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Everything posted by AJH

  1. Topic closed Backwheel problem is fixed in the patch if not download the latest drivers for your videocard and use 1.0.
  2. AJH

    Another Bad Bug

    Looks like you connection cant handle it. Maybe you have spyware on your pc download Ad-aware (http://www.lavasoft.de/)
  3. AJH

    CRC Check

    Mod break We dont want any hacked clients here
  4. You should know almost everything is client. And side since we dont have the source of Vice City we can NOT make much things server side. Remember this is a mod. Edit: And ofcourse were trying to stop people from cheating. thats why its still beta
  5. Install directx 9 or the vc 1.1 patch.
  6. You can also find servers here. http://www.mtavc.com/page.php?show=servers
  7. bla bla bla. Read the manual or search. Why do you even play MTA if you think gtaT is so great. Please go to the gtaT forum or summit.
  8. Well let me try I have it done in 10 min In every game you can cheat.
  9. I just tried with some no-cd I have no problems with it it should work.
  10. I had this problem when i whas using a old dll. So make sure you overwrite it.
  11. Its under attack by bots. Join #invite
  12. That would be a negative The "crawling" issue is actually the character playing dead, and it is still often there. It fixes itself the first time a new animation is done (jump, shooting, etc...) or when you run into the player yourself. So if you see someone on the ground playing dead, but moving, just run into them This is a huge problem, let me explain. If someone is lying on the ground, to them they may be shooting you, but they dont see your health going down because to you they are just lying their. So you get kicked from the room or called a cheater! THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM! If he starts shoothing he stands up again.
  13. AJH


    Im getting tired of people like you. Go somewere else if you dont like it. closed
  14. Draco we didnt promise any game modes for them. But it looks good.
  15. AJH

    LAN capability

    Umm it allready works on lan. Just run the detecated server. And connect to it. It isnt that hard is it?
  16. Trainers will not work anymore.
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