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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. A: Yes Q: Hmm, a quick visit to the astroid belt for rock collecting?
  2. A: It was finn and his damn robotic body Q: Should we disassemble him?
  3. Its pathetic really, we found a clan cheating a while ago, so to get back at us they setup another 'vces server' and the whole clan posed as us
  4. Are you sure, me and my brother have been able to connect to the same server (played on littlewhitey's together)
  5. Eh? , the only one i see is north east of the airfield (yellow bell golf club) EDIT: Updated map (click for bigger one and you are allowed 2 bases - to apply for a base, you should have a clan with 5 or more members)
  6. A: Not fussed, I JUST WANT MY FOOD! Q: Considering that we are millions of miles from earth, hows the lag on mta?
  7. A: BANT THEM! Q: Who is gonna cook tonight?
  8. A: No, we need him! Q: So, who is doing the night shift?
  9. A: No, but i would hand out interspacial anus retaining devices Q: Anyone poo'd themselves yet?
  10. A: YES! Q: What speed should i set the engines too?
  11. A: No, come to the light side, there is PIE! Q: g0t pie?
  12. type quit in the console
  13. A: Its ok, ill fart freely Q: Want a gas mask incase?
  14. Brophy


    yeah, search the FAQ and try to be more informative with your posts, dont just post 'HELP!!!' then say i have a error, give us some info, like your os, what game version you are running etc.
  15. Brophy

    offline gta

    well jacob was working on sa-2p but the lastest news for that was from last year
  16. A: A floating cargohold will rendezvous with us while we orbit the moon! Q: Everyone ready to go back to the moon?
  17. Brophy


    also if it crashes then remember to play gta3 in single player before you install mta (a few people had this problem before cuz they went straight online before running it in sp)
  18. A: we have many pint glasses, but all the beer gets collected in big vats, so help yourself Q: Should we make Steak and Ale pie?
  19. Brophy


    rofl, yay lets run about all day collecting magic!
  20. A: Well the waste the engines produce is beer Q: So, would you sacrifice your ham for some nice cold beer?
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