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Everything posted by xXMADEXx

  1. You could use teaEncode/teaDecode, but it would be better to come up with your own algorithm for this, because it would a heavy use for the client to have to encode/decode a txd of dff string every time, because they're rather large strings. You should write something this to the dff and txd files: fdsjak actualTxdDffContents dfkadsl and then use string.sub to get the actual contents of the file Example functions: function hideRealContents ( str ) return "dfdaskf"..str.."fkjdsak"; end function getRealContents ( str ) return string.sub ( str, 7, string.len ( str ) - 7 ); end
  2. Use the getScreenFromWorldPosition function. Example: addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function ( ) local x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( 165, 126, 20 ); if ( x and y ) then dxDrawText ( "165, 126, 20", x, y, 0, 0, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) ); end end );
  3. Cool, but you should make it like the old gatemaker resource and save the gates and their passwords in an xml file, so it's easier to add or remove them. Some xml format like this: <gates> <gate id="gate ID" x="x-coordinate" y="y-coordinate" z="z-coordinate" rot="Z-axis-rotation" password="gate password" /> </gates>
  4. This is why you should use setElementModel, because setPedSkin is going to be removed in a future version of MTA.
  5. What exactly do you mean by trying to put a GUI on a wall?
  6. Use the engine functions to add modded models/textures to your server.
  7. Just use the function setElementModel.
  8. is a Ok i can use SQLite but is this Secure or Maybe SQLite Will lost the Information ? MySQL/SQLite are basically the same, other than SQLite is a file on the server, and MySQL is a database server that can be connected remotely to.
  9. xXMADEXx


    You need to use the injectBrowserMouseDown/injectBrowserMouseUp/injectBrowserMouseMove/injectBrowserMouseWheel functions.
  10. Strange, I was looking in that file bout couldn't find the http://mtaster.mtasa.com/ link, are you sure it was from this file? After viewing the link, I believe this is what I'm looking for, but I can't seem to find where they did it in the MTA source.
  11. xXMADEXx


    guiCreateBrowser might not be implemented yet.
  12. Thanks ! Can you tell me how to make GUI button appear only for Team or ACL group using CLIENT function ? Just use: getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(localPlayer)) and check to see if theyre on a certain team, and if they then create the button. if ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) ) == "Criminals" ) then button = guiCreateButton ( ... ) end
  13. xXMADEXx


    Are you sure you started the mta 1.5 client AND the mta 1.5 server? Also, it's a client script.
  14. guiGridListInsertRowAfter returns an integer representing the row ID, so any time you call the function it's going to return a different ID. Therefore, you have to make a variable setting it to the function, and use that variable so your rows will have the same ID. (Sorry for the weird wording, wasn't really sure how to word it.)
  15. Because you're inserting two different rows. Try changing your ham function to this: function ham ( ) local row = guiGridListInsertRowAfter(ADVERTISING,guiGridListGetRowCount(ADVERTISING)); guiGridListSetItemText(ADVERTISING, row,advert,guiGetText (Write),false,false) guiGridListSetItemText(ADVERTISING, row,player,getPlayerName(localPlayer),false,false) guiSetVisible (Addwindow, false) guiSetVisible (Window, true) end
  16. That wouldn't work because I want the stats to be life (not cached) and be available a smart phone.
  17. xXMADEXx


    It uses browser functions coming in MTA 1.5. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Cli ... _functions You can download MTA 1.5 nightly here.
  18. Try to concatenate the variable into the string with the message. addEvent ( "onServerSendInfo", true ); addEventHandler ( "onServerSendInfo", root, function ( info ) outputChatBox ( ""..tostring(getElementType(info[1])).."" ); end );
  19. xXMADEXx

    PvP/PvE Zones

    You can use onClientPedDamage, then check to see if the attacker was another player, and if it is then use cancelEvent to cancel the damage effect.
  20. In sbclient.lua you'll see it has a lot of this code: setTimer ( chase_aim, 80, 1, ped, player ) This is what the script is using to aim the bots. It means every 80 milliseconds, update the aim. You can decrease the 80 to 50 so it updates every 50MS (the minimum times can have is 50MS) but it will have next to no effect, because 30MS is basically nothing.
  21. What resources is the script not working in? It might be better to make another resource, and have an export to the function.
  22. What are you using to trigger the "replace" function? Are there any debug errors (/debugscript 3)?
  23. Thanks, but I need to to be directly printed to the web page, in some format that I can work with such as JSON.
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