Race: DuneWard				Record: 03:43:594 by =TmM=Ryan		Average: 04:08:567
Race: Airport Speedway			Record: 01:53:422 by Thanatos		Average: 02:19:653
Race: Channel Loop			Record: 03:24:078 by Thanatos		Average: 03:48:915
Race: Boating BLASTAround		Record: 03:14:078 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 03:22:801
Race: BADlands BLASTAround		Record: 02:05:016 by Siphersh[HUN]	Average: 02:30:097
Race: DROPOUT2				Record: 02:27:739 by Serberus		Average: 02:22:413
Race: Just Another Bike Race		Record: 02:03:906 by Thanatos		Average: 07:20:925
Race: Jump Mania			Record: 04:09:234 by Stig		Average: 04:43:207
Race: Long Way Round			Record: 01:46:485 by Wally		Average: 07:02:437
Race: Hydra Race			Record: 02:02:884 by Thanatos		Average: 02:02:884
Race: Holy Harley			Record: 02:12:609 by UltimA		Average: 02:42:288
Race: LS Raceway 32			Record: 02:59:594 by PacMaan		Average: 03:23:013
Race: Bandito				Record: 01:07:469 by BIGDW(Scotland)	Average: 01:27:293
Race: Technical Itch			Record: 02:58:924 by Siphersh[HUN]	Average: 03:26:483
Race: H2so4 - Race in Liberty		Record: 06:34:074 by Ronaldo		Average: 06:51:101
Race: RaceEvent2007			Record: 01:58:391 by [iTA]KeTaMiNe	Average: 02:54:961
Race: Fore				Record: 03:33:297 by [FP]MAN[swe]	Average: 05:48:629
Race: Flint Frenzy			Record: 03:05:188 by Dr_Nick		Average: 05:16:501
Race: Santos Drive			Record: 03:20:836 by Fourjays		Average: 03:43:963
Race: High Noon				Record: 01:29:125 by blast[uK]		Average: 01:55:534
Race: Biglongjump2			Record: 04:03:648 by oNeTiMe[LZ]-	Average: 04:03:648
Race: SF_freeway			Record: 02:42:571 by Roadkill		Average: 08:11:813
Race: A Walk in the Park		Record: 01:56:015 by UltimA		Average: 02:23:635
Race: Loop_the_Loop			Record: 01:51:518 by Killall-		Average: 02:23:240
Race: course infernal			Record: 02:38:938 by Hand_Solo		Average: 03:10:259
Race: NorthPass				Record: 03:24:156 by _RicH_		Average: 03:43:892
Race: Wu Zi Mu				Record: 02:44:103 by Ronaldo		Average: 03:03:689
Race: Hot Desert			Record: 03:11:765 by Conspiceo(007)	Average: 03:54:474
Race: Blue_Skies			Record: 03:09:343 by Thanatos		Average: 03:43:723
Race: LS Airport			Record: 02:28:731 by Ascension		Average: 03:50:279
Race: Fear_of_Flying			Record: 04:31:375 by Stig		Average: 05:06:292
Race: J Petrol				Record: 00:55:609 by Stig		Average: 01:23:486
Race: GoFastFTW				Record: 01:00:110 by Roadkill		Average: 02:00:102
Race: NW_Downtown_Taxi			Record: 02:15:265 by Random		Average: 03:44:000
Race: Chase Bullet			Record: 02:27:313 by murry		Average: 04:35:768
Race: Follow_Follow_we_will_follow_CJ	Record: 03:26:531 by Stig		Average: 06:33:529
Race: MidAir Mayhem			Record: 01:31:797 by UltimA		Average: 01:44:997
Race: Street_Racin_Scots		Record: 02:33:000 by Thanatos		Average: 03:00:290
Race: ice_map1				Record: 02:17:265 by PacMaan		Average: 02:37:770
Race: Super Hydra Race			Record: 05:30:437 by ICE		Average: 06:49:323
Race: ChrML Easy			Record: 05:54:437 by Ronaldo		Average: 05:54:437
Race: surrealrallyraid			Record: 05:12:236 by Michael.be		Average: 05:31:987
Race: Taxi Drver			Record: 01:43:546 by Thanatos		Average: 01:58:372
Race: Dune Buggy			Record: 03:43:990 by Ronaldo		Average: 04:08:870
Race: MG1989s_MC_to_SF_Rally		Record: 04:05:210 by Thanatos		Average: 04:36:621
Race: Coach FTW				Record: 04:34:078 by _RicH_		Average: 09:34:459
Race: NW_Turbocharged			Record: 03:43:546 by AcidbRain		Average: 04:14:700
Race: Desert_Circuit			Record: 04:47:234 by played		Average: 05:05:405
Race: Smugglers Run V2			Record: 01:09:157 by Christina		Average: 02:28:870
Race: Blow the Dam			Record: 03:17:641 by [PP]ZR-350H	Average: 03:56:109
