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Everything posted by xXMADEXx

  1. Please send me your smods.xml file on Skype or PM.
  2. I believe these are textures, not objects.
  3. A players nametag and name are the same default by MTA, however with a script they can be changed. The Nametag text is the 3D text on the player that other players change, which can be changed with setPlayerNametagText and the players name is the nickname that is displayed in something like the chatbox and can be changed with setPlayerName. To get a string without color codes, you can use this function: function removeColorCode ( text ) return text:gsub ( "#%x%x%x%x%x%x" ); end
  4. Did you manually add the dff/txd files in the meta? If so, remove them. This is because either the "download" attribute for the files doesn't exist or is set to true. It must be set to false.
  5. No. We're not here to do it for you, we're here to assist.
  6. Use the following functions: isObjectInACLGroup aclGetGroup getPlayerAccount getAccountName getElementPosition getZoneName
  7. You can just use a for loop, and then insert the created tree into an array/table... See my tutorial to learn about loops & tables.
  8. We don't do it for you, we're here to help you. You need to try to make it yourself before anyone is going to help you.
  9. xXMADEXx


    There's some here: http://timtrott.co.uk/notepad-colour-schemes/ If you cant find one you like, you can always change/modify the xml files to make your own.
  10. Nerd Gaming is open source. Just give the forum topic link to anyone who is calling them leaked, because they aren't. I intentionally released them, and no type of "hacking" or anything of the sort occurred.
  11. What do you mean? That's already how the script is. When the player joins, the server will send the player a list of the mods to download with their hashes of the files. The client then checks to see if the files are already downloaded, and if they are, then the script will check the file hashes. If the hashes don't match it will delete the file, and re-dwonload it, but if it does exist, it will set the mod status according to what is in the xml file from the users last visit.
  12. sl4dE, Please add me on Skype or PM me for further assistance, the topic is beginning to be spammed of this. My Skype is Madex-MTA. Thank you.
  13. Yes, internal.db and registry.db will be automatically created by the server. My best guess is if you're still spawning under ground is that the database connected properly.
  14. xXMADEXx

    new MTA bug?

