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اللي لاحظته في كودك انك حاطت engineReplaceAnimation مع التحقق اللي يظهر بالشات المفروض كنت حطيته تحت الاند حقة التحقق اذا مافهمت شوف هنا انت مسويه كيف ؟ يعني انت مسوي تحقق ان لو الملف ماهو موجود يطلع بالشات نص كيف تبي الانيمشن يشتغل وانت حاطه داخل التحقق؟ فهمت ؟
function engineReplaceAnimation_(path,name,anim) local customBlockName = "os" local IFP= engineLoadIFP ( path, customBlockName ) if not IFP then outputChatBox('#FF0000 Failed to load#FFFF00 ['..path..']' ,r,g,b,true) end engineReplaceAnimation( localPlayer, name, anim, customBlockName,anim) end --- engineReplaceAnimation_('walk.ifp','ped', 'sprint_civi') جرب كدا لان الوظيفه تعتمد ع نوع الحركه انا سويته لك كدا بحيث انه يكون سهل لك تستخدمه
you can use > getPedBonePosition Example Bribe = createObject(1242,0, 0, 0); setElementCollisionsEnabled(Bribe ,false) setObjectScale (Bribe,1.5) addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, function() if ( getPlayerArmor ( localPlayer )>= 1 ) then local sx, sy, sz = getPedBonePosition(localPlayer,3) local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(localPlayer) setElementPosition(Bribe ,sx-rx, sy-ry, sz+0.1) setElementRotation(Bribe,0,0,rz) end end)
build = {} function building(player, command) if command == "setBuild" then if isElement(build[player]) then destroyElement(build[player]) end xP, yP, zP = getElementPosition(player) build[player] = createObject(3374, xP, yP, zP) attachElements(build[player],player, 0, 3, 1) setElementAlpha(build[player], 150) elseif command == "detach" and isElement(build[player]) then detachElements(build[player] ) end end addCommandHandler("setBuild", building) addCommandHandler("detach",building) try
function Sound3D(sound3d,...) local wX, wY, wZ = getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition ( localPlayer ) local sound = playSound3D (sound3d,wX, wY, wZ, false ) attachElements (sound ,localPlayer , 0, 0, 2 ) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, 50) setElementDimension(sound,getElementDimension ( localPlayer )) setElementInterior(sound,getElementInterior( localPlayer ),...) return sound end local weapons = { [22] = "sounds/Colt45.wav", --[id] = "sound name", } -- setWorldSoundEnabled(5,false) function onClientPlayerWeaponFire ( weapon ) if weapons[weapon] then local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) if isElement(sound ) then destroyElement(sound ) end sound = Sound3D(weapons[getPedWeapon(localPlayer)], x, y, z ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getRootElement(), onClientPlayerWeaponFire ) is this what you want ?
local wX, wY, wZ = getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition ( getLocalPlayer() ) local sound = playSound3D ( "sounds/Colt45.wav",wX, wY, wZ , false ) and use isElement
--Client if hitPlayer == localPlayer then triggerServerEvent ("giveMoney", hitPlayer ) ---Server givePlayerMoney (source, 500) element playSound3D ( string soundURL, float x, float y, float z, [ bool looped = false, bool throttled = true ] ) where = pos (x , y , z) ?
local function OpenDx(...) local v = {...} if v[2] == true then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root,v[1]) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,v[1]) elseif v[2] == false then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root,v[1]) end end function dx1() --- dxDraw(...) end OpenDx(dx1,true) -- show dx1 OpenDx(dx1,false) -- hide dx1 --/// function dx2() --- dxDraw(...) end OpenDx(dx2,true) -- show dx2 OpenDx(dx2,false) -- hide dx2
client Does the server see the player's money amount?
#\_oskar_/# replied to Moony's topic in Scripting
if you want to buy weapons By GUI you should use this functions #Client OnClientGUIClick triggerServerEvent #Server getPlayerMoney giveWeapon -
setelementinterior [HELP] Can't find the error in this teleport script.
#\_oskar_/# replied to Moony's topic in Scripting
source He is the marker not player if (source == infourdragons) then and here error on event hit marker addEventHandler("onHitMarker", player, "saythis") It must be like this addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", root, saythis) -
setelementinterior [HELP] Can't find the error in this teleport script.
#\_oskar_/# replied to Moony's topic in Scripting
outputChatbox replace it to outputChatBox -
@ReZurrecti0n line 16 : you forgot to add = if number == 3 then
Replacing the command with the marker. Please help me!
#\_oskar_/# replied to Turk-oghlan's topic in Scripting
What do you want me to do- 7 replies
- command
- setcommand
(and 4 more)
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مبدع الصراحه وظيفه جميله ومفيده ♥
what you want do?
use > getPlayerName for check your name
Replacing the command with the marker. Please help me!
