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Everything posted by Hydra

  1. function checkHungerAndThirst() local getHunger = getElementData(localPlayer, "Player:Hunger") local getThirst = getElementData(localPlayer, "Player:Thirst") if getHunger <= 0 then setElementHealth(localPlayer, 0) end if getThirst <= 0 then setElementHealth(localPlayer, 0) end end setTimer(checkHungerAndThirst, 1000, 0)
  2. You can use the element data, it does not produce lag as some people say. I have 10+ element datas on my server and I have no lag. Depends on how you use it too
  3. --// DX Draw local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() local resW = sx/1920 --// I put sx/1920 bcs my resolution is 1920x1080 you can put sx/your resolution width, I use resW for text scalling function ShowInfo() local theCash = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) dxDrawRectangle(sx * 0.1300, sy * 0.2300, sx * 0.2300, sy * 0.3000, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 210), false) dxDrawText("Player Money: "..theCash.."", sx * 0.1400, sy * 0.2700, sx * 0.0300, sy * 0.0300, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00*resW, "default-bold", "left", "top") end function CheckInfo() if not infoState then infoState = true addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, ShowInfo) else infoState = false removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, ShowInfo) end end addCommandHandler("info", CheckInfo) --// GUI local window = guiCreateWindow(etc...) local label = guiCreateLabel(etc....) guiSetVisible(window, false) local timerUpdateInfo = nil function updateInfo() local theCash = getPlayerMoney(localPlayer) guiSetText(label, "Player Money: "..theCash.."") end function CheckInfo() if guiGetVisible(window) == false then guiSetVisible(window, true) timerUpdateInfo = setTimer(updateInfo, 1000, 0) else guiSetVisible(window, false) if isTimer(timerUpdateInfo) then killTimer(timerUpdateInfo) timerUpdateInfo = nil end end end addCommandHandler("info", CheckInfo) You can use GUI or DX without any problem, now it also depends on what kind of interface you want your server to have. If you want something classic you can use GUI but if you want something based on design and animations then DX it's the best way. I put an example above for the player info
  4. Yea, sorry Try to do it like this local button1 function test1() window1test1 = guiCreateWindow((sW - 419) / 2, (sH - 165) / 2, 280, 310, "test1", false) button1 = guiCreateButton ( 5, 25, 120, 25, "btn1", false, window1test1) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, test2) end addEvent("test1", true) addEventHandler("test1", root, test1) addCommandHandler("test1",test1) function test2() if source == button1 then guiSetEnabled (button1,false) removeEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, test2) end end
  5. function buttonClick() if source == button1 then iprint("You clicked me") end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, buttonClick) or function buttonClick() iprint("You clicked me") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", button1, buttonClick)
  6. Poti sa folosesti serverul oficial de MTA si poti vorbi in categoria romaneasca: https://discord.gg/mtasa De asemenea, postul tau nu include informatii exacte despre ce proiect vrei sa faci si cat esti dispus sa platesti developeru respectiv. Pe viitor incearca sa faci o descriere la posturile pe care le faci nu sa postezi doar ,,caut scripter"
  7. function changeWalkSettings (arg) toggleControl(source, "sprint", arg) toggleControl(source, "jump", arg) toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", arg) toggleControl(source, "next_weapon", arg) toggleControl(source, "previous_weapon", arg) toggleControl(source, "fire", arg) toggleControl(source, "enter_exit", arg) end addEvent("changeWalkSettings", true) addEventHandler("changeWalkSettings", root, changeWalkSettings) --// In another script it will be like this triggerClientEvent(source, "changeWalkSettings", source, true or false) --// for client to server triggerServerEvent("changeWalkSettings", localPlayer, true or false) --// for server to client triggerEvent("changeWalkSettings", localPlayer, true or false) --// if you trigger the client function in another client script triggerEvent("changeWalkSettings", source, true or false) --// if you trigger the server function in another server script or via exports exports.theResourceWhereTheFunctionIs:theFunction(arguments) Example: exports.myScript:changeWalkSettings(true) If you want to use the export method you need to put in meta.xml this: <export function="changeWalkSettings" type="(client, server or shared)" /> ( type="client" will mean the function can be exported only in client scripts ) ( type="server" will mean the function can be exported only in server scripts ) ( type="shared" will mean the function can be exported in client and server scripts ) In my opinion, I recommend using the trigger method I hope I helped you
  8. Nice but you should use Showroom category next time because this category is only for scripting help and people will get confused. ?
  9. Download a clean version of the game and use GTAALL.com instead for vehicle mods, you have an uninstall .exe for the respective mod using GTAALL.com and you don't need to backup your files every time you put a custom mod
  10. You have in client: triggerServerEvent("onHacking",localPlayer,Difficulty) But in server you have the ,,SOURCE" argument so it should be: triggerServerEvent("onHacking", localPlayer, localPlayer, Difficulty)
  11. Hi @ChamitoLindo, when you make a topic put the title in English because this category is only for English. If you want to ask for help in your native language, go to the Other Languages category. Also, when you ask for help, say what problem you have, don't just attach the script code waiting for someone to do it for you.
