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So, with the release of blue looking so ever sooner. Does blue have any anti-cheating implemented? Will we expect a large cheating community? Because of the fact it's only racing I can see a lot of people ready for using cheats.

Also, just read your going to release the SDK. Will that have some problems that will come backstab you with cheating?

Not a fan of the cheating community that has came with GTA online (MTA,VCMP) despise them all.

So will we expect less cheating?

Not an expert on programming what so ever, but is it not possible to have somebody on the team, search for cheats and change what is needed? then release small updates? I know that might sound crazy, but just something from the top of my head.


I obviously know cheating will always happen, just asking if there is any protection against it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  [XG]Shadow said:
but if they are cheating they cant be killed :?:

.. :?

I think you must plant in a cheat detector for spead and health like that :)

most cheaters can indeed be killed, and it is soooo satisfying when you get em. Cheaters in general really really suck at playing and there are ways of taking em out of the game.

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  Slothman said:
  [XG]Shadow said:
but if they are cheating they cant be killed :?:

.. :?

I think you must plant in a cheat detector for spead and health like that :)

most cheaters can indeed be killed, and it is soooo satisfying when you get em. Cheaters in general really really suck at playing and there are ways of taking em out of the game.

I think Harry meant killing them IRL. :P

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  • MTA Team
  Slothman said:
  [XG]Shadow said:
but if they are cheating they cant be killed :?:

.. :?

I think you must plant in a cheat detector for spead and health like that :)

most cheaters can indeed be killed, and it is soooo satisfying when you get em. Cheaters in general really really suck at playing and there are ways of taking em out of the game.

True :)

I was able to pwn cheaters in ET (who had wallhax, aimbot and who knows what else :P) many times, just because they've sucked at game 8)

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  • 1 month later...
  njr1489 said:
You can expect a lot of cheating if a lot of people know about that certain site. MTA can always be cracked, there is no such thing as an uncrackable software. It could take one man to do it all. Just hope that a lot of people don't know about cheating.

True. But could it be found that someone is cheating? Like put a really safe software into Blue. Just like the trainer. But even more professional - Can the Blue Platform SA builders do this somehow?

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  Jayster said:
  njr1489 said:
You can expect a lot of cheating if a lot of people know about that certain site. MTA can always be cracked, there is no such thing as an uncrackable software. It could take one man to do it all. Just hope that a lot of people don't know about cheating.

True. But could it be found that someone is cheating? Like put a really safe software into Blue. Just like the trainer. But even more professional - Can the Blue Platform SA builders do this somehow?

Even if cheating detection doesnt work, it'll be always possible to ban. You cant crack bans as they arent on your own pc.

Perhaps it's a good idea to implent a generally ban system who bans the person from all servers there are if cheating is detected by several clients of people who are in the servers ( don't know if that'd be possible ).

Something like we have in GRS, which has a file that contains banned adresses of known cheaters.

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  s0beit said:
well with a SDK comes a whole new level of cheating that i think few are acually capable of.

so dont expect any good cheats for MTA Blue as the few people that could possibly accomplish this have lost interest in the mod a while ago.

I think they have a solution on cheating detection of the SDK. However, they said they dont wanna limit anyone in doing what they like, so if anyone makes a server which is set-up for cheating, it is allowed. I only think they'll use the same cheat detection that they have now to prevent cheaters from coming into servers where it isn't allowed to cheat.

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  xGj said:
  s0beit said:
well with a SDK comes a whole new level of cheating that i think few are acually capable of.

so dont expect any good cheats for MTA Blue as the few people that could possibly accomplish this have lost interest in the mod a while ago.

I think they have a solution on cheating detection of the SDK. However, they said they dont wanna limit anyone in doing what they like, so if anyone makes a server which is set-up for cheating, it is allowed. I only think they'll use the same cheat detection that they have now to prevent cheaters from coming into servers where it isn't allowed to cheat.

its not the acual sdk full compiled libraries that are in jeopardy of being manipulated.

its not like any kind of cheat that has been developed before, for MTA anyway.

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