Race: Land_Sea_and_Air			Record: 07:39:337 by blast[uK]		Average: 604:09:162
Race: Unknown				Record: 00:32:172 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 02:26:157
Race: SFsunrise300			Record: 03:58:953 by plop		Average: 33:51:714
Race: Dockside BLASTAround		Record: 01:54:602 by D15(007)		Average: 02:15:590
Race: GrandPrix				Record: 08:10:734 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 08:55:206
Race: onetime_less_classic		Record: 01:52:672 by Stig		Average: 02:10:204
Race: Home in the Hills			Record: 02:21:359 by Thanatos		Average: 02:40:439
Race: Crash Course			Record: 02:42:453 by PacMaan		Average: 02:42:931
Race: Los_Santos_Drag			Record: 01:13:250 by Bill		Average: 01:29:780
Race: Funny Changes			Record: 04:57:305 by Wally		Average: 05:08:191
Race: MG1989s_Escape_from_Area_69	Record: 03:40:719 by Subman		Average: 03:54:701
Race: FreeWay				Record: 01:24:594 by Aaron		Average: 01:41:985
Race: Vegas_or_Bust			Record: 06:17:718 by $tig		Average: 06:24:238
Race: Special Delivery			Record: 02:04:375 by Stig		Average: 02:28:651
Race: Find the Cock			Record: 02:48:563 by Stig		Average: 03:08:928
Race: Offroad BLASTAround		Record: 03:40:844 by Thanatos		Average: 04:05:012
Race: I love to drive			Record: 01:46:328 by Stig		Average: 02:15:009
Race: Bay Area Circuit			Record: 03:27:625 by _RicH_		Average: 03:52:221
Race: Arse_Banditos			Record: 04:58:677 by Hand_Solo		Average: 05:04:576
Race: MassFlood				Record: 01:39:547 by UltimA		Average: 01:46:214
Race: nipples				Record: 02:51:343 by Stig		Average: 03:26:852
Race: Monaco				Record: 02:32:817 by Runner		Average: 03:02:294
Race: Sea Dragon			Record: 05:36:751 by Phant		Average: 07:12:402
Race: Bobcat BLASTAround		Record: 02:17:735 by [DNA]Willz		Average: 02:38:927
Race: sc.airkart			Record: 01:55:969 by [iTA]KeTaMiNe	Average: 02:24:707
Race: Degeneration Of X			Record: 07:13:681 by Lovely-Bill	Average: 07:51:727
Race: oldschoolRally			Record: 04:11:985 by Jam		Average: 05:22:182
Race: Monster BLASTAround		Record: 03:45:571 by Phant		Average: 00:00:000
Race: Errand				Record: 02:15:891 by serab		Average: 03:27:214
Race: Tear_It_Up			Record: 06:42:566 by The_Stig		Average: 06:50:523
Race: Miniputt				Record: 03:40:414 by THE_DARK_ONE	Average: 03:40:414
Race: Urban Safari			Record: 03:48:000 by Hand_Solo		Average: 03:57:025
Race: DB CatchmeIfYouCan0.1		Record: 01:53:860 by D15(007)		Average: 02:25:780
Race: master race			Record: 02:32:594 by UltimA		Average: 02:55:809
Race: newstonecity			Record: 03:08:298 by Roadkill		Average: 03:18:748
Race: 5Lap 8track			Record: 02:17:775 by [DNA]Willz		Average: 03:22:162
Race: NW_Roadrage			Record: 04:37:922 by SputniK|UK|	Average: 05:08:445
Race: High Speed Boat Racing		Record: 04:12:375 by Conspiceo(007)	Average: 04:32:662
Race: ChrML Hard			Record: 02:57:883 by Ronaldo		Average: 05:47:812
Race: CliffDrop				Record: 02:27:422 by Stig		Average: 02:42:673
Race: Rural Run				Record: 01:42:406 by Mitch[uK]		Average: 02:26:852
Race: BeachsideVC			Record: 03:39:273 by Siphersh[HUN]	Average: 03:58:291
Race: Casino Royale			Record: 04:55:203 by =TmM=DeeJee.sl	Average: 05:55:318
Race: Love Reloaded			Record: 02:36:328 by Stig		Average: 02:56:720
Race: PhattyRace			Record: 02:12:657 by Stig		Average: 02:28:173
Race: Hot Route				Record: 02:02:297 by Michael.be		Average: 04:03:604
Race: Bike-Race				Record: 01:14:047 by =TmM=Ryan		Average: 01:36:814
Race: Runway 69				Record: 01:44:453 by The_stig		Average: 03:48:558
Race: scenic_route			Record: 04:05:485 by plop		Average: 04:28:292
Race: glitch2				Record: 04:39:203 by Thanatos		Average: 05:12:603
Race: San_Fiero_Drag			Record: 01:40:703 by Rocket_Guns	Average: 01:56:056