  12. So I'm using Dynamic Lights resource to create lights(dl_core & dl_lightmanager) and I want to render the lights only at a certain radius to not cause lag on the server for players with low pc, for example I want to load only 50 lights at 100 radius distance local lampA = { { 2489.09,-1744.21,16.2031 }, { 2517.87,-1801.71,16.2578 }, { 2531.74,-1783.58,16.2578 }, { 2523.38,-1757.06,16.2578 }, { 2557.16,-1727.84,16.4219 }, { 2537.12,-1719.99,16.4219 }, { 2588.53,-1736.60,16.0234 }, { 2607.84,-1728.07,14.9453 }, { 2490.10,-1654.66,16.1328 }, { 2507.59,-1663.05,16.2812 }, { 2221.62,-1829.68,16.4219 }, { 2220.44,-1802.84,16.4219 }, { 2220.44,-1777.27,16.4219 }, { 2239.73,-1727.84,16.4219 }, { 2259.95,-1796.07,16.4219 }, { 2250.47,-1753.56,16.4219 }, { 2281.33,-1753.56,16.4219 }, { 2267.71,-1727.84,16.4219 }, { 2297.90,-1793.82,16.4219 }, { 2313.52,-1753.56,16.4219 }, { 2335.65,-1796.63,16.4219 }, { 2343.77,-1753.56,16.4219 }, { 2304.80,-1727.84,16.4219 }, { 2324.45,-1727.84,16.4219 }, { 2346.87,-1715.47,16.3125 }, { 2338.49,-1700.09,16.3125 }, { 2346.87,-1680.23,16.3125 }, { 2235.02,-1658.55,18.3516 }, { 2246.22,-1651.70,18.2656 }, { 2267.57,-1654.80,17.7266 }, { 2289.49,-1654.77,17.7266 }, { 2311.13,-1654.98,17.1953 }, { 2346.75,-1619.92,21.8672 }, { 2338.48,-1606.38,24.7500 }, { 2346.75,-1588.07,26.2578 }, { 2381.26,-1753.31,16.4297 }, { 2409.45,-1864.74,16.3906 }, { 2409.45,-1825.35,16.3906 }, { 2409.45,-1782.44,16.3906 }, { 2418.06,-1844.74,16.3906 }, { 2417.75,-1805.30,16.1797 }, { 2417.75,-1759.39,16.1797 }, { 2382.06,-1727.84,16.4219 }, { 2414.05,-1727.84,16.4219 }, { 2465.81,-1728.23,16.4219 }, { 2470.47,-1674.19,16.3359 }, { 2360.42,-1663.20,16.3125 }, { 2456.37,-1662.88,16.4297 }, { 2415.82,-1662.88,16.4297 }, { 2395.63,-1662.88,16.4297 }, { 2379.91,-1654.98,16.3125 }, { 2343.57,-1118.58,32.5312 }, { 2424.27,-1090.69,44.2969 }, { 2480.54,-1094.54,48.5625 }, { 1982.73,-1401.11,23.3516 }, { 1991.25,-1367.23,26.7578 }, { 2062.76,-1359.57,26.7734 }, { 2062.76,-1307.71,26.7734 }, { 2076.09,-1332.46,26.7734 }, { 2085.51,-1388.66,26.7734 }, { 1817.57,-1812.23,16.4219 }, { 1825.80,-1781.84,16.3438 }, { 1832.07,-1756.52,16.3594 }, { 1900.80,-1756.52,16.3594 }, { 2013.27,-1816.43,16.3828 }, { 1974.21,-1808.14,16.4062 }, { 1955.66,-1793.09,16.3906 }, { 1951.93,-1756.52,16.3594 }, { 2015.57,-1756.50,16.3984 }, { 2041.36,-1807.95,16.4062 }, { 1867.55,-1748.20,16.3594 }, { 1945.77,-1716.36,16.3906 }, { 1825.93,-1697.56,16.3438 }, { 1825.85,-1667.08,16.3438 }, { 1937.55,-1669.89,16.3906 }, { 1979.42,-1748.16,16.3984 }, { 2005.88,-1711.45,16.3828 }, { 1997.53,-1662.04,16.3750 }, { 2048.98,-1748.13,16.3984 }, { 1945.77,-1635.77,16.3906 }, { 1817.52,-1623.84,16.3594 }, { 1857.55,-1608.12,16.3906 }, { 1883.82,-1616.43,16.3906 }, { 1908.28,-1608.12,16.3906 }, { 1837.14,-1554.27,16.3594 }, { 1837.74,-1515.54,16.3750 }, { 2005.77,-1625.09,16.3906 }, { 2065.86,-1608.12,16.3906 }, { 1991.24,-1430.34,18.1328 }, { 2168.95,-1416.22,26.7734 }, { 2116.84,-1406.73,26.7734 }, { 2133.48,-1406.73,26.7734 }, { 2104.20,-1380.16,26.7734 }, { 2145.79,-1380.16,26.7734 }, { 2165.24,-1388.66,26.7734 }, { 2162.76,-1359.57,26.7734 }, { 2162.76,-1323.97,26.7734 }, { 2208.52,-1411.27,26.7734 }, { 2216.91,-1402.09,26.5781 }, { 2184.62,-1388.66,26.7734 }, { 2208.65,-1380.23,26.7734 }, { 2235.57,-1388.66,26.7734 }, { 2251.74,-1380.16,26.7734 }, { 2266.74,-1355.99,26.7734 }, { 2270.74,-1388.66,26.7734 }, { 2266.74,-1323.97,26.7734 }, { 2266.74,-1276.87,26.7109 }, { 2189.61,-1197.02,27.3281 }, { 2209.31,-1197.55,28.5859 }, { 2266.74,-1244.10,26.7109 }, { 2266.74,-1186.94,28.0469 }, { 2266.74,-1162.45,29.3281 }, { 2280.18,-1119.35,40.7188 }, { 2292.19,-1119.30,40.7188 }, { 2085.75,-1809.70,16.4062 }, { 2093.93,-1762.64,16.4062 }, { 2114.72,-1785.18,16.3984 }, { 2125.09,-1748.13,16.3984 }, { 2078.09,-1724.44,16.0781 }, { 2077.52,-1651.32,16.3594 }, { 2085.80,-1636.23,16.3516 }, { 2116.80,-1676.61,16.2422 }, { 2108.70,-1661.77,17.5781 }, { 2116.80,-1648.00,20.0234 }, { 2108.69,-1632.84,23.4375 }, { 2116.79,-1615.92,26.5469 }, { 2150.05,-1756.43,16.3984 }, { 2161.15,-1809.73,16.3984 }, { 2167.22,-1748.13,16.3984 }, { 2181.02,-1783.98,16.3516 }, { 2189.23,-1721.14,16.3516 }, { 2190.33,-1651.29,18.2422 }, { 2131.77,-1616.89,16.3516 }, { 2108.68,-1594.69,28.7031 }, { 2116.88,-1578.41,28.9609 }, { 2108.67,-1562.73,28.4922 }, { 2116.77,-1545.87,27.5000 }, { 2108.66,-1523.73,26.7422 }, { 2116.87,-1498.92,26.7969 }, { 2103.88,-1493.71,13.1875 }, { 2133.45,-1488.27,26.7734 }, { 2116.84,-1478.37,26.7734 }, { 2108.36,-1475.78,26.8672 }, { 2163.72,-1499.06,26.7734 }, { 2168.95,-1472.82,26.7734 }, { 2116.95,-1452.27,26.7734 }, { 2133.46,-1450.34,26.7734 }, { 2116.95,-1433.09,26.7734 }, { 2186.57,-1499.06,26.7734 }, { 2208.52,-1508.43,26.7734 }, { 2208.52,-1476.46,26.7734 }, { 2208.52,-1448.39,26.7734 }, { 2216.91,-1466.76,26.5781 }, { 2216.91,-1434.79,26.5781 }, { 2238.12,-1479.61,26.4609 }, { 566.72,-1151.26,54.4688 }, { 590.37,-1164.95,48.3281 }, { 590.42,-1122.16,50.7422 }, { 619.69,-1137.02,49.5859 }, { 682.02,-1140.09,18.6484 }, { 632.35,-1112.20,49.5547 }, { 667.73,-1058.94,52.1562 }, { 728.03,-1062.38,25.6484 }, { 584.85,-897.92,68.0469 }, { 626.70,-897.70,65.7422 }, { 704.91,-814.75,73.0859 }, { 1031.75,-613.56,121.1480 }, { 1118.40,-628.62,109.2420 }, { 103.83,-1519.17,10.0234 }, { 117.12,-1461.09,26.3906 }, { 163.73,-1427.53,42.5234 }, { 187.42,-1374.75,52.1094 }, { 221.99,-1364.50,53.6016 }, { 233.77,-1333.85,55.1172 }, { 225.35,-1314.48,58.4766 }, { 267.59,-1327.83,56.1719 }, { 231.99,-1282.86,65.5859 }, { 244.20,-1247.33,73.4922 }, { 277.04,-1302.30,56.7109 }, { 324.56,-1292.38,57.0391 }, { 271.99,-1247.02,76.1562 }, { 324.59,-1258.15,67.8828 }, { 305.39,-1236.90,85.2969 }, { 294.91,-1210.15,78.5469 }, { 327.22,-1208.07,85.9531 }, { 333.68,-1018.48,96.1953 }, { 342.01,-1265.11,56.7031 }, { 371.65,-1268.89,56.1406 }, { 410.73,-1234.98,53.9766 }, { 534.20,-1204.24,47.0859 }, { 501.45,-1201.38,47.9531 }, { 463.91,-1194.38,66.1406 }, { 338.94,-1175.57,79.5000 }, { 372.95,-1166.09,81.1875 }, { 417.93,-1175.68,77.7812 }, { 506.86,-1165.20,62.1016 }, { 385.29,-1009.27,94.8672 }, { 444.16,-1008.06,95.7734 }, { 488.37,-996.33,93.6172 }, { 506.63,-957.59,83.9375 }, { 510.60,-917.18,77.3594 }, { 1458.41,-1876.69,16.4219 }, { 1450.55,-1868.01,16.4219 }, { 1483.43,-1867.72,16.4219 }, { 1504.71,-1876.69,16.4219 }, { 1341.45,-1755.48,16.4219 }, { 1330.22,-1736.68,16.4219 }, { 1364.86,-1727.67,16.4219 }, { 1401.76,-1727.67,16.4219 }, { 1451.62,-1727.67,16.4219 }, { 1467.98,-1727.67,16.4219 }, { 1485.17,-1727.67,16.4219 }, { 1505.18,-1727.67,16.4219 }, { 1433.71,-1702.36,16.4219 }, { 1433.71,-1676.69,16.4219 }, { 1433.71,-1656.25,16.4219 }, { 1433.71,-1636.23,16.4219 }, { 1433.71,-1619.05,16.4219 }, { 1451.34,-1596.70,16.4219 }, { 1471.35,-1596.70,16.4219 }, { 1488.53,-1596.70,16.4219 }, { 1504.89,-1596.70,16.4219 }, { 1547.54,-1868.01,16.4219 }, { 1573.91,-1825.40,16.4219 }, { 1564.99,-1795.68,16.4219 }, { 1573.91,-1766.73,16.4219 }, { 1593.98,-1867.72,16.4219 }, { 1633.90,-1876.51,16.3125 }, { 1524.83,-1721.63,16.4219 }, { 1524.83,-1705.27,16.4219 }, { 1524.83,-1688.09,16.4219 }, { 1524.83,-1668.08,16.4219 }, { 1571.60,-1727.66,16.4219 }, { 1628.64,-1727.66,16.4219 }, { 1659.97,-1867.72,16.4219 }, { 1683.19,-1851.96,16.4219 }, { 1684.62,-1776.30,16.4219 }, { 1693.67,-1826.45,16.4219 }, { 1693.67,-1793.80,16.4219 }, { 1693.67,-1749.98,16.4219 }, { 1657.13,-1727.66,16.4219 }, { 1693.67,-1704.54,16.4219 }, { 1685.46,-1690.95,16.4219 }, { 1685.42,-1661.08,16.4219 }, { 1524.83,-1647.64,16.4219 }, { 1685.37,-1634.19,16.4219 }, { 1524.83,-1621.96,16.4219 }, { 1525.38,-1611.16,16.4219 }, { 1685.35,-1607.30,16.4219 }, { 1662.37,-1558.40,16.4219 }, { 1688.55,-1552.01,16.4219 }, { 1653.59,-1519.91,16.4219 }, { 1653.68,-1468.82,16.4219 }, { 1662.07,-1494.92,16.4219 }, { 1690.05,-1475.19,16.4219 }, { 1693.67,-1647.45,16.4219 }, { 1693.67,-1620.18,16.4219 }, { 1709.50,-1597.65,16.4219 }, { 1733.12,-1601.31,16.4219 }, { 1695.88,-1512.35,16.4219 }, { 1769.02,-1610.16,16.4219 }, { 1799.62,-1616.00,16.4219 }, { 2257.43,-2667.62,16.3438 }, { 2387.05,-2667.74,16.4688 }, { 2220.90,-2605.74,16.3203 }, { 2252.73,-2595.87,11.1172 }, { 2410.98,-2632.88,16.4688 }, { 2229.44,-2581.41,16.3203 }, { 2220.90,-2553.90,16.3203 }, { 2252.73,-2521.95,11.1172 }, { 2229.44,-2510.23,16.3203 }, { 2410.98,-2562.85,16.4688 }, { 2410.98,-2535.24,16.4688 }, { 2192.84,-2491.10,16.1875 }, { 2252.73,-2475.75,11.1172 }, { 2229.44,-2452.91,16.3203 }, { 2227.91,-2427.98,16.3438 }, { 2262.13,-2405.52,16.3438 }, { 2097.77,-2324.82,16.2891 }, { 2304.59,-2363.05,16.3438 }, { 2184.62,-2308.33,17.4766 }, { 2202.80,-2290.10,17.4766 }, { 2130.29,-2290.09,16.3125 }, { 2217.22,-2250.36,16.3672 }, { 2137.84,-2232.12,16.2891 }, { 2166.70,-2203.32,16.2891 }, { 2215.80,-2199.22,16.3125 }, { 2207.88,-2191.25,16.3125 }, { 2223.74,-2207.19,16.3125 }, { 2224.78,-2185.74,16.3516 }, { 2239.00,-2199.81,16.3516 }, { 2190.84,-2179.26,16.2891 }, { 2173.61,-2134.59,16.3516 }, { 2216.87,-2153.17,16.3281 }, { 2240.78,-2240.90,16.3672 }, { 2263.50,-2224.46,16.3516 }, { 2347.18,-2320.77,16.3125 }, { 2389.44,-2278.18,16.3125 }, { 2406.80,-2248.94,16.3125 }, { 2135.30,-2120.41,16.3516 }, { 2250.98,-2119.05,16.3516 }, { 2054.38,-2114.10,16.3516 }, { 2097.79,-2105.84,16.3516 }, { 2014.63,-2105.80,16.3516 }, { 2278.49,-2091.43,16.3516 }, { 2265.34,-2056.52,16.3516 }, { 2303.93,-2066.09,16.3516 }, { 2337.82,-2053.30,16.3516 }, { 2376.45,-2053.30,17.3672 }, { 2403.20,-2053.30,22.2578 }, { 2418.25,-2045.09,24.4453 }, { 2209.59,-1977.52,16.4844 }, { 2217.97,-2001.53,16.4609 }, { 2231.00,-2033.85,16.3516 }, { 2256.25,-1976.39,16.3906 }, { 2342.73,-1978.09,16.3906 }, { 2409.57,-2003.79,16.3672 }, { 2418.13,-1973.39,16.3672 }, { 2219.08,-1944.84,16.3906 }, { 2035.91,-1928.14,16.3906 }, { 2075.85,-1926.33,16.3906 }, { 2118.29,-1939.40,16.3906 }, { 2077.25,-1894.45,16.3906 }, { 2114.32,-1890.37,16.3906 }, { 2101.26,-1900.18,16.3906 }, { 2134.60,-1900.41,16.3906 }, { 2155.23,-1890.37,16.3906 }, { 2174.12,-1898.52,16.3906 }, { 2213.12,-1912.79,16.5078 }, { 2085.76,-1863.38,16.3906 }, { 2214.52,-1862.54,16.3906 }, { 2264.11,-1968.04,16.3906 }, { 2247.93,-1890.44,16.3906 }, { 2224.58,-1888.70,16.3906 }, { 2280.55,-1898.57,16.3906 }, { 2309.37,-1933.96,16.3906 }, { 2316.73,-1891.70,16.3906 }, { 2375.43,-1968.27,16.3906 }, { 2409.57,-1941.20,16.3672 }, { 2409.57,-1904.21,16.3672 }, { 2418.13,-1891.35,16.3672 }, { 2478.60,-2662.38,16.2969 }, { 2424.30,-2658.98,16.2969 }, { 2450.02,-2632.77,16.3594 }, { 2450.02,-2604.93,16.3594 }, { 2480.33,-2588.33,16.3594 }, { 2489.35,-2625.71,16.2969 }, { 2489.35,-2566.27,16.2969 }, { 2450.02,-2563.22,16.3594 }, { 2450.02,-2535.57,16.3594 }, { 2480.33,-2536.44,16.3594 }, { 2435.82,-2512.48,16.4688 }, { 2461.91,-2444.34,16.3672 }, { 2528.48,-2508.30,16.3594 }, { 2558.09,-2499.59,16.3594 }, { 2624.33,-2452.15,16.4141 }, { 2482.20,-2412.11,16.3203 }, { 2502.33,-2404.08,16.3672 }, { 2431.16,-2236.55,16.3125 }, { 2476.15,-2222.44,16.2109 }, { 2535.69,-2377.66,16.3672 }, { 2610.59,-2231.10,16.2109 }, { 2624.33,-2409.56,16.4141 }, { 2674.27,-2508.30,16.3594 }, { 2713.06,-2508.30,16.3594 }, { 2696.02,-2474.86,16.4141 }, { 2675.57,-2466.85,16.4141 }, { 2696.02,-2446.62,16.4141 }, { 2663.51,-2409.56,16.4141 }, { 2637.17,-2385.87,16.4141 }, { 2692.68,-2387.48,16.4141 }, { 2433.61,-2053.30,25.7969 }, { 2461.78,-2045.09,26.9688 }, { 2486.27,-2053.30,27.7109 }, { 2535.38,-2045.09,28.0781 }, { 2584.05,-2053.30,27.4609 }, { 2611.67,-2045.09,26.2812 }, { 2425.83,-2013.85,16.2656 }, { 2472.45,-2013.85,16.2656 }, { 2492.21,-2005.50,16.2656 }, { 2518.40,-2014.10,16.2656 }, { 2423.80,-1928.08,15.9453 }, { 2454.85,-1928.20,16.3672 }, { 2495.30,-1928.20,16.3672 }, { 2520.66,-1910.67,16.3672 }, { 2512.51,-1884.49,16.3672 }, { 2512.51,-1825.49,16.3672 }, { 2520.66,-1851.68,16.3672 }, { 2535.47,-1928.20,16.3672 }, { 2562.96,-1928.20,16.3672 }, { 2636.44,-2053.30,24.6641 }, { 2669.56,-2053.30,20.0000 }, { 2654.30,-2045.09,22.8047 }, { 2701.23,-2053.30,16.1953 }, { 2669.71,-2008.17,16.3203 }, { 2643.11,-1999.82,16.3203 }, { 2644.15,-1928.20,16.3672 }, { 2699.51,-2008.17,16.3203 }, { 2679.79,-1999.82,16.3203 }, { 2689.62,-1936.62,16.2969 }, { 2709.99,-1967.00,16.2812 }, { 2718.37,-1953.12,16.3516 }, { 2726.80,-1990.22,16.3203 }, { 2755.98,-1990.22,16.3203 }, { 2765.30,-1948.95,16.3672 }, { 2773.95,-1979.09,16.3672 }, { 2773.95,-1922.91,16.3672 }, { 1608.70,-2323.42,16.3516 }, { 1614.81,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1658.94,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1660.29,-2323.42,16.2500 }, { 1658.16,-2300.57,8.7422 }, { 1658.16,-2271.89,8.7422 }, { 1607.36,-2249.57,16.3359 }, { 1650.86,-2249.57,16.3359 }, { 1624.69,-2190.38,16.3125 }, { 1673.60,-2190.38,16.3125 }, { 1644.30,-2157.26,25.2422 }, { 1603.94,-2149.67,30.6328 }, { 1699.53,-2323.42,16.2500 }, { 1703.07,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1747.20,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1801.91,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1742.63,-2323.42,16.2500 }, { 1801.51,-2323.42,16.2500 }, { 1686.88,-2272.18,16.2500 }, { 1686.88,-2300.86,16.2500 }, { 1736.70,-2300.86,16.3359 }, { 1736.70,-2272.18,16.3359 }, { 1699.74,-2249.57,16.3359 }, { 1740.74,-2249.57,16.3359 }, { 1722.52,-2190.38,16.3125 }, { 1771.45,-2190.38,16.3125 }, { 1702.54,-2170.70,18.4062 }, { 1762.92,-2162.45,16.3516 }, { 2175.28,-2353.20,16.2891 }, { 1843.01,-2301.98,16.3125 }, { 1843.01,-2341.00,16.3125 }, { 1843.01,-2233.45,16.3125 }, { 1843.01,-2267.72,16.3125 }, { 2126.59,-2329.09,16.2891 }, { 2104.95,-2273.10,16.2891 }, { 2103.46,-2254.88,16.2891 }, { 1813.05,-2170.70,16.3516 }, { 1820.37,-2190.38,16.3125 }, { 1905.06,-2170.70,16.3516 }, { 1957.39,-2176.71,16.3438 }, { 1997.75,-2170.60,16.3516 }, { 2078.50,-2177.05,16.3516 }, { 2116.82,-2191.21,16.3672 }, { 1866.23,-2162.45,16.3516 }, { 1945.05,-2162.45,16.3516 }, { 