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Everything posted by xXMADEXx
Honestly, I don't see why you just don't use the MTA SQL functions, it would be so much more efficient.
it just Compile Lua files. Which means? It compiles the files, so that they cannot be read or modified.
In SqliteBrowser: 1. Open the .db SQLite3 database 2. Go to File->Export->Database to SQL file 3. Click OK & save the file In PHPMyAdmin select a database then click "Import" and import the .sql file you just exported.. SqliteBrowser: http://sqlitebrowser.org/
You're not using callRemote correctly. Try using this: callRemote ( "http://www.website.com/mtasdk/refreshdata.php", getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) Also, please post your PHP code.
I will look into this, however I recommend using the the NG version from "master."
Also isObjectInACLGroup He would use isObjectInACLGroup if he wanted to check if a player is in an ACL group. The hasObjectPermissionTo function just checks if a user has a right for something like command.ban.
Try using this (not tested) function clanKapat() local myacc = getPlayerAccount(source) local kurucu = getAccountData(myacc,"clankurucu") local tag = getAccountData(myacc,"clan") local isim for _,v in ipairs(clans) do if v.tag == tag then isim = v.isim break end end if tonumber(kurucu) ~= 1 then outputChatBox("#31cccc* Clanı kapatmak için clan kurucusu olmalısınız.",source,255,0,true) else local xmlFile = xmlLoadFile("clans.xml") local c = 0 while xmlFindChild(xmlFile,"clan",c) do local node = xmlFindChild(xmlFile,"clan",c) local tags = xmlNodeGetAttribute(node,"tag") if tags == tag then xmlDestroyNode(node) break end c=c+1 end xmlSaveFile(xmlFile) xmlUnloadFile ( xmlFile ); -- local p for _,v in ipairs(getAccounts()) do if getAccountData(v,"clan")==tag then setAccountData(v,"clan","0") setAccountData(v,"clankurucu","0") setAccountData(v,"clanyetkili","0") p = getAccountPlayer(v) if p then setPlayerTeam(p,nil) end end end outputChatBox("#31cccc*#ff3333 "..tag.." "..isim.." #31ccccadlı clan kapatılmıştır.",getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) for k,v in ipairs(clans) do if v.tag == tag then destroyElement(v.team) table.remove(clans,k) end end triggerClientEvent(source,"clanPanelCikisYap",source) end end addEvent("clanKapat",true) addEventHandler("clanKapat",getRootElement(),clanKapat) addEventHandler ( "removeallclans", root, function ( player ) if ( not fileDelete ( "clans.xml" ) ) then outputChatBox ( "Unable to delete clans.xml", player ) return false; end local f = fileCreate ( "clans.xml" ); fileWrite ( f, "" ); fileClose ( f ); for _, p in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local a = getPlayerAccount ( p ) if ( a and not isGuestAccount ( a ) ) then setAccountData(a,"clan", nil ) setAccountData(a,"clankurucu", nil ) setAccountData(a,"clanyetkili", nil ) end end end );
Execute the following client-side script: showPlayerHudComponent('all',false)
Use the hasObjectPermissionTo function.
As WhoAmI said, you can just use either dxDrawImage or guiCreateStaticImage to create the images of the images of the vehicle, however you have to find the images for the vehicle somewhere.
Thanks. I made the video because people were spamming my Skype on how to set it up.
Make sure that the resources have access to function.callRemote. Try adding this to your meta.xml: <aclrequest> <right name="function.callRemote" access="true"></right> </aclrequest> And in console, type the following: aclrequest allow resourceName all
You need to use the following events/functions: onVehicleDamage -- event getElementHealth setElementPosition setElementHealth
Here's the blue_box resource: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=10163
Nobody is going to give you a job. You need to learn how and try to do it, which is what this forum is here for, to help with it. If you're not willing to learn, then you need to pay someone, because nobody scripts for free.
I'm not sure that theres a function for this. However, is what you can do is create a table with all the server maps on, with the time that they were added. Something like this: local maps = { { name = 'Map 1', month = 6, day = 1, year = 2015 }, { name = 'Map 2', month = 5, day = 10, year = 2015 }, { name = 'Map 3', month = 9, day = 21, year = 2016 }, { name = 'Map 4', month = 6, day = 1, year = 2014 }, } function outputRecentMaps ( ) local t = getRealTime ( ); for _, i in ipairs ( maps ) do if ( t.year+1900 == i.year and t.month+1 == i.month and t.monthday == i.day ) then outputChatBOx ( tostring ( i.name ) ); end end end outputRecentMaps ( )
You need to use the following functions: setPedAnimation setTimer givePlayerMoney takePlayerMoney
It's obviously an immature little kid that is doing that... Unfortunately, there's not really anything that we can do about it here.
It still uses the onPlayerLogin event, which is a server-side only event. You should test your scripts before releasing them.
actually, your script wouldn't even work.. You put an extra end so that would give an Lua syntax error, and you made it on the server side when it should be on the client side, meaning it's going to delete the scripts from the server rather than the client.
These "useful functions" are rather useless now, as for they can both be done with MTAs default split function.
Also , Wrong answer he is asking about how he can remove the word. simply he can use string.gsub string.gsub(Text,"the Word you want to remove"," ") -- Empty replaceString Example : Text = "You gave him a wrong answer" NewText = string.gsub(Text,"wrong","") -- Result : You gave him a answer Ah yes, I didn't see that. It's fine, people make mistakes.
:3 i think you need to read the question because as i can see he is asking about "How he can check if a text have upper or lowercase letters?" You want to remove the Whole string or just the (lowercase or uppercase) letters. I use string.find(text, "WoRdS") and I want to remove that word iven if have lower or uppercase letters I was answering this question.
To make upper or lowercase, you can use the upper or lower string methods: local t = "This IS my TeXt!"; -- Lower case (Same thing in a different format) print ( t:lower( ) ); print ( string.lower ( t ) ); -- Uppercase (Same thing in a different format) print ( t:upper( ) ); print ( string.upper ( t ) );
I liked your attempt but this type of security doesn't work very well. If someone who knew basic scripting got a hold of these, they could simply create a new file and override the getServerName function. Something like this would work: function getServerName ( ) return "The the required name"; end