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Everything posted by Dimos7

  1. getWorldFromScreenPosition isPlayerMapVisible
  2. Dimos7

    Show Car

    It no hard make a function runing with those function makeVehicles() modelID = guiGridListGetItemText(carGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(carGridList), 1) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) veh = createVehicle(modelID, x, y+5,z) local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(veh) setCameraMatrix(vx, vy+10, vz+5) setTimer(function() destroyElement(veh) setCameraTarget(localPlayer) end, 10000, 1) end
  3. Dimos7

    Show Car

    you need setTimer createVehicle guiGridListGetSelectedItem
  4. is that script runnuing at server side?
  5. Dimos7


    take the player dimension and if it on 2 then remove the blip you want
  6. Make a function in server side make command handler and then triger the even createBox
  7. You want that message apear to every one?
  8. so you want the message be on image?
  9. Maybe because speed it floor and not inter
  10. createPed getPlayerTeam
  11. What are you try to make?
  12. make it when a play login add event handle and make a gui interface and then when click a button cahnge his password
  13. dxCreateShader dxCreateTexture Those function you need
  14. I think for paintjob you need shader i am no 100 precent sure
  15. Dimos7

    code ?

    function select() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local x, y, z, rot = 2700.04272, -2327.13013, 13.33250, 269 local skin = 29 local team = getTeamFromName("Unemployed") setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerX", x) setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerY", y) setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerZ", z) setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerRot", rot) setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerSkin", skin) setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerInt", 0) setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerDim", 0) setAccountData(account, "WWRPG.playerTeam", "Unemployed") fadeCamera(source, true) spawnPlayer(source, x, y, z, rot, skin, 0, 0,team) local dimension = getFreeDimension() cleanNotUsedBoats() if isElement(boats[source]) then destroyElement(boats[source]) end boats[source] = createVehicle(493, 2731.7016601563, -2322.798828125, 2, 0, 0, 359) setElementFrozen(boats[source], true) setElementDimension(boats[source], dimension) setElementDimension(source, dimension) triggerClientEvent(source,"startIntro",source,dimension) end
  16. Dimos7

    code ?

    you ned on more 0 and after put team
  17. Dimos7

    code ?

    its need dimension too and interior
  18. Oh i see then you need shader for that and image of the weapons
  19. If you want make yourself the you need 3d max and txd workshop or another program if you see a weapon and want it download and make sure there is a. txd file a. dff
  20. Dimos7


    you have cript take the url of site you change the password and if the change it then put that password to that account
  21. Dimos7


    setAccountPassword you need that function and get the password from the url you change it
  22. Dimos7


    createWeapon dxCreateShader dxCreateTexture
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