1983.60,-2162.45,16.3516 }, { 2040.96,-2162.45,16.3516 }, { 1256.98,-2334.64,19.3438 }, { 1258.04,-2354.78,21.0859 }, { 1266.82,-2257.88,17.5078 }, { 1266.92,-2314.82,17.5703 }, { 1268.54,-2371.55,22.8828 }, { 1256.97,-2237.95,19.2891 }, { 1258.12,-2217.78,21.0312 }, { 1268.85,-2201.16,22.9375 }, { 1291.98,-2381.94,24.6094 }, { 1330.29,-2382.24,24.6875 }, { 1373.93,-2382.24,24.3516 }, { 1408.99,-2382.24,20.7969 }, { 1437.71,-2382.24,17.9297 }, { 1470.12,-2344.25,16.3125 }, { 1478.80,-2365.40,16.3125 }, { 1482.04,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1526.55,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1570.68,-2382.38,16.3125 }, { 1283.56,-2268.44,16.6328 }, { 1283.80,-2304.29,16.6797 }, { 1308.52,-2304.34,16.3125 }, { 1308.15,-2268.62,16.2812 }, { 1381.94,-2281.85,16.1484 }, { 1413.23,-2290.80,16.2422 }, { 1536.83,-2282.29,16.2422 }, { 1560.10,-2290.80,16.2422 }, { 1570.68,-2323.42,16.3125 }, { 1570.97,-2249.57,16.3125 }, { 1292.27,-2190.80,24.6094 }, { 1330.58,-2190.55,24.6875 }, { 1374.22,-2190.48,24.3516 }, { 1409.28,-2190.55,20.7969 }, { 1437.71,-2190.59,17.9297 }, { 1478.80,-2228.29,16.3125 }, { 1470.12,-2207.14,16.3125 }, { 1482.04,-2190.58,16.3125 }, { 1526.84,-2190.38,16.3125 }, { 1575.77,-2190.38,16.3125 }, { 1681.97,-2108.30,16.3906 }, { 1725.73,-2116.89,16.3906 }, { 1772.12,-2108.70,16.3906 }, { 1817.01,-2118.55,16.3906 }, { 1827.18,-2141.48,16.3906 }, { 1828.83,-2058.52,16.3906 }, { 1827.19,-2082.68,16.3906 }, { 1818.72,-2017.61,16.2734 }, { 1818.88,-2042.34,16.3906 }, { 1822.96,-2015.91,16.3906 }, { 1725.39,-1927.00,16.3750 }, { 1725.39,-1897.23,16.3750 }, { 1724.88,-1859.54,16.3516 }, { 1714.98,-1841.85,16.3516 }, { 1774.76,-1931.31,16.3750 }, { 1818.47,-1935.19,16.2109 }, { 1806.43,-1931.60,16.3750 }, { 1774.76,-1901.54,16.3750 }, { 1806.43,-1901.83,16.3750 }, { 1825.80,-1896.65,16.2109 }, { 1755.82,-1859.54,16.3516 }, { 1808.12,-1859.54,16.3516 }, { 1783.67,-1859.54,16.3516 }, { 1742.55,-1835.06,16.3516 }, { 1825.91,-1836.19,16.3203 }, { 1841.93,-2007.48,16.2734 }, { 1854.32,-2048.38,16.3906 }, { 1872.17,-2056.59,16.3906 }, { 1881.73,-2056.76,16.3906 }, { 1889.02,-2046.70,16.3906 }, { 1882.37,-2012.66,16.2734 }, { 1882.37,-1992.13,16.2734 }, { 1944.80,-2136.26,15.8516 }, { 1944.80,-2110.30,15.8516 }, { 1965.92,-2134.59,16.3828 }, { 1965.92,-2082.62,16.3828 }, { 1957.55,-2082.17,16.3906 }, { 1944.80,-2077.70,15.8516 }, { 1917.68,-2048.38,16.3906 }, { 1938.09,-2056.59,16.3906 }, { 1936.26,-2039.02,16.3438 }, { 1965.92,-2035.05,16.3828 }, { 1965.92,-2014.17,16.3828 }, { 1924.59,-2002.35,16.2734 }, { 1936.26,-1999.38,16.3438 }, { 1841.93,-1977.09,16.2734 }, { 1867.42,-1936.43,16.3203 }, { 1882.37,-1975.94,16.2734 }, { 1900.31,-1928.24,16.3203 }, { 1924.59,-1977.09,16.2734 }, { 1957.34,-1982.40,16.3828 }, { 1920.96,-1936.43,16.3203 }, { 1967.43,-1938.37,16.3438 }, { 1955.86,-1926.32,16.3203 }, { 1843.77,-1875.87,16.3984 }, { 1931.88,-1863.46,16.3203 }, { 1915.74,-1863.46,16.3203 }, { 1957.37,-1867.29,16.3203 }, { 1965.91,-1841.93,16.3203 }, { 1957.53,-1822.24,16.3438 }, { 1965.91,-1800.87,16.3203 }, { 1137.51,-2070.03,71.7812 }, { 1174.75,-2070.03,71.7812 }, { 1205.34,-2070.03,71.7812 }, { 1323.52,-2052.62,60.5938 }, { 1138.44,-2003.91,71.7812 }, { 1175.18,-2003.91,71.7812 }, { 1205.41,-2003.91,71.7812 }, { 1312.86,-1962.01,32.1875 }, { 1246.62,-1926.12,34.1250 }, { 1306.52,-1915.39,26.9375 }, { 1434.23,-2015.59,54.5234 }, { 1394.13,-1974.44,41.2500 }, { 1546.66,-2092.03,36.9453 }, { 1539.36,-2052.23,35.1016 }, { 1577.59,-2118.91,35.1328 }, { 1525.65,-2013.62,30.5703 }, { 1534.02,-1982.59,26.1406 }, { 1379.34,-1930.45,21.3906 }, { 1525.65,-1942.05,20.3984 }, { 1534.02,-1904.70,17.1172 }, { 428.50,-1768.30,8.3047 }, { 452.00,-1772.73,8.3047 }, { 454.75,-1745.97,9.4609 }, { 621.04,-1710.38,17.1719 }, { 642.98,-1687.66,18.1328 }, { 599.09,-1679.06,18.8047 }, { 416.32,-1650.09,29.9297 }, { 446.23,-1661.60,28.2969 }, { 455.85,-1616.09,28.9297 }, { 512.32,-1669.36,21.6172 }, { 475.26,-1654.92,27.3047 }, { 553.20,-1664.48,21.6172 }, { 572.02,-1675.24,20.3984 }, { 619.74,-1672.98,18.7812 }, { 624.97,-1649.10,19.1875 }, { 543.95,-1631.09,19.9609 }, { 643.09,-1626.41,18.1328 }, { 242.01,-1599.98,35.8828 }, { 374.73,-1595.45,34.2188 }, { 415.16,-1596.70,29.1719 }, { 234.23,-1578.28,35.8828 }, { 265.42,-1580.62,36.0781 }, { 293.85,-1577.73,36.1094 }, { 387.42,-1577.88,32.5312 }, { 163.65,-1558.24,14.6797 }, { 252.34,-1551.12,35.1172 }, { 324.44,-1554.53,36.0156 }, { 158.95,-1533.51,14.8516 }, { 183.56,-1527.72,15.4219 }, { 178.23,-1501.60,15.4297 }, { 204.81,-1494.00,15.8438 }, { 259.49,-1523.73,35.0547 }, { 280.99,-1511.04,35.5859 }, { 311.09,-1469.81,36.9219 }, { 355.93,-1537.59,35.8359 }, { 372.98,-1496.27,35.3281 }, { 407.58,-1492.11,33.6719 }, { 435.66,-1495.28,34.0078 }, { 203.07,-1465.27,15.8125 }, { 231.86,-1460.29,16.2500 }, { 203.20,-1429.20,15.8125 }, { 236.76,-1430.97,16.3047 }, { 266.64,-1431.94,16.6172 }, { 280.45,-1404.44,16.7500 }, { 311.62,-1410.31,17.0547 }, { 341.63,-1456.03,37.2500 }, { 329.74,-1380.98,17.0703 }, { 365.18,-1382.30,17.4297 }, { 365.19,-1382.31,17.4609 }, { 383.38,-1350.70,17.5078 }, { 401.91,-1416.47,36.9062 }, { 411.65,-1389.30,34.4766 }, { 419.04,-1350.34,17.8047 }, { 433.65,-1318.86,17.8594 }, { 478.84,-1578.35,26.0938 }, { 504.98,-1578.90,18.8828 }, { 456.27,-1574.61,27.8438 }, { 439.99,-1538.09,32.0000 }, { 525.17,-1553.09,18.3906 }, { 455.82,-1513.34,33.8359 }, { 456.40,-1536.03,32.4375 }, { 525.26,-1520.68,17.4609 }, { 452.07,-1489.79,34.0078 }, { 525.26,-1495.52,17.2188 }, { 524.16,-1467.57,17.6875 }, { 523.70,-1444.18,18.3672 }, { 568.16,-1578.38,18.8047 }, { 545.52,-1570.22,18.8047 }, { 623.09,-1560.95,17.8594 }, { 545.21,-1552.38,18.3672 }, { 544.79,-1488.03,17.2734 }, { 545.21,-1523.23,17.5000 }, { 641.68,-1521.95,17.8203 }, { 623.09,-1477.70,17.4375 }, { 544.09,-1453.75,17.9141 }, { 559.32,-1398.60,17.7266 }, { 593.62,-1412.27,16.4297 }, { 641.68,-1438.70,16.9219 }, { 753.03,-1410.03,16.3125 }, { 695.55,-1410.03,16.3125 }, { 665.81,-1390.24,16.3125 }, { 778.86,-1391.16,16.3125 }, { 723.30,-1390.24,16.3125 }, { 452.78,-1375.86,27.1719 }, { 482.11,-1348.71,20.5781 }, { 465.66,-1318.83,18.1250 }, { 472.60,-1290.88,18.3438 }, { 507.24,-1286.12,18.8203 }, { 565.96,-1323.03,16.2812 }, { 537.84,-1261.84,19.4062 }, { 521.45,-1251.48,19.0938 }, { 551.75,-1231.33,20.0469 }, { 572.50,-1241.43,20.4062 }, { 582.20,-1217.84,20.7344 }, { 623.09,-1381.79,16.3906 }, { 623.09,-1354.25,16.3906 }, { 642.09,-1359.82,16.2734 }, { 623.55,-1331.95,16.2734 }, { 642.09,-1334.85,16.2734 }, { 623.95,-1288.81,18.8125 }, { 623.23,-1308.38,17.0781 }, { 642.24,-1297.16,17.7031 }, { 677.01,-1315.41,16.3125 }, { 602.94,-1229.24,20.8203 }, { 620.48,-1242.94,20.6562 }, { 622.78,-1265.12,20.0391 }, { 638.11,-1236.59,20.6484 }, { 640.83,-1262.02,19.6719 }, { 677.41,-1189.62,17.0703 }, { 695.55,-1323.66,16.3125 }, { 723.30,-1315.41,16.3125 }, { 753.03,-1323.66,16.3125 }, { 778.86,-1315.41,16.3125 }, { 719.11,-1115.91,21.3906 }, { 771.52,-1061.06,27.2109 }, { 242.09,-1620.14,35.8828 }, { 270.07,-1630.16,35.8828 }, { 293.84,-1643.02,35.8828 }, { 398.30,-1776.77,8.1875 }, { 388.39,-1654.69,34.3828 }, { -2084.20,581.05,38.8359 }, { -2151.12,769.56,72.4297 }, { -2090.53,735.52,72.2188 }, { -2011.09,619.43,38.0078 }, { -1986.30,598.89,37.9453 }, { -1951.52,613.06,37.9922 }, { -1917.20,598.89,37.9531 }, { -1882.41,613.06,38.0000 }, { -1906.72,619.43,38.0078 }, { -2011.09,659.30,45.0234 }, { -1906.10,659.30,41.8984 }, { -2057.38,726.39,63.6953 }, { -2021.51,738.13,49.3672 }, { -2011.09,698.53,48.2109 }, { -1988.37,724.48,48.2188 }, { -2011.09,745.66,48.2109 }, { -1906.72,698.53,48.2109 }, { -1919.34,724.48,48.2344 }, { -1952.48,738.13,48.2344 }, { -1883.47,738.13,48.1641 }, { -1906.72,757.61,48.2109 }, { -1906.72,785.69,43.5391 }, { -2238.54,804.16,52.2734 }, { -2174.35,804.16,65.0938 }, { -2205.96,812.65,52.8359 }, { -2161.66,813.00,70.3359 }, { -2151.12,850.25,72.4297 }, { -2238.54,914.21,69.4453 }, { -2205.96,922.70,73.3828 }, { -2174.35,914.21,82.7812 }, { -2134.87,883.76,82.8438 }, { -2151.12,935.85,82.8203 }, { -2057.38,803.59,63.6953 }, { -2126.41,803.95,72.3828 }, { -2090.53,812.73,72.2188 }, { -2011.09,790.71,48.2109 }, { -2021.51,815.34,49.3672 }, { -1906.72,816.84,38.1484 }, { -2011.09,832.34,48.2109 }, { -1988.37,833.86,48.2188 }, { -1919.34,833.86,38.9844 }, { -2011.09,867.97,48.2109 }, { -1952.48,856.87,44.9609 }, { -1906.72,863.75,38.1484 }, { -1883.47,856.87,37.8828 }, { -2011.09,905.55,48.2109 }, { -2011.09,948.71,48.2109 }, { -1988.37,911.44,48.2188 }, { -1952.48,938.34,45.0859 }, { -1919.34,911.44,38.9844 }, { -1906.72,893.74,38.1484 }, { -1883.47,938.34,38.0391 }, { -1890.52,954.67,37.9531 }, { -1851.43,598.89,38.0000 }, { -1850.32,724.48,45.5312 }, { -1822.57,613.06,37.8672 }, { -1814.45,738.13,39.0859 }, { -1781.30,598.89,33.5938 }, { -1781.30,724.48,37.3828 }, { -1746.52,613.06,27.7578 }, { -1714.62,615.52,27.7422 }, { -1721.28,651.98,27.7344 }, { -1707.11,681.45,27.7422 }, { -1721.28,714.58,27.7344 }, { -1699.43,724.48,27.5312 }, { -1741.89,738.13,30.1094 }, { -1721.28,747.68,27.7344 }, { -1707.11,769.27,27.7422 }, { -1721.28,791.31,27.7344 }, { -1566.04,606.15,10.0703 }, { -1566.04,689.91,10.0703 }, { -1643.26,724.48,17.5234 }, { -1574.23,724.48,10.1172 }, { -1670.22,738.13,22.2500 }, { -1607.38,738.13,15.1172 }, { -1850.32,833.86,38.0938 }, { -1850.32,911.44,37.3516 }, { -1814.45,856.87,29.3359 }, { -1814.45,938.34,27.7031 }, { -1801.28,949.81,27.6562 }, { -1781.30,833.86,27.7422 }, { -1787.11,883.81,27.7109 }, { -1764.27,911.44,27.7422 }, { -1707.11,826.45,27.7422 }, { -1699.43,834.06,27.5312 }, { -1741.89,856.87,27.6328 }, { -1721.28,869.80,27.7344 }, { -1721.28,902.74,27.7344 }, { -1699.43,911.63,27.6406 }, { -1741.89,938.34,27.6953 }, { -1721.28,947.31,27.7344 }, { -1643.26,832.20,15.5234 }, { -1574.23,832.20,10.0781 }, { -1670.22,856.86,26.8047 }, { -1607.38,859.00,10.5391 }, { -1670.22,938.33,27.6875 }, { -1643.26,911.35,20.2578 }, { -1607.38,938.09,10.5391 }, { -1574.23,911.35,10.0781 }, { -2134.87,972.52,82.8438 }, { -2011.09,979.72,50.0391 }, { -2238.54,1016.46,86.6797 }, { -2205.96,1022.80,82.8281 }, { -2174.35,1016.78,82.8359 }, { -2151.12,1031.32,82.8203 }, { -2011.09,1014.06,56.1719 }, { -2238.54,1089.15,82.8516 }, { -2205.96,1097.64,82.7734 }, { -2174.35,1089.15,82.8125 }, { -2134.87,1079.46,82.8438 }, { -2011.09,1038.10,58.4766 }, { -2238.54,1168.54,58.5469 }, { -2174.35,1168.54,58.5156 }, { -2205.96,1185.25,58.4766 }, { -2151.12,1137.56,68.9297 }, { -2156.21,1185.25,58.4766 }, { -2124.30,1168.54,58.4922 }, { -2106.16,1185.25,56.9062 }, { -2068.88,1168.54,50.0547 }, { -2050.74,1185.25,48.1016 }, { -2031.62,1168.54,48.1016 }, { -2013.48,1185.25,48.1016 }, { -1994.63,1168.54,48.1016 }, { -1902.09,971.10,38.0000 }, { -1885.16,986.31,37.9375 }, { -1896.73,1002.73,40.5391 }, { -1880.19,1015.20,42.9375 }, { -1891.75,1031.62,46.3281 }, { -1877.04,1050.41,48.2734 }, { -1971.09,1101.42,58.3984 }, { -1891.40,1101.42,48.2734 }, { -1877.04,1079.30,48.2734 }, { -1868.00,1110.55,48.2734 }, { -1841.30,1095.52,48.2734 }, { -1812.88,1110.55,48.2734 }, { -1962.52,1115.27,56.4375 }, { -1971.09,1130.31,53.9531 }, { -1962.52,1144.16,51.3984 }, { -1976.49,1185.25,48.1016 }, { -1976.49,1185.25,48.1016 }, { -1971.09,1159.20,48.7422 }, { -1954.72,1168.54,48.1016 }, { -1936.58,1185.25,48.1016 }, { -1917.26,1168.54,48.1016 }, { -1891.40,1130.31,48.2734 }, { -1891.40,1159.20,48.2734 }, { -1899.12,1185.25,48.1016 }, { -1877.04,1115.77,48.2734 }, { -1877.04,1144.66,48.2734 }, { -1870.99,1168.54,48.0391 }, { -1846.78,1188.73,41.4531 }, { -1813.02,1178.48,29.2734 }, { -1891.92,1214.57,41.8047 }, { -1865.99,1240.85,30.6250 }, { -1841.94,1271.01,22.2266 }, { -1836.26,1283.65,62.5703 }, { -1787.11,983.59,27.7109 }, { -1801.28,1022.59,27.8203 }, { -1801.28,1069.98,45.1094 }, { -1780.59,1110.55,48.2734 }, { -1751.82,1095.52,48.2734 }, { -1801.28,1141.95,40.0312 }, { -1787.40,1172.70,28.1328 }, { -1749.69,1178.93,27.9453 }, { -1764.69,1195.46,27.9453 }, { -1707.16,987.18,36.4219 }, { -1721.28,1013.46,46.4922 }, { -1707.16,1044.80,48.0391 }, { -1728.30,1110.55,48.2734 }, { -1721.28,1069.54,48.0312 }, { -1707.16,1115.16,48.3125 }, { -1721.28,1148.63,37.3516 }, { -1721.84,1195.46,27.9453 }, { -1707.16,1172.70,28.1328 }, { -1688.09,1179.05,24.4844 }, { -1800.36,1264.52,16.4766 }, { -1790.35,1289.80,62.5625 }, { -1733.03,1275.13,9.4531 }, { -1760.05,1275.57,12.0938 }, { -1659.98,1195.46,14.3594 }, { -1626.22,1179.45,10.0938 }, { -1848.16,-588.11,23.4141 }, { -1788.88,-571.87,19.3594 }, { -1723.66,-587.98,19.3438 }, { -1824.82,-542.31,18.4844 }, { -1821.49,-506.88,17.9844 }, { -1827.30,-466.67,17.9844 }, { -1704.82,-568.09,17.7266 }, { -1670.48,-562.98,14.4141 }, { -1654.88,-505.45,12.3828 }, { -1620.66,-540.16,14.2578 }, { -1620.62,-511.40,10.3281 }, { -1566.95,-517.86,14.3281 }, { -1516.35,-498.81,15.0234 }, { -1604.75,-484.06,7.8672 }, { -1578.27,-468.64,7.0234 }, { -1632.47,-452.02,14.4766 }, { -1810.15,-406.80,18.8594 }, { -1808.09,-346.67,24.3750 }, { -1795.14,-286.48,26.6797 }, { -1613.41,-401.41,15.1719 }, { -1917.20,-235.04,28.5859 }, { -1874.53,-240.82,25.6875 }, { -1841.02,-206.20,19.6562 }, { -1803.24,-206.20,19.2109 }, { -1832.91,-166.48,11.9688 }, { -1795.14,-146.48,9.5625 }, { -1895.42,-105.97,21.0234 }, { -2142.59,302.23,38.0391 }, { -2176.79,316.30,38.1875 }, { -2076.79,316.30,38.0391 }, { -2216.50,324.41,38.1875 }, { -2116.50,324.40,38.0391 }, { -2036.50,324.40,38.0391 }, { -2285.52,401.26,38.0391 }, { -2258.56,349.27,35.9219 }, { -2150.90,350.32,38.0391 }, { -2142.59,390.20,38.0391 }, { -1997.63,398.25,38.0391 }, { -2010.73,358.54,38.0391 }, { -1787.84,338.84,16.9219 }, { -1727.95,334.36,10.0547 }, { -1817.32,386.86,20.0391 }, { -2333.67,438.79,37.3672 }, { -2351.90,475.00,33.7266 }, { -2390.95,545.45,28.7344 }, { -2336.47,512.45,32.5859 }, { -2296.79,504.34,38.0391 }, { -2256.50,512.45,38.0391 }, { -2230.72,533.94,38.0391 }, { -2196.79,504.34,38.0391 }, { -2176.50,512.45,38.0391 }, { -2196.79,559.34,38.0391 }, { -2176.50,572.45,38.0391 }, { -2150.90,525.22,38.0391 }, { -2150.90,438.39,38.0391 }, { -2134.81,478.25,38.0391 }, { -2134.73,543.63,38.0391 }, { -2116.14,508.24,38.0391 }, { -2116.50,572.45,38.0391 }, { -2076.43,500.14,38.0391 }, { -2076.79,559.34,38.0391 }, { -2036.14,508.24,38.0391 }, { -2036.50,572.45,38.0391 }, { -2010.74,438.54,38.0391 }, { -1997.63,478.25,38.0391 }, { -2010.72,533.54,38.0391 }, { -1838.25,449.10,20.7891 }, { -1830.84,507.59,33.5391 }, { -1898.34,563.82,37.9922 }, { -1862.63,545.37,37.2266 }, { -1808.38,486.73,28.6172 }, { -1671.38,390.93,10.0547 }, { -1614.81,447.50,10.0547 }, { -1568.19,507.45,10.0547 }, { -2256.09,-392.04,53.8906 }, { -2247.86,-295.68,51.0234 }, { -2192.59,-444.96,53.3516 }, { -2161.84,-498.66,45.1094 }, { -2107.73,-529.81,37.3984 }, { -2264.09,-243.08,41.2109 }, { -2197.35,-193.84,38.1875 }, { -2248.02,-148.63,38.1875 }, { -2217.06,-185.73,38.1875 }, { -2178.76,-178.00,38.1875 }, { -2163.15,-139.90,38.1875 }, { -2264.18,-108.34,38.1875 }, { -2171.26,-99.59,38.1875 }, { -2088.77,-569.02,33.9688 }, { -2027.46,-573.50,30.2812 }, { -2001.43,-261.64,38.4297 }, { -2001.27,-208.81,38.6797 }, { -2001.41,-157.63,38.6797 }, { -2001.34,-105.22,38.6797 }, { -2248.02,-32.42,38.1875 }, { -2263.11,7.87,38.1875 }, { -2247.90,19.57,38.1875 }, { -2247.96,78.16,38.1875 }, { -2229.23,-66.23,38.1875 }, { -2189.53,-74.34,38.1875 }, { -2163.15,-39.88,38.1875 }, { -2137.13,-66.23,38.1875 }, { -2097.42,-74.34,38.1875 }, { -2171.26,0.41,38.1875 }, { -2163.15,40.12,38.1875 }, { -2168.53,79.93,38.0391 }, { -2247.96,178.16,38.1875 }, { -2247.91,280.12,38.1875 }, { -2216.54,212.38,38.1875 }, { -2176.83,204.27,38.1875 }, { -2150.90,180.10,38.0391 }, { -2147.84,126.32,38.0391 }, { -2150.90,240.66,38.0391 }, { -2150.90,286.23,38.0391 }, { -2057.23,-66.23,38.1875 }, { -2011.65,-61.37,38.1172 }, { -2010.74,58.54,33.0000 }, { -2010.74,-21.46,38.0391 }, { -2010.73,158.54,30.5547 }, { -2001.98,200.34,30.5547 }, { -1980.45,233.43,32.6484 }, { -2010.73,238.54,31.9141 }, { -1998.27,278.25,36.2812 }, { -1803.24,-65.80,14.8672 }, { -1796.80,12.60,17.9844 }, { -1808.77,72.89,17.9844 }, { -1767.22,-65.63,11.2031 }, { -1728.60,-95.85,6.3047 }, { -1725.96,-64.80,5.9922 }, { -1679.92,-47.63,6.6563 }, { -1760.02,32.55,10.7656 }, { -1767.16,92.79,8.1484 }, { -1925.27,223.27,37.3906 }, { -1814.34,191.98,17.9844 }, { -1804.52,132.60,17.9844 }, { -1760.02,172.99,6.6641 }, { -1800.60,234.43,17.9844 }, { -1801.99,262.97,17.1094 }, { -1770.77,275.60,13.4922 }, { -2571.83,-66.29,10.0234 }, { -2550.58,12.70,19.2344 }, { -2532.12,-74.39,21.8516 }, { -2505.28,-92.60,28.6406 }, { -2497.17,-40.23,28.4922 }, { -2505.28,-0.68,28.6406 }, { -2497.17,20.33,28.4922 }, { -2532.14,35.45,21.9531 }, { -2471.08,-66.29,33.5938 }, { -2451.38,-74.38,36.7188 }, { -2451.39,35.47,36.7188 }, { -2425.28,9.84,38.1875 }, { -2417.17,-40.45,38.1875 }, { -2375.98,6.66,38.1875 }, { -2367.88,-33.63,38.1875 }, { -2341.79,-66.23,38.1875 }, { -2302.08,-74.34,38.1875 }, { -2360.40,37.94,38.1875 }, { -2571.85,43.55,11.3594 }, { -2515.48,76.28,26.1016 }, { -2471.08,43.75,33.6016 }, { -2443.60,75.65,36.7188 }, { -2417.17,49.61,38.1875 }, { -2328.11,53.75,38.1875 }, { -2288.40,45.65,38.1875 }, { -2425.28,115.33,38.1875 }, { -2256.21,138.45,38.1875 }, { -2532.61,163.20,7.2031 }, { -2495.17,165.56,9.2578 }, { -2813.09,207.84,10.0547 }, { -2804.98,247.55,10.0547 }, { -2709.97,187.84,7.2031 }, { -2756.64,233.15,10.0547 }, { -2702.63,227.55,7.2031 }, { -2709.97,267.84,7.2031 }, { -2809.44,311.71,8.1328 }, { -2776.81,284.24,9.4375 }, { -2836.17,325.51,7.3750 }, { -2849.05,351.73,7.3750 }, { -2736.52,292.34,7.6172 }, { -2676.54,292.36,7.2031 }, { -2857.85,395.96,7.3750 }, { -2849.73,435.59,7.3750 }, { -2415.82,169.60,38.0391 }, { -2419.95,225.81,38.0391 }, { -2256.19,237.17,38.1875 }, { -2411.52,275.27,38.0391 }, { -2353.38,295.59,40.4688 }, { -2409.23,309.01,38.0391 }, { -2283.92,316.29,40.1328 }, { -2323.24,319.76,42.2734 }, { -2382.90,336.31,38.0391 }, { -2367.52,366.07,38.0391 }, { -2328.15,395.46,38.0391 }, { -2505.28,-185.76,28.6406 }, { -2471.10,-206.27,33.6016 }, { -2451.39,-214.37,36.7188 }, { -2366.11,-184.27,38.1875 }, { -2341.79,-186.25,38.1875 }, { -2302.08,-194.35,38.1875 }, { -2497.17,-170.53,28.4922 }, { -2417.17,-159.86,38.1875 }, { -2367.88,-143.67,38.1875 }, { -2425.28,-109.57,38.1875 }, { -2375.98,-103.38,38.1875 }, { -2497.17,-100.57,28.4922 }, { -2881.12,-757.88,10.7969 }, { -2877.26,-655.17,10.7969 }, { -2857.59,-758.27,10.7969 }, { -2854.35,-568.17,10.7969 }, { -2854.21,-660.00,10.7969 }, { -2832.73,-577.45,10.7969 }, { -2826.11,-414.09,10.0547 }, { -2822.69,-509.66,10.7969 }, { -2816.23,-468.01,10.0547 }, { -2816.19,-379.78,10.0547 }, { -2803.11,-522.72,10.7969 }, { -2758.68,-428.00,10.9531 }, { -2691.78,-374.08,12.4531 }, { -2820.09,-340.20,10.0547 }, { -2814.30,-260.20,10.0547 }, { -2808.56,-300.48,10.0547 }, { -2597.92,-334.00,23.9062 }, { -2804.98,-180.48,10.0547 }, { -2730.35,-214.38,10.0547 }, { -2702.61,-160.26,7.2031 }, { -2676.08,-214.39,7.2031 }, { -2626.85,-206.28,7.2031 }, { -2600.30,-160.26,7.2031 }, { -2571.85,-206.28,9.9766 }, { -2532.14,-214.39,21.8516 }, { -2813.09,-140.20,10.0547 }, { -2607.63,-140.20,7.2031 }, { -2571.83,-126.20,10.0234 }, { -2532.12,-134.66,21.8516 }, { -2709.95,-120.20,7.2031 }, { -2804.98,-100.48,10.0547 }, { -2813.09,18.00,10.0547 }, { -2804.98,-40.48,10.0547 }, { -2781.67,-74.69,10.0469 }, { -2781.50,35.45,10.0469 }, { -2736.52,-66.29,10.0547 }, { -2736.52,43.55,10.0547 }, { -2813.09,87.84,10.0547 }, { -2804.98,127.55,10.0547 }, { -2781.50,153.64,10.0547 }, { -2736.52,161.75,9.9063 }, { -2709.97,-40.20,7.2031 }, { -2702.63,3.80,7.2031 }, { -2682.54,-74.40,7.2031 }, { -2674.45,35.45,7.2031 }, { -2633.31,-66.30,7.2031 }, { -2625.23,43.55,7.2031 }, { -2600.32,-20.60,7.2031 }, { -2600.30,-92.84,7.2031 }, { -2607.66,-0.38,7.2031 }, { -2709.97,68.07,7.2031 }, { -2607.66,68.07,7.2031 }, { -2702.63,112.06,7.2031 }, { -2600.32,112.06,7.2031 }, { -2856.30,998.44,43.9609 }, { -2716.11,999.63,57.6562 }, { -2638.26,999.63,74.2188 }, { -2563.53,999.63,81.1406 }, { -2882.41,1028.62,38.4453 }, { -2754.90,1013.23,57.3047 }, { -2743.58,1048.50,52.3984 }, { -2678.30,1008.61,65.5625 }, { -2609.20,1047.86,72.4375 }, { -2602.34,1016.39,80.7422 }, { -2885.32,1109.69,28.9297 }, { -2877.45,1069.54,33.7734 }, { -2877.41,1149.37,19.2266 }, { -2755.72,1157.23,54.1406 }, { -2740.15,1123.25,50.3516 }, { -2717.50,1099.84,49.2422 }, { -2691.34,1113.85,43.7188 }, { -2669.63,1148.88,37.9766 }, { -2596.70,1069.40,65.3438 }, { -2592.38,1104.16,58.4453 }, { -2576.36,1140.39,58.4531 }, { -2566.77,1170.09,58.2656 }, { -2882.34,1190.77,10.0938 }, { -2854.63,1222.31,8.3750 }, { -2837.69,1259.88,8.3984 }, { -2798.69,1274.70,8.4063 }, { -2775.18,1299.87,8.9453 }, { -2729.98,1184.80,55.8672 }, { -2723.46,1282.78,9.9453 }, { -2711.85,1212.59,57.9297 }, { -2682.69,1295.34,10.0078 }, { -2620.32,1299.87,10.0625 }, { -2617.92,1185.31,37.9141 }, { -2610.09,1206.81,55.7188 }, { -2595.97,1221.08,37.9375 }, { -2580.70,1360.72,10.0625 }, { -2563.61,1201.12,49.5703 }, { -2554.02,1238.74,38.0547 }, { -2531.13,978.84,80.6875 }, { -2393.29,978.90,49.8672 }, { -2522.40,1016.39,80.7422 }, { -2273.52,1011.19,86.5625 }, { -2248.63,1011.19,86.5625 }, { -2530.54,1047.86,69.6484 }, { -2520.09,1075.17,59.6719 }, { -2379.16,1029.56,58.5469 }, { -2373.29,1111.12,58.5156 }, { -2273.52,1084.46,82.7891 }, { -2248.63,1084.46,82.7891 }, { -2535.52,1131.05,58.5859 }, { -2527.36,1182.90,44.7812 }, { -2515.48,1161.15,58.2344 }, { -2509.02,1246.72,38.0000 }, { -2494.06,1193.46,40.9766 }, { -2496.52,1129.11,58.5703 }, { -2476.29,1215.24,37.9844 }, { -2462.62,1160.54,58.2812 }, { -2459.74,1239.99,37.9609 }, { -2446.27,1128.88,58.5156 }, { -2431.77,1192.97,37.9531 }, { -2412.02,1154.00,58.2812 }, { -2402.17,1121.55,58.5781 }, { -2396.37,1169.14,38.1953 }, { -2371.31,1243.83,32.9844 }, { -2370.27,1140.22,58.2812 }, { -2362.45,1204.19,40.7109 }, { -2345.98,1123.76,58.2812 }, { -2353.59,1185.25,44.8516 }, { -2315.10,1169.14,52.3516 }, { -2278.92,1185.25,58.5859 }, { -2279.77,1229.72,50.1562 }, { -2273.52,1130.57,71.7812 }, { -2273.52,1164.05,58.6875 }, { -2255.54,1252.22,46.1406 }, { -2248.63,1130.57,71.7812 }, { -2248.63,1164.05,58.6875 }, { -2249.96,1199.03,57.7266 }, { -2181.09,1260.19,32.6875 }, { -2104.04,1259.94,19.7188 }, { -2530.75,1367.91,10.0625 }, { -2482.70,1384.38,10.0625 }, { -2459.74,1324.10,15.3359 }, { -2451.34,1284.05,26.2891 }, { -2451.23,1358.87,10.0078 }, { -2435.41,1370.04,10.0625 }, { -2375.77,1384.38,10.0625 }, { -2371.31,1324.10,17.6250 }, { -2362.45,1284.05,25.1797 }, { -2362.45,1358.87,10.7891 }, { -2331.39,1362.13,10.0625 }, { -2290.20,1349.23,10.0625 }, { -2243.73,1324.34,10.0625 }, { -2221.06,1281.09,39.8750 }, { -2194.40,1339.84,10.0625 }, { -2141.09,1281.16,26.3750 }, { -2131.53,1325.16,10.0547 }, { -2075.51,1281.82,13.4688 }, { -2060.27,1319.18,10.0625 }, { -2754.90,763.20,57.2344 }, { -2872.23,765.01,35.5000 }, { -2853.73,801.18,40.8516 }, { -2771.65,813.29,54.5781 }, { -2746.86,802.80,56.0625 }, { -2836.85,837.26,45.7188 }, { -2801.23,824.15,49.5234 }, { -2754.90,840.95,60.6406 }, { -2837.41,961.73,46.9062 }, { -2827.59,873.22,46.9062 }, { -2827.59,913.59,46.9062 }, { -2804.07,873.22,46.9062 }, { -2804.07,913.59,46.9062 }, { -2754.90,920.38,62.7656 }, { -2746.80,959.31,57.3047 }, { -2746.47,874.80,69.0547 }, { -2713.09,816.72,52.9766 }, { -2675.43,816.60,52.8516 }, { -2628.48,813.96,52.8516 }, { -2719.56,892.06,75.8672 }, { -2693.39,888.81,82.6562 }, { -2662.40,904.66,82.4766 }, { -2634.30,901.08,73.7422 }, { -2610.89,793.45,51.8750 }, { -2610.89,866.88,60.0625 }, { -2602.55,834.36,52.7500 }, { -2610.89,930.27,70.2812 }, { -2602.55,897.95,67.7891 }, { -2602.55,961.23,81.1328 }, { -2564.37,812.79,52.7500 }, { -2563.19,904.07,67.8750 }, { -2522.57,767.57,42.6250 }, { -2530.80,797.56,52.6562 }, { -2489.55,812.79,41.7969 }, { -2530.80,838.06,52.7969 }, { -2522.49,873.09,61.8203 }, { -2531.13,919.20,67.8125 }, { -2522.33,951.51,70.9375 }, { -2483.67,904.07,66.5781 }, { -2439.33,804.11,38.0469 }, { -2380.01,797.82,38.0078 }, { -2347.44,804.16,43.1797 }, { -2308.68,804.19,50.3594 }, { -2393.36,858.20,44.8984 }, { -2273.52,818.42,52.2344 }, { -2248.63,818.42,52.2344 }, { -2446.45,912.62,59.2812 }, { -2418.36,904.07,48.5000 }, { -2380.23,918.41,48.2812 }, { -2347.44,954.13,50.7422 }, { -2308.68,954.13,63.7422 }, { -2248.63,879.81,69.4844 }, { -2273.52,879.81,69.4844 }, { -2273.52,948.07,69.4844 }, { -2248.63,948.07,69.4844 }, { -2818.61,462.26,7.7344 }, { -2759.85,463.14,8.0938 }, { -2655.71,463.31,14.2422 }, { -2583.25,464.09,17.4453 }, { -2855.66,475.52,7.0703 }, { -2793.13,471.29,8.4375 }, { -2727.88,508.68,11.4688 }, { -2730.91,472.47,7.3828 }, { -2702.16,479.06,7.1797 }, { -2682.19,473.31,9.4453 }, { -2626.77,473.31,17.4609 }, { -2602.30,498.59,17.4062 }, { -2548.77,474.16,17.4375 }, { -2819.93,570.98,8.3984 }, { -2754.90,601.21,24.3047 }, { -2746.30,551.06,17.1328 }, { -2695.91,558.95,17.4297 }, { -2646.23,572.65,17.4297 }, { -2610.95,532.10,17.4062 }, { -2592.76,558.95,17.4297 }, { -2842.48,714.10,30.6641 }, { -2829.05,669.98,20.4062 }, { -2754.90,676.05,41.7344 }, { -2754.90,698.22,44.0938 }, { -2746.86,637.06,30.7109 }, { -2746.86,721.11,44.3438 }, { -2716.62,704.24,43.8672 }, { -2678.84,712.48,31.8984 }, { -2637.70,704.24,30.7656 }, { -2559.94,704.24,30.7656 }, { -2610.85,718.30,30.7812 }, { -2602.46,756.31,38.4297 }, { -2530.80,552.15,17.4141 }, { -2522.55,510.39,17.4375 }, { -2457.07,559.09,24.3281 }, { -2543.08,572.65,17.4297 }, { -2530.70,599.98,23.9766 }, { -2497.22,572.65,17.3828 }, { -2410.29,572.65,27.7188 }, { -2379.80,553.60,27.6875 }, { -2287.91,559.14,38.0234 }, { -2336.87,572.65,31.0156 }, { -2522.48,645.25,31.0859 }, { -2393.45,618.13,34.7031 }, { -2380.08,678.33,37.9609 }, { -2347.44,663.99,39.6797 }, { -2308.68,664.01,47.2422 }, { -2530.80,689.56,30.8359 }, { -2530.80,742.31,33.3906 }, { -2495.46,712.65,36.1172 }, { -2439.89,704.24,38.0859 }, { -2400.64,712.65,38.0234 }, { -2393.34,738.23,37.9766 } } --// This is the table with the position where the light should be created --// But I don't know how to use getElementsWithinRange with dynamic lighting since the lights created with this resource are custom made Can someone give me an example on how I could do it?
