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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. Brophy

    mta wont start

    try using the search button then
  2. Can MTA run on any other OS than windows?
  3. Brophy

    Drag race

    i thought drag races was driving in a straight line
  4. Im sure blokker will correct it, for now just change forum.mtavc.com to http://www.mtavc.com if u which to view em
  5. A: Yes and bulgarian carpet salesman called gooter Q: Who is in favor of the bulgarian carpet salesmen?
  6. A: Yes, we know how much j00 love the cheese! Q: Cheese for all?
  7. A: Hmm, we could put him into the cargo hold and wait till we run out of ham! Q: Now im back, should we continue in our solar adventure off stealing and beating up finn?
  8. If GTA4 does have multiplayer, imagine how many noob clans would be setup in the first week
  9. It's game port + 123, and if other people can see it, you know it works. Plus, the server browser doesn't show local servers. they should've stayed with ASE .. mta uses ASE
  10. A: 3 mins 12 seconds by my calculations Q: Should we be involved with the riot?
  11. Brophy, i think you didnt read this ahhh ill change it later
  12. added, also if u want a base, POST HERE, pm's will be ignored
  13. Same Idea? you just copied and pasted my first post and put your own image lol
  14. A: NEVER! TO PAGE 200 WE GO! Q: Anyone else coming?
  15. A: No, he dont deserve them Q: Should we send finn instead?
  16. Yes, read what you put 'At Rumble' which is for rumble This one is for MTA
  17. A: Hmm, i recommend destorying all governments and becoming President of Earth Q: Good idea?
  18. A: Proberly, i think it involved ham Q: So how tall will our new vice city building be?
  19. A: No, because like our ship is repaired! Q: Now we have a moon base, where shall we make a new base?
  20. A: I doubt it, i heard that someone placed some poo on the handle Q: How shall we get past the poo?
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