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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. Make sure remember me is ticked, it worked for me then
  2. Dont post then Back on topic, Good Luck with the server Punk
  3. isnt ban a little over the top? , you could give them a message to change there name and just kick em
  4. search the forum for the downgrade patch, it will downgrade your .exe to 1.0
  5. Pfft, we know you are a treehugger ron
  6. Brophy

    i need help

    1. You NEED GTA: San Andreas to play MTA:SA 2. We cannot help you with warez, go buy the game
  7. He is Russian ffs!
  8. A: Yes, only because all the excess beer needs to be drunk Q: Agreed?
  9. Yes, just download the server and run it over your LAN
  10. !en Read: http://www.mtavc.com/blog/index.php?mod ... ost_id=125
  11. Could be the fact you are using a pirated copy of vice city and/or missing files because its a rip?
  12. Sorry, we cant help you with warez, but u dont need to start a server to play, just join someone elses server
  13. Click the servers button, after the servers have been pinged, find a server and double click it, once it joins the server the start game button should be highlighted so u can use it, press it and if asked select the game exe it should be pointed out, that u NEED a pc copy of gta: vice city or gta3 to play mta 0.5
  14. God, that video sucked... rofl, joking , nice job
  15. Yeah, but still u didnt need to repost, there is a EDIT button for a reason
  16. zajebisty thanks for posting porn and getting the 'find a picture' thread locked A: No, ive sold them off to be slaves to some tribe Q: Wanna join them?
  17. You do have the game dont you?
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