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MTA Anti-Cheat Team
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Everything posted by Dutchman101

  1. @xXGhostXx, I would like to remind you of the scripting section guidelines, particularly; Because we've seen this happening with several recent topics you made, please be aware that any repeating will result in a topic lock. I will lock this first to set an example.
  2. Dutchman101


    https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/46410-stolen-resource-accusations/ Please stick with that and stay on-topic, unless you're ready to show evidence that leaked/stolen code is being posted here. In that case, use the 'report post' function.. please don't post here again (or respond to me), we're back on-topic now.
  3. I doubt it's true, but please PM collected serials of suspected cheaters to ccw or me instead of creating a topic. Sending it to us directly allows for a more efficient investigation.
  4. You reported this situation multiple times both in posts and spammed PM's (which you received a forum warning for, months ago) and like we have informed you about earlier (by mentioning you) it has previously been investigated as visible on the edited post here: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/26205-server-list-spam/?do=findComment&comment=905587 Just for the record (screenshot of the outcome) incase it gets edited by your adversary; Therefore, the owner of server you are trying to report right now is known (@xNawaf) and while we believe you (@i,xAhmed) were the original and xNawaf's servers started copycatting around 2015, MTA staff isn't going to get involved with this situation for reasons described in the previous investigation; the lines are just too blurred, in 3+ years of time things could have happened that we don't know of, relating to the ownership of the split community called WnasH. There are 2 streams of this community and each one has gathered their own following that believes they are playing on the original, and we're not going to mess with that without knowing the history before 2014 (which we don't), after which things went awry between ownership parties. Because the owner of your adversary server is known (as said above), you should try to work it out with them instead of us. It would be misplaced for MTA staff to interfere in a dispute that has been going on for more than 3 years and a situation that created multiple 'true' realities as a result of your communities splitting. I hope you understand that no matter how often you try to report this situation, we're unable to help as was clear from earlier review of the case. You have gotten this answer multiple times so we demand this to be the last.
  5. You should just take the proper approach which is adding a password recovery feature to whatever custom account system it is that you're running, instead of trying to mess with sensitive data manually. If you're not using a custom account system; MTA's default account database doesn't store passwords in plaintext, but hashed & salted. For obvious reasons, no one on this forum is going to help you get around that. Atleast you know what to do in order to solve your concern now, if you need further help with doing the right thing (adding/scripting a password recovery feature) then feel free to post in here again. If you however are using the hardcoded (default) account system, you can help players to recover their lost passwords by writing this in the server console: chgpass [accountname] [new password] as opposed to the command for players to change their own (non-lost) password, which is /chgmypass. Note; 'chgpass' can also be used ingame by your staff/admins if you explicitly add the right for them to do so in ACL.xml @xXGhostXx
  6. Hello, We recently discovered a vulnerability within MTA Server, as a result of which a specially crafted application could crash your server. The issue has been fixed and we urge all server owners and hosters to update immediately. Getting the update Linux: https://linux.multitheftauto.com/ Windows x64: https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa_x64-1.5-rc-latest Re-download the full installer from https://mtasa.com for the regular x86 server Server versions affected: - 1.5.6 for Windows (32bit & 64 bit) and Linux - if downloaded yesterday or earlier - 1.5.5 and older for Windows and Linux Versions not affected: - 1.5.6 for Windows (32bit & 64 bit) and Linux - if downloaded today (build r14489) - MTA:SA Clients
  7. لقد تم عمل تحديث علي لوحة الادمنية والذي تم رفعه علي موقع الكومنتي , وكما ان هذا الإصدار تم تحسين اللغة العربية الي افضل مستوي لتكون اللوحة مفهومة للجميع وإضافة بعض الترجمات التي كانت غير موجوده في السابق علماً بأن هذا الإصدار لايختلف عن الإصدار السابق الذي قمت بنشره سابقا , مجرد تحسين للغة ولكن سيتم عمل تحديث للوحة الادمنية بشكل افضل في المستقبل واذا كان هناك اي إقتراحات يمكنك طرحها Another update for the arabic admin panel has been uploaded to community, this version brings only translation updates (merging in the latest official admin resource will happen soon, it's still based off version from sept 2017). Changes are dialect improvements (more universal/easily understood one) and addition of missing translations. Any suggestions can still be posted
  8. Dutchman101

    Kicked why?

    using Process hacker, which is known software, doesn't mean you are (trying to) hack MTA. It's simply not allowed to run together with MTA out of precautions. It looks like it was hidden somewhere in your case (to try and run covertly), make sure to never install untrusted software that may include stuff like this. Also run a full antivirus scan.
  9. Dutchman101

    Kicked why?