    Can you post the whole script for the onClientRender block?
  15. xXMADEXx


    Try using this: local markers = { {296.20737, -37.42688, 1001.51563, 1}, {312.10248, -165.32639, 999.60101, 6}, {288.38971, -106.55548, 1001.51563, 6}, {277.55972, -37.21804, 1001.60779, 1}, {292.98145, -103.60979, 1008.27344, 6}, {293.52847, -80.34721, 1001.51563, 4}, {293.24643, -115.71572, 1008.27344, 4}, {312.62921, -149.50658, 1007.67291, 6}, {308.24817, -140.86179, 999.60156, 7}, } function markerscreate () for index, value in ipairs ( markers ) do local mx,my,mz,mi = unpack( markers[index] ) mar = createMarker (mx, my, mz-1, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 255, 180) setElementInterior (mar, mi, mx, my, mz-1) addEventHandler( "onClientMarkerHit", mar, markerhit ) end end addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, markerscreate ) function markerhit( p ) if ( source == mar and p == localPlayer ) then guiSetVisible (ammowin, true) showCursor (true) end end ammowin = guiCreateWindow(351, 132, 590, 482, "Ammunations Shop", false) guiWindowSetSizable(ammowin, false) pistol = guiCreateButton(10, 27, 116, 40, "Pistol\n10,000 $", false, ammowin) pistolammo = guiCreateButton(162, 27, 116, 40, "Pistol Ammo\n5$ / ammo", false, ammowin) Desert = guiCreateButton(10, 77, 116, 40, "Desert Eagle\n25,000 $", false, ammowin) desertammo = guiCreateButton(162, 77, 116, 40, "Desert Eagle Ammo\n7$ / ammo", false, ammowin) shotgun = guiCreateButton(10, 126, 116, 40, "Shotgun\n40,000 $", false, ammowin) shotgunammo = guiCreateButton(162, 126, 116, 40, "Shotgun Ammo\n9$ / ammo", false, ammowin) sawnoffshotgun = guiCreateButton(10, 176, 116, 40, "Sawn-Off Shotgun\n35,000 $", false, ammowin) swanshotgunammo = guiCreateButton(162, 176, 116, 40, "Sawn-Off Ammo\n8$ / ammo", false, ammowin) combatshotgun = guiCreateButton(10, 226, 116, 40, "Combat Shotgun\n40,000 $", false, ammowin) combatammo = guiCreateButton(162, 226, 116, 40, "Combat Ammo\n9$ / ammo", false, ammowin) Uzi = guiCreateButton(10, 276, 116, 40, "Uzi\n30,000 $", false, ammowin) uziammo = guiCreateButton(162, 276, 116, 40, "Uzi Ammo\n6$ / ammo", false, ammowin) MP5 = guiCreateButton(10, 326, 116, 40, "MP5\n30,000 $", false, ammowin) tec9ammo = guiCreateButton(162, 376, 116, 40, "TEC-9 Ammo\n6$ / ammo", false, ammowin) TEC9 = guiCreateButton(10, 376, 116, 40, "TEC-9\n25,000 $", false, ammowin) ak47 = guiCreateButton(303, 27, 116, 40, "AK-47\n60,000 $", false, ammowin) m4 = guiCreateButton(303, 77, 116, 40, "M4\n60,000 $", false, ammowin) countryrifle = guiCreateButton(303, 127, 116, 40, "Country Rifle\n70,000 $", false, ammowin) sniperrifle = guiCreateButton(303, 176, 116, 40, "Sniper Rifle\n90,000 $", false, ammowin) miniigun = guiCreateButton(303, 226, 116, 40, "Minigun\n1,000,000 $", false, ammowin) MP5ammo = guiCreateButton(162, 326, 116, 40, "MP5 Ammo\n7$ / ammo", false, ammowin) ak47ammo = guiCreateButton(443, 27, 116, 40, "AK-47 Ammo\n11$ / ammo", false, ammowin) m4ammo = guiCreateButton(443, 76, 116, 40, "M4 Ammo\n11$ / ammo", false, ammowin) countryrifleammo = guiCreateButton(443, 127, 116, 40, "Country Rifle Ammo\n15$ / ammo", false, ammowin) sniperrifleammo = guiCreateButton(443, 177, 116, 40, "Sniper Rifle Ammo\n15$ / ammo", false, ammowin) minigunammo = guiCreateButton(443, 227, 116, 40, "Minigun Ammo\n3$ / ammo", false, ammowin) close = guiCreateButton(152, 426, 268, 34, "Close", false, ammowin) grenade = guiCreateButton(303, 326, 266, 40, "Grenade\n1,000$ / grenade", false, ammowin) teargas = guiCreateButton(303, 277, 266, 39, "Tear Gas\n1,100$ / tear gas", false, ammowin) satchel = guiCreateButton(303, 376, 266, 40, "Satchel\n1,000 $ / satchel", false, ammowin) guiSetVisible (ammowin, false)
  16. You need to use the playerblips resource.
  17. xXMADEXx

    Anti Spam

    This is my chat system (that includes anti-spam) if you would like to look at it. https://github.com/braydondavis/Nerd-Ga ... server.lua
  18. It could be one of the following issues: - Database isn't correctly configured (See one of the installation videos on how to configure it) - Accounts weren't reset If your database is working, then please do the following: 1. Stop your server 2. Go to [MTA Core directory]/server/mods/deathmatch 3. Delete internal.db and registry.db 4. Start your server Doing this will reset all the accounts, so that when the user registers again they will be added to the SQL database.
  19. Please, watch one of the installation videos: - - Vimeo
  20. You need to add these resources too: Shaders Runcode You can just ignore the guied error message, I'm not sure why that was in the mtaserver.conf.
  21. I requested a lock Since you all will start trolling etc.. How am I trolling? You are trying to sell other peoples work, that they spent a lot of time and work developing.
  22. Yep, you're pathetic. Get out of here.
  23. xXMADEXx

    Nearest spawn

    You just have to loop the table and compare all the distances with getDistanceBetweenPoints3D locations = { {x = 2030.73840, y = -1404.19531, z = 17.26210} {x = 1178.60681, y= -1324.14050, z= 14.12840} } function loc () local index = 1 local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ); for i, v in pairs ( locations ) do if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( v.x, v.y, v.z, x, y, z ) < getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( locations[index].x, locations[index].y, locations[index].z, x, y, z ) ) then index = i end end spawnPlayer ( source, locations[index].x, locations[index].y, locations[index].z ); end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), loc )
  24. what you think he is machine that do everything that you want? try it by yourself and if it have some problem post here, gl Well I am not talking to u , so Mind your own business Well I am not talking to u , so Mind your own business ok now crying no problem gl Stop provoking both of you, or go somewhere else.
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