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Everything posted by drk

  1. drk

    Nametag problem

    As I understood, he don't have the ports open. You can't enter the server.
  2. Falo certo? Você sabe? Não.
  3. Tanto quanto eu sei MTA foi programado em C e C++, Lua só é usado para scripts e MTA tem uma biblioteca com suas proprias funcoes KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Se você não sabe, melhor nem falar, você só vai falar besteira..
  4. LOL Você nem sabe o que diz.. MTA foi criado em Lua, convertido em C++. A linguagem do MTA é Lua. As funções / eventos do MTA são apenas funções / eventos que foram inbutidos no MTASA porque você simplesmente não pode fazer isso com Lua ( corrija - me se estiver errado ).
  5. Eu RI. A linguagem é chamada 'LUA', não 'Lua Scripting'.
  6. "aprender lua scripting". Eu ri.
  7. drk

    360* Camera

    You has a error on line 7
  8. Test the script then comment ! You didn't eaven test it ! Cuz it works perfectly! @Mefisto_PL I have it allready. Thanks anyway! I'll test only if you want my pc to blow with these amount of errors.
  9. * BABY FACEPALM * This is wrong. Also why 2 onResourceStart handlers?
  10. Go go go ! Dude, don't try to be good. You know, this code sucks, will never work. And you're a dumbass that trys to be better than others.
  11. Mappers don't give his maps for free lol Only dumbs.
  12. Haha don't make me laugh dude, you don't know a fuck about Lua. His server will be a shit like his script.
  13. Check if the hostname is the name of your website mysql.
  14. What is that? LOL if # tostring ( minutes ) == 1 then minutes = "0" .. minutes end if # tostring ( hours ) == 1 then hours = "0" .. hours end You should learn Lua.
  15. Go to 000webhost panel, click on "MySQL", create a database and will appear a page with details about. Copy hostname, username, database and password.
  16. Yes, port is always 33006, but you can change it. "Important: MySQL Host for any database in this account is mysql5.000webhost.com , do not use localhost!" And?
  17. drk

    PHP SDK problem

    Maybe it's only to test if work.
  18. Are you kidding us?
  19. drk

    PHP SDK problem

    Copy my code again.
  20. drk

    PHP SDK problem

    Ok, I found a mistake in your code. You used if a lot of times without end statement. You should use elseif. LUA: function fResult ( sResult ) outputChatBox ( '#FF8800[TOPTIMES] #FF6565Fetching data... ', root, 255, 255, 255, true ) if ( sResult ) then if ( sResult == 'ua' ) then outputChatBox ( '#FF8800[TOPTIMES] #FF6565Your license is not valid! Please, contact GTX#!', root, 255, 255, 255, true ) elseif ( sResult == '1' ) then outputChatBox ( '#FF8800[TOPTIMES] #FF6565Data fetched! Welcome!', root, 255, 255, 255, true ) elseif ( sResult == '0' ) then outputChatBox ( '#FF8800[TOPTIMES] #FF6565Terminating script...', root, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( '#FF8800[TOPTIMES] #FF6565STEALERS ARE NOT WELCOME!', root, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox ( '#FF8800[TOPTIMES] #FF6565PLEASE, RE-LICENSE THIS BY ASKING GTX#!', root, 255, 255, 255, true ) stopResource ( getThisResource ( ) ) end end end function check_license() --outputChatBox"sending" callRemote("", result, getServerName()) --outputChatBox(getServerName()) --outputChatBox"sent" end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), check_license) PHP (SDK): <?php include ( 'sdk/mta_sdk.php' ); $aTable = mta::getInput ( ); $sText = $aTable[0]; if ( isset ( $sText ) ) { $sFile = "servers.txt"; $fFile = fopen ( $sFile, 'a+' ); fwrite ( $fFile, $sText . '\n' ); fclose ( $fFile ); } $nCode = '1'; mta::doReturn ( $nCode ); ?>
  21. drk

    PHP SDK problem

    If doesn't return nothing, your MTA PHP SDK is not working, or is something about the php.
  22. drk

    PHP SDK problem

    Is file servers.txt created?
  23. drk

    PHP SDK problem

    And what is the problem??
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