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Everything posted by Tut

  1. The ban for cheating is correct and remains permanent
  2. Closing this. If you have any other questions feel free to create another thread
  3. Closing this as duplicate. Please see the response to your other thread
  4. I have closed your duplicate thread and moved one of its replies into the existing one.
  5. Tut

    A question

    @zezim Both are fine to use, but we will eventually be making a full switch to *multitheftauto.com
  6. Tut

    A question

    I have moved this into the Scripting section so that you can get better help with this.
  7. I have just double checked this ban and it is entirely correct... If you feel you didn't cheat on MTA, you will need to ask the other people playing MTA on your device to not cheat.
  8. Please continue waiting for a response to your existing appeal https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/136938-ban-injusto/
  9. Closing this as spam. If you are the same user as the one who you linked to, the ban will not be removed. If you've got a different ban, please create a new appeal containing your MTA serial so that this can get checked.
  10. Hi, you have posted 4 ban appeals but haven't provided us with your MTA serial in any of them - please do so if you would like us to check this for you
  11. If you feel you didn't use any cheats, please provide us with your MTA serial in a new ban appeal so that we can get this checked for you. Press F8 inside of MTA and type serial
  12. As this is related to a kick (VF #2 4f050000), rather than a ban it has been moved into the Russian support section. The kick is due to a possible virus infection on your device. Install security software and perform a few virus and malware scans. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/64715-install-anti-virus/
  13. As indicated in your previous appeal the ban is permanent. It is not getting removed and we may not review any further appeals for this ban.
  14. Yes, that sort of thing is not going to happen. In rare cases we might allow players to help us analyze cheats and exploits, but that is for the purpose of us patching them. You should still be able to write an anti cheat resource to help against fly/wall hacks and the like, but you'll have to use your imagination and use scripts that imitate the features of those hacks so that you can better predict when your system should take action. If you have evidence and serials of cheating on your server you are welcome to send Ccw, Dutchman101 or myself a private forum message
  15. If you feel you didn't cheat on MTA, it means someone else has been cheating on your device. Make sure only you are able to access the device or speak to the others using it and sort it out between the both of you The ban lasts 10 days
  16. Tut


    GTA uses occlusions. This is an optimization approach which tells the client to not stream objects that are blocked by the occlusion. Occlusions are placed on larger buildings and structures. You can disable occlusions for that particular area, or for the whole map by using setOcclusionsEnabled( false )
  17. Tut


    @DiogoSZ you have an existing thread in the Portuguese forum section (here). Please create only 1 thread per question, as it gets a bit tricky to follow up on multiple threads which may receive different replies and advice
  18. As the downloadable contents of this thread has been removed I think it's served its time here in the forums. @Magiz0r rather than posting to old threads I would recommend reaching the author through a status update, PM or similar.
  19. It expires 25 July at 19:34 UTC
  20. We do have English & Russian support channels in our Discord server. https://discord.gg/mtasa
  21. As this is related to a kick, rather than a ban, it has been moved into the client support section. EJFA is typically refering to a virus infection on your device. Perform full virus / malware scans and remove any dangerous files or files that you don't recognise. Advice on security software can be found below. https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/64715-install-anti-virus/
  22. I have moved this into the client support section as dialogue is not possible within the ban appeals section. Some bans are permanent while others are temporary. If you post your MTA serial here we can check the duration for you.
  23. Please provide us with your MTA serial in a new ban appeal. Press F8 and type serial whilst within MTA
  24. Locking this as duplicate.
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