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MTA Still Sucks...



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since you seem to lock all my forums, I just wanted to make a new one... youll probably lock this one also.

First I NEVER said anything about not being able to program, I just said I DIDNT do it. Why make anything, takes too much time. I know C++ and VBE. How can you say that I dont like it cause I didnt read the readme? wtf thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. I read the PDF, and I connected to a server, It sucked, GTA3 isnt a MP game, the map is way to big. The coolest thing about your mod is the credits. About desert combat, I was stating that because someone somewhere said ( an admin ) that MTA sucks cause its in beta stage, so I listed a mod thats good in alpha stage. Has nothing to do with the way they wrote it, or what SDK they had. San Angeles doesnt have an SDK... multiplayer isnt that hard to do, no matter what anyone says... multiplayer is simply the connection between client and host, bigass whoopie. Its not programming an os. When GTA is ready for MP again, Im sure R* will make it as fun as the first 2.

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uh... huh. you don't seem to realize... MTA requires writing a brand-new net code, and reverse-engineering everything.

Desert Combat was a LOT simpler in comparison to MTA. If you want to take the time to bother one of the DC creators, they will tell you MTA is far more difficult.

Battlefield 1942 is a multiplayer game. It already has a solid netcode, connection system, physics, etc.

Making comparisons to DC is just stupid. It is a completely different process to mod BF1942.

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couldn't help but note that you say

"do you think if Rockstar thought that GTA3 was ready for multiplayer, they would have made it? They knew that GTA3 was too laggy to do it."

they didn't drop it because it was too hard. they dropped MP because sony told them to... they thought it would undermine the sales of the PS2 version.

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god some ppl are so demanding and stupid... They only ever see whats on the surface and never appreciate what is actually being done by the mod team. DC LOOKS good because all the DC ppl have to deal with is mostly graphics and modelling (not that thats easy mind you). MTA has to deal with code they dont actually see, and need to access the program's memory space and all that when it wasn't actually designed to do this. that is HARD. I don't know how else to explain this to you, except maybe tell you to shut up and go back into your little hole if you keep complaining on THEIR site. Go bother someone else if you don't like this. I, for one, reckon they've done an awesome job.

GW MTA Team!

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kop, you got the right idea right there! (see, flaimng idiots brings out the god side of people :) )

I think we should just ignore these people because if they cant see what good of a job mta did, their obivosly to stupid to understand what were saying.

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are you a dimwit? I just said the only reason I compared DC and MTA cause DC is the first thing I thought of in BETA or alpha stage, that doesnt mean they are exactly the same thing... I realize that it takes something from scratch, I think anyone could get that... and I didnt take the time to read the rest of your post or any of the asskissers posts, cause I honestly dont care, but you really seem to... Its not worth my time to read about how Joenewbie has his head so far up the admins ass hes coming out his mouth. So pucker up guys, get ready to kiss ass! GTA3 MP sucked, and still sucks, and will continue to suck until something worth the 2 second download is available, which by that time R* would make a worthwhile MP GTA 3D... so admins, just stop replying, Ive said what I want to say to you and I dont read your replys, so just dont take your precious "programming" time.

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lol just read some guys post about how "we should ignore these idiots" or something. Dude pull your head out of your ass, you say that MTA is great and everyone who says otherwise is wrong, well that sounds like opinion, Im not sitting here going: It sucks, then someone says no, then I say yes..etc. but everyone does that in reply, truth is I dont give a fuck what you think, I could give a rats ass what you like and dont like.. 500 fucking posts, have you no life? stop replying, cause Im in stiches, you guys are too conceeded... why does everyone keep saying flame this and flaming that, wtf is that some new out of country saying?

Also as for MTA being a work of art, and I dont understand whats going on in the background, thats bull shit, because I do know whats going on, and I do know what it does and has to do... I really doubt you know, because umm youd probably be making another MP mod right now, since your so obsessed with this one.

ONCE AGAIN THE ONLY REASON I REFRENCED TO DC IS BECAUSE IT IS ALPHA STAGE, NOT THAT IS HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOUR BLESSED PROGRAMMING. so stfu about that, its annoying, I thought I made that clear... but obviously all those late nights staying up to complete this pos must have fried your brain...

you guys really need to get laid...

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kop, no one else besides you guys care about this fucking mod, so why would I go somewhere else? Im not trying to make you cry or hurt your feelings, Im just saying that MTA sucks, that doest require your extremely hurtful remarks to me, "go back to your hole" that gets me, o man, I was in tears :lol: its so hard to type, seeing you guys freak out and get so mad about this, its just an opinion...

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instead of a MTA sucks thread tell us how it can be improved

flame threads do absolutly nothing but provoke flames back.

Make suggestions on how to improve the game. I mean, the game is still in development and you can improve it with your constructive critisism instead of flames.

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  3dfx said:
since you seem to lock all my forums, I just wanted to make a new one... youll probably lock this one also.

First I NEVER said anything about not being able to program, I just said I DIDNT do it. Why make anything, takes too much time. I know C++ and VBE.

ok mr. bigshot, why won't you just stfu and and create your own multiplayer mod for GTA3 since you know C++ and VBE, but too lazy or retarded to use your vast knowledge in computer programming... if i had some of your knowledge in C++ and VBE i know i would try to make my own Multi Mod...

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  3dfx said:
Im not sitting here going: It sucks, then someone says no, then I say yes..etc. but everyone does that in reply, truth is I dont give a fuck what you think, I could give a rats ass what you like and dont like.. 500 fucking posts, have you no life?

If you don't care...then why'd you make this thread?

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  • MTA Team

comparing MTA to another mp mod is just bullshit, we don't have an SDK, we don't have a netcode, hell we didn't even have the me adressess we need. We had to start from scratch. Everything is highly experimental cause it is the first time we are doing this. We are using a third version of our netcode and a fourth version of movement in 0.3 . It could still take months be4 we have something that works like a real mp game.

In 0.3.5 we will have a brand ne netcode which is coming from a programmer who is doing the netcode for a MMO game so it should be more stable, reduce the lag and improve the sync.

If you like mp games and you wonna try the challenge we are doing? build a mp mod for a game like enter the matrix and have fun!

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3dfx all you do is whine :cry::cry::cry: all day long, you don't like mta? no one forces you to be here, unless you got something relevant to post except those usless "mta sux" posts i suggest you go spam somewhere else


whats up with your nazi avatar?

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3dfx, I neverr though someone could be so thick, you take another mod, and you say they did bet and its awsome and we did sucks, and then later you say its the only thing you could think of that has relations to do with mta, weell gueswhat? IT DOSN"T YOU FUCKWAD, it, had mp already done, model texturing nothing I can't do in HL! and you compair it, to a mod, that has to TOTALY make its own mp, consoles, people spawining EVERYTHING and you say that that special mod, the second, MTA sucks, because they have a bit of lag and a few problems, I bet you were one of those people who begged for a new hl patch asap, then when it came out bitched about every single fucking bug there was, I mean, your an idiot, a fucking retard, the biggest I've ever seen, and yet you have a TOTAL forum against you and you keep on going, blindly, deeper and deeper in the whole you go because you can see were not the idiots, but you are, so I say to you 3dfx, keep the fuck off the forum and dont ever come back, because no one likes you and no one ever will.

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