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Everything posted by Gamefreek

  1. You tried to connect to your own server? You need to use if you want to do that. Also make sure that you have started a server and the correct ports have been forwarded before your friends try and join.
  2. You can use http://www.whatismyip.com to find out your ip. They havent added peds because of the lag it would cause. They would be just like other people ingame, causing more lag then there already is.
  3. Is this sort of like a e-penis contest? "Which forum has the most posts?"
  4. Some people have what we like to call a LIFE and actually have hobbies outside of MTA...
  5. I believe there is a game mode in GTA3:MTA 0.5 just like Get Stretch. I could be wrong since i only played it a hand full of times
  6. The monsters being mutations and not demons really pissed me off. It cant be a DOOM movie without a reference to Hell. At first it wasnt supposed to take place on Mars, not sure if the changed their mind or not.
  7. Gamefreek

    I Saw a U.F.O

    It was probably just a meteorite...
  8. You wont be able to get out of your car or off of a bike..
  9. The versions with hot coffee were changed to AO..R* was working on a M rated version and it seems they just released it.
  10. According to spookie (the new leader) it will be a deathmatch mod..
  11. Gamefreek

    Wrong Executible

    If your using a no-cd crack that could be why it wont work..
  12. You need to either have 2 video cards or a video card that has two ports for monitors..
  13. I think they just stay away from this section because half the time its just all flaming back and forth..
  14. They could make BLUE work with GTA3 but the demand isnt that great for it due to the fact that GTA:LC is getting better with each release.
  15. Gamefreek

    Vice city closes

    So the game basically crashes? If thats what you're talking about its normal. Since this game is still in beta form it will crash everyone once in a while.
  16. His cowboy hat looks like something a stripper would wear..
  17. Are you using a no-cd crack? If so you need to get the original exe off of your cd.
  18. Obviously if they are different addresses they are different errors because they didnt happen at the same address.
  19. You might want to check the "At Address" part, it's 77f79ca9 not 00652f30.
  20. You put them in the Skins folder that is located in your Vice City folder.
  21. You cant call peoples phones with google talk, it's just for pc to pc conversations.
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