Race: Turbo_Turns_10_lap		Record: 04:21:013 by FunkyMonkeyMan	Average: 04:21:649
Race: Smugglers Run			Record: 01:57:969 by blast[uK]		Average: 02:39:043
Race: michael_1_nrg_to_nrg		Record: 02:46:813 by {{AoA}}Hitman	Average: 03:25:994
Race: Vinewood BLASTAround		Record: 03:09:641 by Stig		Average: 03:31:308
Race: Death Rally Final			Record: 07:53:172 by O-Dog		Average: 08:01:539
Race: Airport_2_Airport			Record: 05:35:859 by Stig		Average: 06:02:544
Race: Broembroem			Record: 00:31:406 by =TmM=DEVIL		Average: 00:55:543
Race: Chris_thegtaplace_sf_to_gant	Record: 02:34:797 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 03:02:052
Race: Tims_Race				Record: 03:35:922 by Siphersh[HUN]	Average: 03:57:568
Race: Ryans_Rampage_v01			Record: 03:33:219 by BIGDW(Scotland)	Average: 04:14:627
Race: Farm_Kart_Race			Record: 01:45:000 by ICE		Average: 02:05:836
Race: mx_sky				Record: 01:35:945 by Roadkill		Average: 01:47:540
Race: Race_Around_LS			Record: 01:44:250 by Obsolete		Average: 02:51:063
Race: Sparrow Storm			Record: 03:39:454 by [FP]MAN[swe]	Average: 00:00:000
Race: Show_Me_The_Way_To_Go_Home	Record: 06:30:406 by gimpfarfar		Average: 07:05:782
Race: 3Lap Dirtring			Record: 03:01:388 by Serberus		Average: 03:17:663
Race: Figure_of_Death			Record: 02:00:906 by Stig		Average: 02:47:918
Race: Canal_Race_FCR_900		Record: 01:46:734 by UltimA		Average: 02:09:929
Race: Island				Record: 01:03:849 by Wally		Average: 01:03:849
Race: Farm2City				Record: 02:25:506 by Supernico		Average: 02:34:402
Race: sc.boatse				Record: 00:47:797 by Subman		Average: 00:52:322
Race: H2so4 - Uber Bullet racetrack	Record: 04:33:735 by Thanatos		Average: 05:22:341
Race: stardog_hugeramp_2		Record: 03:13:579 by Thanatos		Average: 04:00:268
Race: Sewers				Record: 02:02:724 by akghar		Average: 02:25:768
Race: LeVoyage				Record: 02:24:953 by UltimA		Average: 02:59:272
Race: Sandking				Record: 02:20:469 by blackdart		Average: 02:48:958
Race: Las_Venturas_Drag			Record: 01:17:032 by =TmM=DeeJee.sl	Average: 01:33:772
Race: Quarry Run			Record: 02:47:859 by Hand_Solo		Average: 03:17:790
Race: Strapstah_MADNESS			Record: 04:23:328 by Crazymunky_182	Average: 04:37:616
Race: LV Sprint				Record: 01:51:875 by blast[uK]		Average: 02:27:786
Race: Airstrip_Ace			Record: 01:59:375 by Thanatos		Average: 02:16:174
Race: San Fierro 47			Record: 02:44:344 by MicWar[PL]		Average: 03:04:578
Race: Lost_11				Record: 06:44:875 by Ted		Average: 07:26:286
Race: Roadkills_quick_SA_tour		Record: 08:14:813 by bandit		Average: 08:41:505
Race: LS Trenches			Record: 03:11:468 by Stig		Average: 04:00:241
Race: Chiliad				Record: 06:03:641 by Organspender	Average: 06:16:876
Race: RaceTop				Record: 02:01:032 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 02:08:914
Race: 3 Lap Dirtring			Record: 02:44:000 by UltimA		Average: 03:06:063
Race: Dock Bikes			Record: 02:44:093 by blast[uK]		Average: 03:20:496
Race: Beefcake				Record: 04:46:219 by ICE		Average: 05:18:645
Race: Race_Around_SF			Record: 02:32:797 by ICE		Average: 03:09:022
Race: PP				Record: 02:45:375 by BIGDW(Scotland)	Average: 04:15:258
Race: Caddy_Capers			Record: 01:46:469 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 02:07:670
Race: Suburban Speedway			Record: 01:24:625 by D15(007)		Average: 01:40:261
Race: Squalo Race			Record: 02:32:265 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 02:49:156
Race: GoFast_mayhem2			Record: 02:34:985 by =TmM=DuffBeer	Average: 02:36:852
Race: ice_map2				Record: 02:03:453 by Siphersh[HUN]	Average: 02:16:838
Race: 10 Lap Hotring			Record: 02:28:094 by HumanTraffiC	Average: 02:45:986
Race: sc.farmattack			Record: 03:03:578 by Random		Average: 03:27:368
