MTA 0.5 has GTA3 and Vice City multiplayers built into it, just reinstall 0.5 and tick gta3 along with vice city
gta3-mta 0.2a is outdated and unused now
lol, i love how everyone hears all of this different info, often contradicting info from 'reliable' sources, and killerdog, of course rockstar's own multiplayer would be smoother, if not better because they have the source code of gta to go at
He has already photoshopped pictures of SA-MP and called it his own mod rofl
Anyways back to topic, I will have to find Iggy, he had the video of me and him playing with a human catapult I built haha. If I do find it, I'll post it
Missing skins wouldnt make your game default to another skin, i know there was bug with radar icons were showing only yellow for all skins, i think it was due to having or not having the 1.1 patch for mta
You could always check the map that ransom setup
but then again, to make it fair you would need EVERY player to vote / place their location on the map
Hehe yeah, it wasnt a photoshop, i had 2 copies of gmod, one fresh other modded, i just changed the gameinfo.txt in the modded one and done a new icon hehe