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Everything posted by Hydra
Version 1.5.0 (FINAL) - Improved lighting system - Removed some useless lighting from previous versions - Removed activation message & command - The lighting will start automatically at 21:00 and will stop at 07:00 Download Link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18637
time.hour >= 1 // Means if the real hour is equal or higher than 1 time.hour < 3 // Means if the real hour is lower than 3
you could achieve this with timestamp if i'm not wrong
Buna ziua, as dori sa va prezint un VIP Panel realizat in DX (vreau sa mentionez ca acest panou este mai potrivit pe serverele freeroam). Există 3 pachete pentru acest panou VIP: Pachetul #1 Preț: 10$ Euro (Numai prin PayPal!) Conține: Diverse: - Interfață DX clasică (tip pătrat) - Conține câteva informații: numele jucătorului și câte persoane VIP sunt pe server Jucător: - Statistici maxime (aproape toate statisticile GTA:SA vor fi maximizate) - Viață (Veți seta 200% viață) - Armură (veți seta 200% armură) - Invizibil (vei fi invizibil) - Animație pentru invizibilitate - Jetpack (veți putea activa/dezactiva jetpack) - Godmode (Veți fi invincibil, dar nu veți putea ucide alți jucători) - VIP Blip (Veți fi vizibil pe hartă cu un blip diferit de jucătorii normali) Vehicul: - Va exista o listă cu unele vehicule pe care le puteți crea ca VIP (Puteți adăuga/elimina vehicule din vehicles.xml) - Distruge (mașina ta VIP va fi distrusă) - Blocare/Deblocare (Veți putea bloca/debloca mașina dvs. VIP, dar nu pe cele normale din panoul de administrare sau din alte resurse) - Motor (Veți putea opri/porni motorul mașinii VIP) - Lumini (veți putea aprinde/stinge farurile mașinii tale VIP) - Teleportare în vehicul (Vă veți putea teleporta în mașina dvs. VIP dacă este creată) - Animație invizibilă la mașină - Car Rainbow (culoarea la masină se va schimba aleatoriu) Pachetul #2 Preț: 10$ Euro (Numai prin PayPal!) Conține: Totul de la pachetul #1, dar interfața va fi rotunjită la colțuri Pachetul #3 Preț: 20$ Euro (Numai prin PayPal!) Conține: Totul de la pachetul #1 și pachetul #2 + - Stil (un buton unde puteți schimba tipul de interfață (Clasic sau Modern)) - Temă (un buton unde puteți schimba culoarea interfeței) Puteți derula în sus/jos dacă adăugi mai multe mașini în vehicles.xml NOTĂ: Vreau să menționez că scriptul va fi compilat pentru că nu vreau ca alții să facă sisteme folosind codul meu Putem vorbi doar pe Discord (Discordul meu: Hydra45#6859) Videoclipuri/Imagini: Video:
Hi, I would like to present you a VIP Panel made in DX (I want to mention that this panel is more suitable on freeroam servers). There are 3 packages for this VIP Panel: Package #1 Price: 10$ Euros (Only via PayPal!) Contain: Misc: - Classic DX interface (square type) - It contains some information: the name of the player and how many VIPs are on the server Player: - Max Stats (Almost all GTA:SA stats will be maxed) - Health (You will set 200% health) - Armour (You will set 200% armour) - Invisible (You will be invisible) - Invisible Animation (Smooth invisible animation) - Jetpack (You will can enable/disable jetpack) - Godmode (You will be invincible but you will not be able to kill other players - VIP Blip (You will be visible on the map with a different blip from normal players) Vehicle: - There will be a list with some vehicles you can spawn as VIP (You can add/remove vehicles from vehicles.xml) - Destroy (Your vip car will be destroyed) - Lock/Unlock (You will can lock/unlock your vip car but not the normal ones from admin panel or other resources) - Engine (You will be able to stop/start your vip car engine) - Lights (You will be able to turn on/off the headlights of your vip car) - Warp in vehicle (You will be able to warp in your vip car if it's spawned) - Car Invisible Animation (Smooth invisible animation) - Car Rainbow (Smooth car color changer) Package #2 Price: 10$ Euros (Only via PayPal!) Contain: Everything from Package #1 but the interface will be rounded at corners Package #3 Price: 20$ Euros (Only via PayPal!) Contain: Everything from Package #1 and Package #2 + - Style (A button where you can change the type of interface (Classic or Modern) ) - Theme (A button where you can change the interface color from Dark to Light or from Light to Dark) You can scroll up/down if you add more cars in vehicles.xml NOTE: I want to mention that the script will be compiled because I do not want others to make systems using my code We can talk only on Discord(My discord: Hydra45#6859) Videos/Images: Video:
