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Google Talk! Google steps into the IM realm.


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I've heard this on 2 other forums, and yeah it's still on beta stage but it will be much better than MSN that is so buggy now, and i think MSN is much better than ICQ, Yahoo whatver but it's buggy. I'm going to install Mac OS soon on my comp so i hope this Messenger works there so i will have it instead of MSN 8)

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Yahoo ain't buggy at all,it's quite nice,user-friendly has a lot of doodads,audibles,avatars,launch-cast radio IMVironments etc,this is great compared to the prehistoric AIM for instance...MSN is wierd...dunno aboug bugs i used it for a week or two.Yahoo all the way.Still,can't wait for google :)

"They say talk is cheap.Google thinks it should be free" 8)

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Like the bunny in my sig it is :) If you can't get an invitation that's u're buisness but google looks best,nice colours,interface etc.even gmail,it has SO SO much stuff that others don't have...POP3 is KEWL you can check your mail using your cell phone,google rocks if they make a good IM program that'll be the best...allready google must be the most frequently used search engine,i do belive the im progr will be popular

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yea the system is pretty janky. I dont use it anyways, I dont need no gb of mail space and I think it looks horrid.

hell yeah, pop3 is so damn ugly

I was referring to the layout for service but, power to ya. Most people just like to show off a gmail account because it can hold more, even though most normal human beings dont even reach yahoo, hotmail, etc. 100mb limits.

I like how ICQ lets you leave messages to people that are offline, thats awesome. Too bad the popular clients don't have this feature.

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