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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. True but most games display a message if you die, so why tell your mate you died? you get used to it, if you are a fast typer then you shouldnt find it much of a problem. Also if u wanna spawn without being killed then play on a server where spawn killing isnt allowed,
  2. You would know if u read the tutorial
  3. Why dont you use teamspeak or learn to chat when you dont have people around you (specially if they wanna kill you)
  4. Even so, MAC addresses can be changed easily
  6. Just like the journey me and talidan went on with santa's cow sled
  7. The patcher wont patch no-cd / cracked .exe's
  8. [lua]-- outputChatBox ( "What you wanna say", visibleto, r, g, b ) -- Example root = getRootElement () outputChatBox ( "Sniff me!", root, 255, 80, 60 ) [/lua]
  9. Football > American Padded Rugby
  10. Ive got a suggestion, darkdragon should take note, dont spam unless its in BLASTA
  11. Brophy

    Need help

    help yourself and use the search function next time http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=15151
  12. A: Happy birthday! btw Solide, its in the dishwasher next to the pie knife Q: Should i use a TomTom or a PiePie for navigation?
  13. Hmm, mars must be using the old 0.x core, thats why its been abandoned
  14. lmao, which developers were that then?
  15. I suppose it could be done, but when you are on fire in sa, you cant fire some weapons
  16. You dont need to forward ports to play mta unless you are hosting a server, but if you have a firewall you will need to OPEN the ports
  17. A: I was test driving it, it can be powered by pie, beer and fart now! Q: Where shall we go with it?
  18. hmm, its like its loading the game in single player tho, not loading the mta scm, u made sure its installing into the right directory?
  19. .. it was already posted on the previous page.. http://www.lua.org/pil/
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