    Don't try to run Process Hacker together with MTA @barras
  10. You were banned for constantly using cheats, and it's a permanent ban because you were also developing them. There is no way to change this situation.
  11. Dutchman101

    AC Kick

    You're being kicked because of C:\Windows\Capcom.sys. Please delete that file, AC doesn't allow it, @Nope.
  12. Please read and apply the section guidelines to your topic within 48 hours, or your post will be removed. @dicosky
  13. Just for clarity, we don't need people to collect logs from others to foward them to us. We will use this topic for data collection ourselves. If you want to help out in such a way, then please don't generate a DxDiag log but use MTADiag: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/32071-mtadiag-diagnostic-tool-for-mtasa/ You can simply reply with the link to your log
  14. Dutchman101

    MTA Menu Lag

    Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
  15. Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
  16. Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
  17. Dutchman101

    MTA Menu Lag

    Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
  18. Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
  19. Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
  20. Please refer to https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/111027-known-issues-with-input-lagheavy-fps-stutter/
  21. If you are still experiencing problems, follow the instructions: Hi, We are aware of the recent issues with heavy game lag (tied to mouse input) which is a problem independent of the MTA build revision for reasons known to us. Because knowing where it is related to doesn't mean we can pinpoint the exact cause immediately, please bear with us while we try to resolve this high-priority problem; we understand that while not everyone is affected, it can make the game near-impossible to play for those affected. In the meanwhile, you can try a work-around that has proven to be a temporary fix for those eager to play despite the issues: set MTA to Windowed mode (settings > video > Fullscreen mode). We realize that this looks ugly and for sure isn't a proper fix, but it may help you on the short-term. Please understand that resolving these issues is our top-priority at the moment. Note: this thread should serve for data collection and sharing possible temporary solutions with your fellow MTA players. Tens of users have raised a support case with us either on the Client support section or Discord in the past week, please continue to post about your situation in this topic, it may prove to be helpful for us to pinpoint and fix the underlying problem quicker than we would otherwise be able to. For the same reasons, any functional work-around can also provide us more insights. You can help by linking anyone experiencing the mentioned issues to this topic, and posting the link in any separate client support topic made about it. Also, the most voiced workarounds (which we know of from earlier reports on the issue) that however, do not work out for everyone, are; - running MTA 'as Administrator' (right-click) and/or setting compatibility mode to earlier Windows versions such as Windows 7
  22. Dutchman101

    Fake Client

    MTA is open-source, you can simply compile a custom build. No such thing as a clone exists for MTA like it does for SA-MP.. You can find the source at https://github.com/multitheftauto/mtasa-blue/ @F.Saleh
  23. I see that you are running a really outdated server version (1.5.4-9.11324.0) at the time of posting this and also during your last response, your MTA client version is out of sync with the local server version. You should try with the latest update; Uninstall MTA completely, delete it's install folder manually (in Program Files or eventually the custom server folder location). After doing so, perform a clean re-install with https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/?mtasa-1.5-rc-latest and also tick all of the MTA server components. Alternatively you can install server to a desktop folder separately, as your Program Files root directory may have (inherited) folder security issues. It will possibly be resolved through the myriad of updates server has received in the meanwhile, aswell as a new SQLite version (although it's unlikely to have been a dependency issue in the first place.. you never know) so it's also worth first trying to just update without any of the above clean installation steps. Note: after taking these steps, rightclick the server launcher (MTA Server.exe), go to compatibility and tick "Run as Administrator" and the same in another view: "Change settings for all users". Preferably do this before running server for the first time. @C0sta
  24. Dutchman101

    pls help

    Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you in this topic. @sapo
  25. Both AC #11 8DA6 and AC #4 8DA6 are because of running Cheat Engine. Don't try to launch Cheat Engine (or have it running in the background) while playing MTA. It will kick you for a good reason. As long you don't run it together with MTA, there should be no need to uninstall it.
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