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nikitafloy last won the day on March 4 2021

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  1. Sometimes I feel like I've gone to hell reading such proposals.
  2. I do not know what the code do you have, but you can check length of the text and move a line. local text = "hello, im text" if string.length(text) > 5 then local leftPartOfText = string.sub(text, 0, 5) local rightPartOfText = string.sub(text, 5) text = leftPartOfText .. "\n" .. rightPartOfText end
  3. Предлагать оплату после завершения - плохая идея
  4. You seem to imply that setElementVisibleTo destroys the element, not hides it
  5. I see a lot of errors in the code Need logs /debugscript 3 And it's not a fact that the spawn event is triggered after the login event
  6. local times = {['10m'] = 10 * 60000, ['1h'] = 60 * 60000} -- print(times['10m']) local timeUnits = {['m'] = 60000} -- 10m local number = string.match('10m', '%d+') local unit = string.match('10m', '%a+') -- print(tonumber(number) * timeUnits[unit])
  7. Yes, use web-server and API
  8. A business in which you guarantee a large profit, but do not want to invest...
  9. Should be: setElementData(localPlayer, "zaladowany", false) In onClientResourceStop event
  10. check arguments in use your function isCursorOnElement
  11. I think it's the models problem Disable them and check
  12. Use 'client' instead 'zplayer' (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/TriggerServerEvent) Zplayer on server-side is not an argument, its a root
  13. U cant enter to vehicle only if vehicle is created on client side or you have event onVehicleEnter with cancelEvent()
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