Race: Farewell My Love			Record: 02:33:578 by D15(007)		Average: 02:55:671
Race: 5 Lap 8-track			Record: 02:09:031 by Mitch[uK]		Average: 02:40:013
Race: Drift				Record: 01:56:078 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 02:14:733
Race: 5 Checkpoints			Record: 02:31:891 by =TmM=DeeJee.sl	Average: 03:12:081
Race: rammingspeed			Record: 04:39:531 by gimpfarfar		Average: 05:37:488
Race: Chiliad Climb			Record: 04:43:125 by Stig		Average: 05:40:670
Race: draclsdocksv2			Record: 03:26:860 by Stig		Average: 03:52:461
Race: SF by Night			Record: 01:31:438 by Green{xXx}Sabre	Average: 03:00:820
Race: Quarry_Smash			Record: 09:56:922 by deadtoaster2	Average: 00:00:000
Race: Predator Zone			Record: 02:21:266 by Thanatos		Average: 02:22:626
Race: Rustler Rampage			Record: 02:08:218 by UltimA		Average: 02:41:317
Race: MarathonEnd			Record: 06:10:063 by PacMaan		Average: 07:10:643
Race: nowayout				Record: 07:10:375 by Spoonman		Average: 07:56:657
Race: sc.motocross			Record: 02:48:016 by The_stig		Average: 00:00:000
Race: sc.airspurt			Record: 02:41:532 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 00:00:000
Race: The_RollerCoaster			Record: 02:56:078 by -Huntyz-		Average: 03:13:708
Race: Lights_Camera_Traction		Record: 00:37:031 by {sq}Javacat	Average: 01:07:666
Race: CHRIS_TOWER_REVAMP		Record: 04:16:922 by Aaron		Average: 05:22:244
Race: Beach_Rally			Record: 06:12:391 by _RicH_		Average: 06:26:784
Race: The Panopticon			Record: 02:08:469 by PacMaan		Average: 03:06:998
Race: Endurance_racing			Record: 12:32:656 by D15(007)		Average: 12:38:852
Race: Sea Hopping			Record: 02:35:813 by [FM]-Alex-Weazel	Average: 00:00:000
Race: Rampin_it				Record: 04:17:484 by Celes		Average: 05:15:719
Race: multi kart			Record: 03:06:219 by blast[uK]		Average: 03:25:227
Race: WeazelFTW				Record: 01:14:766 by =TmM=DeeJee.sl	Average: 01:28:788
Race: NW_Downtown_Sports		Record: 02:53:844 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 03:17:879
Race: Dinghy Falls			Record: 00:57:844 by Toastman		Average: 01:15:099
Race: KartGPv1				Record: 02:34:579 by SputniK|UK|	Average: 02:47:663
Race: Huntley Hazzard			Record: 04:57:500 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 04:57:500
Race: The Sex Pit			Record: 02:49:344 by Suphafly		Average: 03:01:740
Race: NEW_BIG_CITY			Record: 02:18:469 by Serega		Average: 02:33:104
Race: DB Ownage Car			Record: 02:28:906 by N0T0Ri0U$_Z	Average: 02:28:906
Race: WooHoo				Record: 01:23:969 by Wally		Average: 01:40:027
Race: MarathonStart			Record: 04:46:719 by Stig		Average: 05:04:038
Race: rockandstone1			Record: 02:30:281 by whatnow		Average: 02:35:647
Race: GT TH Boom			Record: 00:15:453 by [DNA]Willz		Average: 00:35:196
Race: V Rally				Record: 03:16:156 by omena		Average: 03:20:649
Race: Spaghetti Karting			Record: 02:35:672 by gimpfarfar		Average: 02:51:206
Race: hunted				Record: 03:18:938 by serab		Average: 03:29:922
Race: The Loop the Loop mk2		Record: 02:46:313 by MASUkills[GER]	Average: 02:46:337
Race: Choo Choo				Record: 04:01:860 by One_Again		Average: 04:14:157
Race: Eagle's MOD v2			Record: 00:34:766 by murry		Average: 00:49:457
Race: AnyHolesAGoal			Record: 02:21:343 by Stig		Average: 02:32:890
Race: A Car and Bike Race		Record: 05:23:531 by UltimA		Average: 05:27:026
Race: AltDerby				Record: 02:35:468 by -=[PM]=-Mike	Average: 03:29:653
Race: 5lap 8track LagParty		Record: 03:20:750 by Oelschisser	Average: 03:30:797
Race: crashme				Record: 00:39:265 by DaveHedgehog	Average: 00:48:894
Race: Airport Dogfight			Record: 02:05:484 by Siphersh[HUN]	Average: 02:20:078
Race: a right mission			Record: 02:14:625 by Satan2k		Average: 02:31:705

