i doubt it, but thanx 4 ur participation. i appreciate that.
Really, I tested now and it's not working. I will try to find a new one working.
EDIT: I can just find radio extractors working
About QT Designer: Will be cool if it's possible to do a version of the program for MTA with DirectX functions But I think it's not
LOL You're wrong Jaysds1. I don't know exactly where is saved but I think that it's in the memory because when the element is deleted the data is deleted too.
callRemote("http://******.php", callBack, data)
data -> the data you wanna send to php file.
callBack -> The function you want to execute with returned data from php.
If the pickup is created in the Map Editor, you will need open your map file every time you create a pickup and get positions, etc and create in a script file to use your way.