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MTA SA Development and Progress

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It seems to me that the developers are spending to much time developing parts of the game that are not needed. I feel they should be concentrating firstly on making a game that lets us do the basics and then introduce race's etc on updates, would save alot of waiting around.

one of the demos I saw showed vehicles changing each time they went through the red beems (dont know the correct terminolgy) this to me seems a total waste of time to the kind of work that really needs to be done to get the ball rolling.

I for one was a keen player of mta vc since version 3.x came out but I have lost intrest over the last 5 months waiting for new updates , theres only so much you can take of a game untill you get bored.

thought id come in and rant and rave as I have nothing else better to do with my time.

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  • MTA Team
It seems to me that the developers are spending to much time developing parts of the game that are not needed.

You can't tell, on what they're working atm, they're doing whatever they think and want to make this mp mod good.

I feel they should be concentrating firstly on making a game that lets us do the basics and then introduce race's etc on updates, would save alot of waiting around.

Well, thats what they're doing right now. Instead of keeping us, waiting a several months for a stable, full mp mod which has all the features it needs + many others, they're giving us a possibility to play something that shows capabilities of blue, is playable and also, can be released MUCH EARLIER than the full-featured mod, after what, they can freely work on other features (footsync for example)

And about this:

agreed. Thats what gtat did, they released a crappy version to beat all others

Don't worry, QA Team will make sure that it is NOT crappy :)

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I assure you everything that is going into the racemode is relevant to MTA on the whole.

The vehicle changing code is a way to show off blue's abilities, as well as a way for us to verify that everything is stable as well..

this is very importnat to us because if our code isn't stable, then the SDK concept will never work.. so we have to write at least some code to test as many features of what we've already accomplished in the SDK as we can.


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On one hand, we have people who want a release now, on the other we have people who want a full featured release (now if possible). Obviously, as Kent says, its hard for us to develop a fully SDK without somthing to test with - so we decided to develop the race modification as a base to test with and as somthing the community might find a bit fun. The reason we chose a race instead of DM is because its faster to do, we don't need to worry about weapons for example, and concequently, we'll have somthing we can release for people to play with sooner rather than later. Thats not to say that the work put into the race modification isn't useful - it'll all be useable for DM too (that has cars, doesn't it?) and I'm sure racing will be popular even when a DM mod comes out.

Anyway, I hope this explains things.

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agreed. Thats what gtat did, they released a crappy version to beat all others

oh my god, you didn't seem to pay much attention in the gtat topic did you :shock: ? same thing for the mta blog.

both teams have said, that there is no competition (which is true; one reason is, that they do it for free, and it's not their job).

and look at the mta blog again, you'll see 3 topics related to betatesting, they even have a special team specifically for betatesting! so it seems like the mta team has learned from mta 0.5.

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I agree with the first post. I think there is time being used to develop parts of the game that are not needed yet. They couldn't finish blue VC in time, so now they ended up having to develop a race mod for SA. I don't really think this race mod is a good idea IMO. How many races can you play until you get bored even if you can make your own?

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njr1489: Some people on the dev team would prefer to release everything at once - SDK, all features, etc. However, this would take a long time and they don't feel that the community should put up with the older core for that length of time as it is starting to show its age in later releases (0.4, 0.5).

Working on a smaller scale means that both development and testing are more manageable and therefore more productive. A race mod is a good starting point because deathmatch has lots of elements to it which increases both development and testing time. By focusing on one particular element (vehicles), the team are easing their workload because they can donate more time to other elements when creating deathmatch.

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I agree with the first post. I think there is time being used to develop parts of the game that are not needed yet. They couldn't finish blue VC in time, so now they ended up having to develop a race mod for SA. I don't really think this race mod is a good idea IMO. How many races can you play until you get bored even if you can make your own?

why do u post the same thing over and over so much?

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Heh its always the same, people complain if they dont get to play the game early enough and they will complain if its released early and full of bugs *shrug*

Multi theft auto is all about fun IMO and all these little extras there making for ***US*** will make the game so much better. Just wait it out i guarantee it will be worth it :D

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