Hello @BadDawg, here are some hosting servers: https://multitheftauto.com/hosters/
Just copy the acl.xml file from your original server to the second one like I said above, it's the only option or just copy and paste the text
trigger the bindkey from client to server and use ACL for permissions
You could just copy the acl.xml file from the original server to the second one
Client: local MIN_VALUE = 0 local MAX_VALUE = 15 function RenderShakeEffect() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity(vehicle) local actualspeed = (vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2)^(0.5) local kmh = actualspeed * 180 if kmh >= 300 then setCameraShakeLevel(math.random(MIN_VALUE,MAX_VALUE)) else setCameraShakeLevel(0) end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, RenderShakeEffect)
Even if you posted the error in the title, it would be ok to tell the people more informations about this issue. They will understand exactly what is wrong there.
In my opinion, the best option is to contact the author and tell this issue to him. ?
Salutare, acum cateva luni am descoperit o firma de host pentru diferite jocuri(include si MTA) care este 100% gratuit si plata se va face cu puncte virtuale de la ei pe forum. Mai multe detalii puteti gasi la acest post: Am vrut sa promovez aceasta firma(comunitate) si pe sectiunea romaneasca daca tot sunt translator pentru limba romana la ei ?
setPedAttack(ped theElement, target element theTarget, weapon theWeapon, ammo theAmmo, slot thePedSlot) Link: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedAttack setPedFollow(ped theElement, target element theTarget) Link: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedFollow ATENȚIE: Aceste functii merg doar client-side momentan
Mi-am facut un website pentru asta cu toate informatiile (rog un moderator sa inlocuiasca pozele/clipurile cu acest link): https://hydra45.wixsite.com/mtascripts
Salut, acum 2-3 luni am zis ca ma las de mta de tot dar daca tot stiu sa scriptez m-am gandit sa ma ofer ca scripter la diferite servere contra cost. Tin sa mentionez ca o sa accept cereri la scripturi de genu (panouri vip, admin panel etc.., comenzi, baza de date sqlite etc..), pentru cererile de tip gamemode o sa accept doar cele de freeroam (nu ma mai bag sa fac gamemode-uri de tip roleplay etc.. pierdere prea mare de timp). Tariful incepe de la 5 euro in sus Cateva imagini/clipuri cu ce am facut: https://hydra45.wixsite.com/mtascripts Platile se fac doar pe paypal iar discutiile vor avea loc doar pe discord Discord: Hydra45#6859
H-Transferring the radio system to another system.
Hydra replied to BurakAKSAKAL's topic in Scripting
I didn't quite understand what you said. Can you give us more information? Some pictures or a code? -
Also if you want to disable the chat for team chat, private chat etc.. you can also put like this: if messageType == 0 or messageType == 1 or messageType == 2 or messageType == 3 or messageType == 4 then --your script end 0: normal message 1: action message (/me) 2: team message 3: private message 4: internal message
If you want more vehicle parts just don't use vehicle variants and use setVehicleComponentVisible instead. You can make how many parts you want for a car and when you start the resource use setVehicleComponentVisible(vehicle, theComponent(from the chassis only), state(false/true)) and use ElementStreamIn functions to sync the car parts for everyone
function CheckFuel() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if v == getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) then if getElementData(v, "fuel") <= 0 then setVehicleEngineState(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), false) else getElementData(v, "fuel") >= 1 then setVehicleEngineState(getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), false) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, CheckFuel) Not sure if it will work and not sure if I did it right but you can try it
Nobody will do these things for you for free, you should ask this request on this section:https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/149-looking-for-staff/ and specify how much money you can give for the developers that might be interesed in your request. ?