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  1. I've made a server-type .Lua that should apply several 'setWeaponProperties' to the weapons. It works for some weapons, but not for others. For example, I've set the Deagle (replaced with a 6 bullet drum) to 'maxiumum_clip_ammo' = 6. This works correctly. However, with other weapons, it doesn't. Here's the script: function weaponProps () -- M9 -- setWeaponProperty(22, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 14) -- Revolver -- setWeaponProperty(24, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 6) -- Shotgun -- setWeaponProperty(25, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 7) -- Uzi -- setWeaponProperty(28, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 30) -- AKMS -- setWeaponProperty(30, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 35) -- G36 -- setWeaponProperty(31, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 40) -- Kar -- setWeaponProperty(33, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 5) -- Mosin -- setWeaponProperty(34, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 1) end addEventHandler ("onResourceStart", getRootElement(), weaponProps) Essentially, it runs as soon as the resource is started. As a beginner's test, I'm only modifying the max ammo clip. It works for: - Deagle (Revolver) - Shotgun - AK-47 (AKMS) - M4 (G36) - Rifle (Kar) - Sniper (Mosin) It doesn't work for: - Colt (M9) - UZI
  2. I've found six issues so far. Being alone, everything seemed fine; with players, these issues are visible. For the sake of organization and to avoid overwhelming, I'll be going through each issue (if possible), instead of throwing everything at once —unless asked otherwise—. First in the list is about client.Lua's 'outputChatBox' showing to everyone in the chatbox: I've got two scripts in this moment that are causing said inconvenient: a quick ATM system and a teleport system. The ATM is a simple marker that, when hit, gives you $500, and outputs that information. The teleports work the same way, but instead, the set the interior, position and rotation of the player, and output a message. ATM: Client: (this example's location is at LV's gas station, next to Four Dragon's Casino). atm1 = createMarker (2123.0048828125, 897.57653808594, 10.1796875, "cylinder", 1, 0, 100, 0, 170) function moneyLawn (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if (source == atm1) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == false) then triggerServerEvent ("givePlayerMoney", hitPlayer) outputChatBox ("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: El servidor te regaló #006400$500.", 0, 0, 0, true) end end (translation: "The server gave you $500") Server: function giveToPlayer () givePlayerMoney (root, 500) end addEvent ("giveMoney", true) addEventHandler ("giveMoney", root, giveToPlayer) Because of its close relation, I'll also name another issue regarding this script. The money is being given to all players in the server, and it is being multiplied by each player. This means that is, for example, I have 3 players in my server, when any player touches the marker, each player will be given $500 x amountOfPlayers = $1500. Teleports: (I have a few other teleports, but they only change interior and position). Client: ------------------------- -- FOUR DRAGONS CASINO -- ------------------------- inFourD = createMarker (2019.76953125, 1007.0116577148, 9.7203125, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 153) function inFourDragons (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if (source == inFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == true) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: No se permiten vehículos dentro.", 0, 0, 0, true) elseif (source == inFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == false) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: Ingresaste al casino '#DD0000Four Dragons#FFFFFF'.", 0, 0, 0, true) setElementInterior (hitPlayer, 10) setElementPosition (hitPlayer, 2016.9376220703, 1017.0843505859, 996.875 ) setElementRotation (hitPlayer, 0, 0, 90) end end addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", root, inFourDragons) outFourD = createMarker (2018.9376220703, 1017.0843505859, 995.875, "cylinder", 1, 255, 0, 0, 153) setElementInterior (outFourD, 10) function outFourDragons (hitPlayer, matchingDimension) if (source == outFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == true) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: No se permiten vehículos dentro.", 0, 0, 0, true) elseif (source == outFourD) and (isPedInVehicle(hitPlayer) == false) then outputChatBox("#D2691E[#FF7F50INFO#D2691E]#FFFFFF: Te retiraste del casino '#DD0000Four Dragons#FFFFFF'.", 0, 0, 0, true) setElementInterior (hitPlayer, 0) setElementPosition (hitPlayer, 2021.76953125, 1007.0116577148, 10.7203125 ) setElementRotation (hitPlayer, 0, 0, 90) end end addEventHandler ("onClientMarkerHit", root, outFourDragons) [translation: (if player in veh) "No cars allowed". (if player not in veh) "You've entered/exited "Four Dragons" casino".] There is no server. This similar post, which I'm following, says that in client-side, the output is bound to be shown just for the player who triggered the event.
  3. I've successfully created a marker that triggers 'givePlayerMoney' and 'outputChatBox' when 'onClientMarkerHit' in a client.Lua. Does the server see the amount of money the player now has? Do I have to sync the money to the server with some kind of 'getPlayerMoney' in a server.Lua? I'm planning on making a weapons GUI that works with the player's money.
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