#\_oskar_/# replied to Turk-oghlan's topic in Scripting
atmls1 = 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162 atmls2 = 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90 atmls3 = 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178 atmsf1 = -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88 atmsf2 = -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90 atmredcounty = -74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90 atmlv1 = 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92 atmlv2 = 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178 atmlv3 = 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270 atmler = { { 2116, -1118.3000488281,24.89999961853,0,0,162 }, { 1186.1999511719,-1374.3000488281, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,90 }, { 1975.4000244141,-2176.1000976563, 13.199999809265 ,0,0,178 }, { -1571.0999755859,666.59997558594, 6.8000001907349 ,0,0,88 }, { -2655.8999023438,257.89999389648, 4 ,0,0,90 }, {-74.800003051758,1116.3000488281, 19.39999961853 ,0,0,90 }, { 1715.5999755859,1533.5, 10.39 ,0,0,92 }, { 2176.6000976563,2443.6999511719, 10.5 ,0,0,178 }, { 2159.5,950.79998779297, 10.699999809265 ,0,0,270 } } atm = {} function displayLoadedRes ( res ) for theKey,theAtm in ipairs(atmler) do atm[theAtm] = createObject ( 2942, theAtm [ 1 ], theAtm [ 2 ], theAtm [ 3 ], theAtm [ 4 ], theAtm [ 5 ], theAtm [ 6 ] ) atmx, atmy, atmz = getElementPosition (atm[theAtm]) atmMarker = createMarker ( atmx, atmy, atmz -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 100, 100, 200, 170 ) setElementData (atmMarker,"atm",true) atmBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( atm[theAtm], 52 ) setBlipVisibleDistance (atmBlip,200) setElementCollisionsEnabled(atm[theAtm], false) end end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), displayLoadedRes ) function Bank_( hitElement,v ) if ((getElementType(hitElement) == "player")) then local acc = getPlayerAccount (hitElement) if (acc and not isGuestAccount (acc)) then local atmmi = getElementData (source,"atm") if (atmmi == v) then triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "bankaGuiAc", hitElement) end end end end --///////////// addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(),function (hitElement ) Bank_(hitElement, true ) end) --///////////// addCommandHandler ( "Bank", function ( source, commandName) Bank_( source,false) end)- 7 replies
- 1
- command
- setcommand
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
setTimer ( setVehicleEngineState, 100, 1 ,theVehicle, false)
x[ إستفسار ]x كيفية عمل صورة على اللوحه بـ الكامل ؟
#\_oskar_/# replied to Abu.M9L7's topic in البرمجة
Abu.M9L7 عندك طريقتين واختار اللي يعجبك اول طريقه end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then clearChatBox(player) outputChatBox('✦ » - سيرفر طرب الرسمي يرحب بكم - « ✦', player, 10, 137, 244) outputChatBox('✦ » - Welcome To Server T.5 - « ✦', player, 247, 6, 131) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) ثاني طريقه end local r, g, b = math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255), math.random(50, 255) setPlayerNametagColor(player, r, g, b) g_PlayerData[player] = { vehicles = {} } g_PlayerData[player].blip = createBlipAttachedTo(player, 0, 2, r, g, b) if g_FrozenTime then clientCall(player, 'setTimeFrozen', true, g_FrozenTime[1], g_FrozenTime[2], g_FrozenWeather) end if getOption('welcometextonstart') then for i=1,20 do -- عدد الاسطر 20 outputChatBox( " " , player) end outputChatBox('✦ » - سيرفر طرب الرسمي يرحب بكم - « ✦', player, 10, 137, 244) outputChatBox('✦ » - Welcome To Server T.5 - « ✦', player, 247, 6, 131) end end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, joinHandler) اول كود هو يمسح كل الشات مسح شامل الكود الثاني تحدد عدد الاسطر اللي تمسحها بالشات وهو يمسح 20 سطر -
x[ إستفسار ]x كيفية عمل صورة على اللوحه بـ الكامل ؟
#\_oskar_/# replied to Abu.M9L7's topic in البرمجة
عشان تتعلم برمجة اللوحات اول شئ لازم تفهم للقريد ليست بما انك تبي تسوي شراء سيارات او شوب اسلحه ودي شروحات ممكن تفيدك ان شاء الله * [ meta.xml ] شرح انشاء ملف الميتا وما يتعلق به x[ giveWeapon شرح وظيفة ]x x[ triggerServerEvent شرح وظيفة ]x * [ givePlayerMoney ] شرح درس ربط الكود بالزر @~# or شرح فتح لوحه بالزر بوتون عمل تريقر من كلين للسيرفر وضغط زر + اعطاء سلاح ~ مواضيع عن شرح القريد ليست شرح القريد ليست + طلب شرح ربط الكود بالقريد ليست + شرح الجريد لست انت لو بحثت هتلاقي شروحات كتير وان شاء الله تستفاد من المواضيع دي