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Everything posted by Coolnat2004

  1. he prolly used photoshop or jasc photo shop or something. although, im not sure about getting it so perfect like that neat screens btw
  2. from the screens, it looks like the stunt server adds tons of ramps and packers into vice city for optimum stunting
  3. Hey everybody. I thought I'd post this little tip since I found it out earlier. If you're getting a very slow framerate in gta3, but you arent in GTA:VC, go into your display options and turn off frame sync and trails. This should make it just as smooth as gta:vc
  4. hopefully, gta3 is almost as good as gta:vc. minus bikes and some other stuff
  5. no, they decided that feature was stupid and no one liked it...
  6. Are you guys working on a fix for the random 'unhandled exception' crashes? It seems that many people (including myself) are getting this error only when playing MTA--not in single player. I'm sure this has been asked many times (I've been looking for a solution), but since you guys said that you fixed many causes of this crash in 0.2, I'm assuming eventually you'll eliminate it all together? If you dont answer then thats fine with me, because I'm sure that everyone is getting annoyed with this question.
  7. but seriously, im sure that they will post screenshots once they are..almost done.
  8. it would definately help when trying to find a friend. (specially for me who doesnt know the entire city by heart yet)
  9. Thank you so much! Looks great on an 8.5x11 piece of paper! Gonna be an advantage for me and anyone else! thanks soooooo much
  10. does this cause the occasional crashing that is commonly accosiated with mods? if not, id be happy to download the new radar! EDIT: gah, just read the readme file. cant use with MTA, eh? poo. whats the point of it then? cant race by yourself
  11. Coolnat2004

    My 2 cents.

    im looking forward to MTA:VC 0.3! I hope that many of those things are implemented ('specially the nickname thing..)
  12. so, what? the radar is correct but the skins are different?
  13. you could also throw it in a zip file and distribute it in that. i once compressed a 250MB folder into 4 MB using winzip! i dont know how that worked, but it did!
  14. its impossible to get rid of lag, my man. only if all of the players are on a 100mbps LAN would that work with no lag. as for the cars appearing to skid, thats not a big issue - as long as it works im fine with that. yes, i agree I agree to this as well Also, I need to tell you guys that since GTA3:MTA like modifies the files of gta3 or something, whenever i try to play single player, it crashes at the end of the loading screen. if you could somehow improve GTA3:MTA so that it runs completely independantly like MTA:VC 0.2 does, I think it would work much, much better.
  15. it would prolly be possible if gta:vc for xbox included network play and then you could use a tunnel to get through to a server - but it wont include network play..
  16. i agree this feature sound cool. might make me go to the homepage before the forum now i also think that it should allow any screenshot, stunt or not - cuz some that arent stunts are still pretty cool
  17. perhaps it should be automatically added to your name each time you spawn, client-side that is, until the skin bug is fixed
  18. maybe they should make the window bigger and it can be classified as a "big" program lol
  19. thanks for the comments and suggestions. I'll try to make my future movies..erm..better lol Im sorta working on one but im not sure what i think of it, so we'll see.
  20. thats sweet! how did you do that stuff??!!
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