[3:08:21 PM] Leonardo: Oh
[3:08:27 PM] Leonardo: GET THE VAN!
[3:08:37 PM] Marciano: GOT IT, HOP IN.
[3:08:42 PM] Leonardo: TO ENGLAND!
[3:09:09 PM] Marciano: What... I thought we were going to Mc Donalds. D:
[3:09:12 PM] Leonardo: Wait
[3:09:19 PM] Leonardo: U forgot wat happened last time when we got the van...
[3:09:20 PM] Leonardo: ?
[3:09:36 PM] Marciano: Ya, that's why we need Mc Donalds instead of candy...
[3:09:41 PM] Leonardo: LOL
[3:09:46 PM] Leonardo: Well I ain't runnin again
Counting that you're from Pakistan I'd say it's because of your government. They blocked quite some SA-MP and obviously MTA servers so your only solution for now is using a proxy or VPN and wait for them to unblock it again.
Tried, same issue, APC_INDEX_MISMATCH is the error which is shown on the blue screen and it happens right when the loading part shows up, the first image part.
EDIT: I downgraded to 1.3.4 everything works fine on 1.3.4, hopefully MTA:SA development team will look into this issue.
Howdy. Well I pretty much installed the 1.3.5 and now whenever I try to start MTA SA I get the blue screen of death. I tried uninstalling MTA SA and then installing it again by downloading from the website and I get the same problem.
Anybody having this problem as well?
P.S I'm using Windows 8.
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