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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. Good luck, when you get more members and more active, remember to register your bases
  2. A: Only if you let me fit a manual override incase you go crazy again Q: Agreed?
  3. A: Yes! Q: What should we do with finn's robotic body?
  4. A: Carry on with our space mission Q: Agreed?
  5. A: Chewing gum Q: Think it can cope when we go 300,000 miles per second?
  6. A: Erm yes, and finn, stop pooing in the engine room! Q: Why is finn's poo radioactive?
  7. A: Nasty words like boris should be written onto them Q: Anyone else dislike boris?
  8. http://media.putfile.com/aicha
  9. rofl , this has to be the best, rofl hahahahha http://www.ebaumsworld.com/aicha.html check out his bed sheets, wtf hahahahaha
  10. A: Im here, i was stealing a nuclear warhead for us Q: What planet should we detonate it on?
  11. what the hell is with your time?
  12. A: First we stone finn to death, then land on the moon and fire a few nuclear missiles Q: That ok?
  13. screwton, posting every 5 secs will get you banned
  14. A: The whole of russia Q: Should we save the MOTHERLAND!?
  15. A: Yes, unless we have some of finn's blue cheese Q: How long we gotta wait till jigga throws this damn rock?
  16. Pick you hq(s) before its too late You can pick upto 2 bases (ones that are NOT occupied) (You should have at least 5 members in your clan and be at least 4 weeks old with a working site) IF YOU WANT YOUR CLAN ON THE MAP, THEN POST IN THIS THREAD PRIVATE MESSAGES WILL BE IGNORED Remember its first come, first serve GANG AREAS (SAES) - San Andreas Emergency Services (VCES) - Aircraft Carrier & Las Venturas Police HQ (VCK) - Vice City Killaz - The Pleasure Dome & Caligula's Casino (VCP) - Vice City Police - Easter Bay Airport (Underground) & Illegal Immigrant Freighter (DNA) - Deadly Night Assassins - Area 69 & Gant Freighter (MFC) - Mokuso Finland Club - Ocean Docks Freighter (SM) - Stunt Masters - Verdant Meadow Aircraft Graveyard & Mount Chiliad (LVG) - Las Venturas Gangstas - Vrock Hotel & Yellow Bell Golf Club (PCP) - Polish Connection PatriotZ - Bandits Baseball Stadium & Las Barrancas Abandoned Fort (LDK) - Lithuania Death Knights - KACC Military Fuels & Verdant Bluffs (SOL) - Sons of Liberty - Easter Basin Freighter (FMJ) - Full Metal Jacket - Marco's Bistro (XII) - Majestic Twelve - Starfish Casino Garage [W] - [W]ARRIORS - North-East Ammunation, Las Venturas Credit to Vicer to starting the SA HQ Thread (and for being my bitch *runs off*)
  17. A: Erm, i take that as a yes... Q: Who gets first throw?
  18. A: Not me, ill just use a fox Q: Commence rock throwing?
  19. Havent you seen the blog etc showing screenshots of Deathmatch?
  20. No, bases can be removed or changed at anytime you see fit (as long as the other base you pick isnt occupied)
  21. A: Yes, will we deactive your body, only keeping your pain receptors and your conscience active Q: Shouldnt you be eek'ing now?
  22. sometimes my mouse wouldnt work ingame, i could fix it by pressing escape (in mta i press alt+tab a few times to fix it)
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