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Everything posted by MrKAREEM

  1. not a problem when you use OnClientPlayerTarget Check if IsPedAiming for check if the player aiming with a weapon then check if the target in OnClientPlayerTarget is NPC and if it was then use GetElementPosition for get the position of the NPC then CreateMarker with the position of the NPC and when you enter the checkpoint OnClientMarkerHit use GuiSetVisible
  2. Installing_and_Running_MTASA_Server_on_GNU_Linux
  3. What does NPC mean ? but u can use these events : OnClientPlayerTarget IsPedAiming CreateMarker OnClientMarkerHit OnClientMarkerLeave ( IF you want to do something when he leave the checkpoint ) GuiSetVisible at the end you must create a window using guieditor and add buttons to it then when the player enter the marker use guiSetVisible for showing it hope i helped u
  4. SetElementID GetElementID Você pode usar isso
  5. local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local browser = guiCreateBrowser( screenW * 0.7853, screenH * 0.3594, screenW * 0.2277, screenH * 0.3125, true, true, false) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser( browser ) addEvent("mostrarJanelaGangster", true) addEventHandler("mostrarJanelaGangster", root, function ( ) loadBrowserURL( theBrowser, "http://mta/pickups_e_markers_das_bases/window_gang.html" ) end) function criarMarkerGang( x, y, z ) marker = createMarker(x, y, z , "cylinder", 1, 255, 255, 255, 255) return marker end mkg1 = criarMarkerGang(1761.84765625, -1921.3272705078, 22.555364608765) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, function(element) if element and element == source then triggerClientEvent(source, "mostrarJanelaGangster",source) end end)
  6. SetPlayerNametagShowing IsPlayerNametagShowing
  7. OnClientMarkerHit function MarkerHit ( hitPlayer ) if (hitPlayer) and (hitPlayer == localPlayer) then -- check if there a hitPlayer or element hit the marker and the element That hit == the localPlayer -- outputChatBox ('you have entered the marker',255,255,0) -- simple message for him -- end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), MarkerHit )
  8. لما يتكلم في الشات اعمل تحقق بإن اللاعب مش موجود في الانتيريور او الديمنشن الخاص بالسجن GetElementDimension GetElementInterior واذا كان التحقق انه بالسجن الغي الايفينت CancelEvent


    can you explain more pls ?
  10. Você pode estar usando o método errado para substituir os modelos e exibi-los no jogo
  11. creating a txd file using txd work shop for converting to mta read about that EngineLoadTXD EngineImportTXD EngineLoadDFF EngineReplaceModel EngineReplaceCOL EngineLoadCOL for loading & replacing gta models with your custom model , hope i help u ?
  12. بحثت لك عنها اعتقد اسمها اخيل
  13. كانت بتحصلي كتير واليومين دول زادت اعتقد بسبب الجو وان الراوتر بيسخن من كتر ماهو شغال 24 ساعة حاول انك في الوقت اللي بتنام فيه او مش بتستعمل النت انك تطفي الراوتر بحيث انه ميفضلش شغال وقت طويل لو الحل اللي قلتلك عليه منفعش كلم شركة النت وشوف معاها حل ممكن يكون العطل من عندهم
  14. Lua para clint y servidor y meta Identifica archivos para usar en el servidor
  15. Verifique viciante usando IsObjectInACLGroup ou HasObjectPermissionTo
  16. I don’t know what this line means, but you’re supposed to know if not localPlayer:getData("aduty") then return end but if u want to add it to admins only so u can use these IsObjectInACLGroup or HasObjectPermissionTo
  17. تاكد انك ضفت التكسشر في التكسد او تاكد من انك ظبطت التكسشر في الزيد موديلر او لا + ان الصورة المستخدمة في التعديل داخل البرنامج نفس الصورة اللي ضفتها بالتكسد
  18. guiStaticImageSetMovable الوظيفة تحرك الصور مثل اللوحات العادية function guiSetStaticImageMovable(Element,state) if Element and state then if getElementType ( Element ) == "gui-staticimage" and state == true or state == false then setElementData(Element,'Movable',state) end end end addEventHandler( "onClientGUIMouseDown", getRootElement( ), function ( btn, x, y ) if btn ~= "left" then return end if not getElementData(source,'Movable') then return end clickedElement = source; local elementPos = { guiGetPosition( source, false ) }; offsetPos = { x - elementPos[ 1 ], y - elementPos[ 2 ] }; end ); addEventHandler( "onClientGUIMouseUp", getRootElement( ), function ( btn, x, y ) if btn ~= "left" then return end clickedElement = nil; end ); addEventHandler( "onClientCursorMove", getRootElement( ), function ( _, _, x, y ) if not clickedElement then return end guiSetPosition( clickedElement, x - offsetPos[ 1 ], y - offsetPos[ 2 ], false ); end ); مثال للطريقة movable = guiCreateStaticImage(353, 318, 250, 188, ":guieditor/images/examples/mtalogo.png", false) guiSetStaticImageMovable(movable,true) -- تتحرك static = guiCreateStaticImage(819, 318, 250, 188, ":guieditor/images/examples/mtalogo.png", false) guiSetStaticImageMovable(static,false) -- لا تتحرك
  19. you try to remove event that not exist in the current file so you should use call functions Call if you already have exported the function so make sure you have exported the function render and check the meta if you add the export in it then then try again
  20. usar string.gsub addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() local nome = getPlayerName(source) local novoNome = string.gsub( nome, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) if (novoNome ~= nome) then setPlayerName(source, novoNome) end end
  21. você pode usar esta função útil DxDrawTextOnElement
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