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Everything posted by l2ebel

  1. how to fly a skimmer? lol just pull back and accelerate and tadaa! you're already flying the lamest crapvehicle in gta history
  2. crazy? everybody knows im the lock master! unlocked locked /me runs for cover
  3. damn, i tried about min 1000 times to jump with a pcj on a boat for my vid sometimes touched it but never made it patience is all
  4. -paint cant open jpeg (at least not mine) -just right click and "save pic..." and choose bmp
  5. i PMed him more than twice....seems hopeless sry but i cant translate it to dutch
  6. Kent: i was in the same situation and i thought ill never release my vid, but then i just tried and with "ulead video studio 7" it was easier than making a pic with photoshop. i dont think premiere is the best decision for the first vid so if you dont wanna read thru tutorials and the readme just use ulead... hope you release it soon, actually i wanted to make my vid 1 jear ago but.....im just too lazy to edit it... btw, ill have 1 clip of you in my vid, now you wonder hu?
  7. thx eAi actually you dont even have to search, its on page 1 and called "what about server linking?" http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=6447
  8. there is no skimmer in mta, (at least not yet) in SP its behind the packer at the filmstudio
  9. l2ebel

    Funny Pictures

    umm, Ransom: whats funny about this pic
  10. l2ebel


    *votes "yes"* *remembers that rawk is a mod* *stares at rawks lockcount* unlocked locked *feels better now*
  11. yes its the "bigbang" cheat, if you got a trainer you can hit the cheat key fast enough to make all the vehicles in the game lift up... i was playing around with this in vc on the PS2, tried to lift myself up when laying on a panzer or on top of a packer (it works ) another funny thing is to lift them up and shoot them with the rocket launcher or watch the destroyed cars landing on peds with 80mp/h
  12. question answered, thread wheelmanprotected
  13. l2ebel


    yeah man, i dont wanna scroll left and right plz change it
  14. i personally wouldnt wear a gamer or website shirt + i dont think you will sent it to europe... anyway, nice idea and hopefully some US mta ppl will support tga at least im wearing it in vc:
  15. i think this thread should be sticky the aiming problem is reducing the sadness of the fact that my 0.3r2 isnt working...well, maybe ill play DM when mtavc 7.0 is out sure its still beta but i think im gonna stay in stunt mode instead of trying to find methods to bust a 56k'er deathb meant that your smoketrail must be parallel to the other player
  16. Wheelman: http://www.thegamersalliance.com/videos/vercetti.zip actually you got great searching skills but this time i expected more (i know that you check the forum all the time to find some spamming opportunities ) ^is it finally over? ps: even useless polls like this one arent save of your spam locked or lets say: wheelmanprotected
  17. artigamer: please search next time, this has all been posted before are you sure?
  18. here is the full video: http://forum.mtavc.com/viewtopic.php?t=6483 closed
  19. omg, now i know why you said "she looks so ugly"you just used tommy's model when i say "the model is called: bfybe.dff" than i expected you to: open gta3.img search for the bfybe.dff model, extract it somewhere (e.g your desktop) than you rename it to "player.dff" and go back to your img tool and replace the original player.dff with the one you just renamed... whatever, its too late now but expet of that the vid is very cool, nice synched
  20. da king*: dammit stop spamming and crying and get fraps 1.9!
  21. lol wtf? ill have fun, just not when watching a vid with 50% grinds hehe fuck it, im damned for the rest of my life coz i dont like wheelie grinds bähähähähh _LBtrw_: i saw your grind but actually theres not much difference from a wheelie to a stoppie sure its still pretty hard to make such grinds but maybe ive been watching too many skate vids... due to the fact that there are only very few ppl who do stunts (see grims thread for my definition) its anyway a turndown that most (95%) of all vids posted here are only tricks, i mean why does nobody stunt anymore? mta gives us the chance! we will see, maybe i can get some ppl together to make a real stuntvid...maybe even a crew
  22. y dont you make your own crappy server? this has been posted more than twice, use Search dont expect any kind of rpg modes or such in the next releases, maybe faaaar in the future locked
  23. da king*: dont double post, use the edit button next time -learn the differences between a thread and a post -a thread is a topic, so you have to reply in the thread of the other ppl, not open a new one, only open a new thread if you have something to show e.g: your video or a screenshot... damn i never knew how hard it is to explain how to use a forum
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