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Race: Long Way Round Record: 01:46:485 by Wally Average: 07:02:437

1 minute 46 seconds?


Hydra Race: 01:53.47 norby89

Technical Itch: 02:56.72 TravisDane

Santos Drive: 03:08.57 BloodyHell[NL]

Wu Zi Mu: 02:40.76 Green{...}Sabre

ChrML Easy: 04:08.45 driver2

Blow the Dam: 03:15.16 driver2

Smugglers Run: 01:53.81 exo_KeKs[ger]

Farm2City: 02:00.84 driver2

Quarry Run: 02:46.75 Siphersh[HUN]

Dock Bikes: 02:43.48 Green{xXx}Sabre

Love Reloaded: 02:28.24 [s.0.s]Katama|L|

I've only checked a few..

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  driver2 said:
Race: Long Way Round Record: 01:46:485 by Wally Average: 07:02:437

that is either 14:64:850 or somebody was using the OKW progream.. :roll:


Race: PP Record: 02:45:375 by BIGDW(Scotland) Average: 04:15:258

no way O_O.. I think the fastest way to complete this map is using the rustler.. but still, 2:45 is pretty fast.. GJ! :P

there's another possibility, maybe he used the tank..

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How the **** can this be possible!?

Race: Airport Dogfight         Record: 02:05:484 by Siphersh[HUN]   Average:

Maybe he killed everybody else on this time???

but shoulded it stands how many players then???

I dont get it :?

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Just get MTAmA and on signal startrace get $ticks and set var %finished 0 and if % [ $+ [ mapname ] ].record == $null set % [ $+ [ mapname ] ].record 0, then on signal finish get $ticks again if %finished == 0 and then set %finished 1. The second time take the first time gives you the finish time. If this finish time < % [ $+ [ mapname ] ].record or % [ $+ [ mapname ] ].record == 0 set % [ $+ [ mapname ] ].record to the finish time.

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  Rufuz said:
How the **** can this be possible!?

Race: Airport Dogfight         Record: 02:05:484 by Siphersh[HUN]   Average:

Maybe he killed everybody else on this time???

but shoulded it stands how many players then???

I dont get it :?

Easy, go on really early in the morning when the server has less players. I would'nt really count DM maps.

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can someone send me that rekord script (best times on map)

i have that script but with this is something wrong



i'm having these errors


* /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 18, mta.stats2.mrc)


* /writeini: insufficient parameters (line 45, mta.stats2.mrc)


someone can fix it ??


i fixed line 18 but when i finish race with good time and restart it i have best time 00.00.000 :cry:

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  [ION]Leviathan said:
dingy falls record only that slow? :roll:

my m8 and me both got under it...


Come to think about it, that is version 2. Version 2 is a shorted down version of dinghy falls. It's imposable to do a quicker time then 46 seconds on dinghy falls (latest version).

btw, woulden't it be better if the mta center have some type of live record holding system insted of posting the records here?

Edited by Guest
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  True_spin said:
please tell me which script I have to load in mta.mrc. I found a stats script, but it just remembers how often a race was played. Nothing with record-times...:(

is the one the post above one?

If you read the updater news, yes.

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