  13. Well if it's a client script you can do something like this: You just need to use setElementData and getElementData --// Server-Side function login() local account = getPlayerAcount(source) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then setElementData(source, "permissionsGranted", true) else setElementData(source, "permissionsGranted", false) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, login) --// Client-Side function m() if getElementData(localPlayer, "permissionsGranted") == true then outputChatBox("Yey, you have the access", 255, 255, 255, true) elseif getElementData(localPlayer, "permissionsGranted") == false then outputChatBox("Sadly you don't have the access", 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("check", m)
  14. You need to use ACL functions, like this one: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsObjectInACLGroup or a simplified version https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/IsPlayerInACL Simple script: function sHealth(thePlayer, command, health) if health then local account = getPlayerAccount(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..account, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then setElementHealth(thePlayer, tonumber(health)) else outputChatBox("You don't have the power to use this command", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /shealth health[in numbers]", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true) end addCommandHandler("shealth", sHealth) --// Version with isObjectInACLGroup function sHealth(thePlayer, command, health) if health then if isPlayerInACL(thePlayer, "Admin") then setElementHealth(thePlayer, tonumber(health)) else outputChatBox("You don't have the power to use this command", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true) end else outputChatBox("Correct syntax: /shealth health[in numbers]", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true) end end --// Version with isPlayerInACL function isPlayerInACL(player, acl) if isElement(player) and getElementType(player) == "player" and aclGetGroup(acl or "") and not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(player)) then local account = getPlayerAccount(player) return isObjectInACLGroup( "user.".. getAccountName(account), aclGetGroup(acl) ) end return false end I hope you understand how things work when you use ACLs now ?
  15. Nice one, for a moment I thought the MTA was going to be like Electronic Arts or Rockstar :))))
  16. local coordinates = { {interiorName = "Test 1", interiorX = 1, interiorY = 1, interiorZ = 1}, {interiorName = "Test 2", interiorX = 2, interiorY = 2, interiorZ = 2}, } function testCommand(thePlayer, command) teleportFunction(thePlayer, 1) -- it will teleport the player to the first coordinates from the table end addCommandHandler("tpi", testCommand) function teleportFunction(theElement, interiorID) if isElement(theElement) and getElementType(theElement) == "player" then setElementPosition(theElement, coordinates[interiorID].interiorX, coordinates[interiorID].interiorY, coordinates[interiorID].interiorZ) end end -- interiorID will result in coordinates[1].interiorX, coordinates[1].interiorY, coordinates[1].interiorZ for example -- there are only 2 coordinates in table so the interiorID must be 1 or 2 I hope this is what you want and I didn't made a mistake
  17. Hydra


    If I understood correctly, you want to reset your car mod with the default one from gta so that there are no frame drops. You can use this resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=11265
  18. Posibil sa am nevoie de ajutor la faza cu sesiunile private, adica doar jucatorii invitati de catre jucatorul care a facut acel lobby sa fie vizibili intre ei. Am vrut sa folosesc setElementVisibleTo dar nu merge pentru lucrul acesta din cauza sincronizarii.
  19. Project Genesis Q: What is Project Genesis? A: Project Genesis is a Multi Theft Auto server with RPG gamemode based on Grand Theft Auto V Online We are trying to recreate the things you do in GTA V online in MTA:SA, I want to let you now that the server is in heavy development because it was started only 2 weeks ago. But I wanted to announce the server early so that players can enter the server faster and see our progress made with the server. We are also looking for staff members, testers and people to promote the server. You can do this on our forum: https://projectgenesismta.boards.net/ (We are using a free forum for now until we see how the server status will be when it will be ready). Before making a request for tester, staff or social management(for the people who want only to promote the server on other mta platforms that has a self-promote channel), please read the models on this link: https://projectgenesismta.boards.net/board/11/recruitment-template STAFF Recruitment: https://projectgenesismta.boards.net/board/12/staff-recruitment Tester Recruitment: https://projectgenesismta.boards.net/board/13/tester-recruitment Social Management Recruitment: https://projectgenesismta.boards.net/board/14/social-management-recruitment Our discord server: https://discord.gg/QZrbYSrZ5y Nationality: Romanian & English
  20. Hello, I'm selling a VIP Panel for freeroam servers. What does it contain? Health Armour VIP Skin Head on/off MAX Stats for player Jetpack on/off Invisible (Makes the player invisible) Invisible Animate (Create an animation with player visibility) RPG #1 (Normal RPG) RPG #2 (Heat seeking RPG) Minigun VGM (Vehicle godmode) Arrow (Create an arrow above the player) Rainbow #1 (Changes the car color in rainbow (slower animation)) Rainbow #2 (Changes the car color in rainbow (faster animation)) Jump Car (You can jump with the car) - lshift Invisible (You can make your car invisible) Invisible Animate (You can make your car visibility animate) Water (You can drive on water with the car) Fly (You can fly with the car) Price: 15 Euro (only paypal)
  21. I just gave you a structure on how you can make it. I didn't said it will work
  22. local w, h = guiGetScreenSize () function glue(thePlayer, cmd) local tx, ty, tz = getWorldFromScreenPosition ( w/2, h/2, 50 ) local px, py, pz = getCameraMatrix() local hit, x, y, z, elementHit = processLineOfSight ( px, py, pz, tx, ty, tz ) if hit then attachElements(theElement, theElementToAttach, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ) end end addCommandHandler("glue", glue) Something like that. Didn't tested it so it may not work but with something like this you can make want you want
  23. Hello, please speak in english in this section because we don't understand what you say and can't help you. You can also ask your question in your native language here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/forum/100-russian-русский/
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