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Everything posted by drk

  1. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    I don't understand, can you explain better?
  2. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Will never find "http://serverelmota.com.nu/". IP:
  3. drk


    I can't find nothing, check createObject.
  4. drk


    Yes and use debug please. If don't work try: local tObjects = { createObject ( 3437, 5222.7998046875, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0 ); createObject ( 3437, 5199.3999023438, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5234.4995117188, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5246.19921875, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5257.8989257813, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5269.5986328125, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5281.2978515625, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5292.998046875, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5304.697265625, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5187.69921875, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5175.9990234375, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5164.298828125, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5152.5986328125, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5140.8984375, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5129.1982421875, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5117.498046875, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5211.1000976563, 755.70001220703, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5211.1000976563, 758.69921875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5211.1000976563, 761.69921875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5211.1000976563, 764.69921875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5211.1000976563, 767.69921875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 0); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 773.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 785, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 796.69921875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 808.3994140625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 820.099609375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 831.7998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 843.5, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 855.19921875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 866.8994140625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 878.599609375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5211.099609375, 902, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 878.599609375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 866.90234375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 855.2021484375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 843.501953125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 831.8017578125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 820.1005859375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 796.7001953125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 785, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 773.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5208.099609375, 761.599609375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 761.599609375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 773.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90) createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 785, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 796.7001953125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 820.1005859375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 831.8017578125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 843.501953125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 855.2021484375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 866.90234375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 878.599609375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5214.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5181.099609375, 761.599609375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5184.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5187.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5190.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5193.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5196.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5199.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5223.09765625, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5226.09765625, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5229.0966796875, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5232.0966796875, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5235.095703125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5238.095703125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5241.095703125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5238.095703125, 773.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5235.095703125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5232.0966796875, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5229.0966796875, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5226.09765625, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5223.09765625, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.0986328125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5199.0986328125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5196.09765625, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5193.09765625, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5190.0966796875, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5187.0966796875, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5184.095703125, 890.2998046875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5235.095703125, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5232.0966796875, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5229.0966796875, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5226.09765625, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5223.09765625, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.09765625, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5199.09765625, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5196.095703125, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5193.095703125, 785.0029296875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5232.0966796875, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5229.0966796875, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5226.09765625, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5223.09765625, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.0966796875, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5199.0966796875,,796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5196.09375, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5193.09375, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5190.0908203125, 796.7060546875, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5193.091796875, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5196.091796875, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5199.095703125, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.095703125, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5223.09765625, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5226.09765625, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5229.0966796875, 808.400390625, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5226.09765625, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5223.09765625, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.0947265625, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5199.0947265625, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5196.08984375, 820.1083984375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5199.09375, 831.80078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.09375, 831.80078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 831.80078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 831.80078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 831.80078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5223.09765625, 831.80078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5220.0986328125, 843.5078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 843.5078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 843.5078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5202.0927734375, 843.5078125, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5205.099609375, 855.2021484375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); createObject ( 3437, 5217.0986328125, 855.2021484375, 62.799999237061, 0, 90, 90); } for nIndex, uObject in pairs ( tObjects ) do setElementCollisionsEnabled ( nIndex, false ); end
  5. drk


    Yes. And use Lua Tags please!
  6. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    LOL? Are you kidding me? You have to change websiteURL to your website domain -.-
  7. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Windows' Command Line -> cmd
  8. drk


    LOOOOOOOOOOL I posted the code, only copy and add objects. Is that hard?
  9. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Go to Windows' Command line and type: "ping websiteURL" and get the IP.
  10. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    local connection = mysql_connect ( 'www4.subdomain.com', 'user2009951', 'MYPASS', 'db2009951-main' ) -- I think you need put IP, not domain.
  11. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Website IP's -> Change localhost to your Website IP. Username -> Change root to your Website's MySQL Database username. Password -> Change MYPASS to your Website's MySQL Database password. Database -> Change user2009951 to your Website's MySQL Database name.
  12. drk


    Your code is wrong I updated it later. Copy again.
  13. Use arc_ animation library or create your own animations with 'onClientRender' or 'getTickCount' events and position / alpha and other functions.
  14. drk

    Player list

    local column = guiGridListAddColumn ( playerlist, 'Player Name', 1.50 ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIChanged', root, function ( ) if ( source == bhsh ) then guiGridListClear ( playerlist ); local sName = guiGetText ( source ); if ( sName ~= "" ) then for _, pPlayer in ipairs ( getElementsByType 'player' ) do if ( string.find ( getPlayerName ( pPlayer ):lower ( ), sName:lower ( ), 1, true ) then local row = guiGridListAddRow ( playerlist ); guiGridListSetItemText ( playerlist, row, column, getPlayerName ( pPlayer ), false, false ); end end end end end )
  15. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    and my speed is 4 GB i can download GTAIV AND Call of Duty MW3 in 2 hours 4GB? In 2 hours? Don't make me laugh dude. 4GB connections are only for datacenters and these companys. And a 4GB network download these size of files in much less time. Don't lie. Anyway, stop Off-Topics.
  16. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Mine is 10mb I can download GTA IV in just 14 hours ._.
  17. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Off-topic: LOOOOOOOOL What's your network speed?
  18. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Start Xampp Control Panel, start MySQL and Apache service, open your browser, type in adress bar: http://localhost/phpmyadmin Will appear somethings about phpMyAdmin, choose your language and go to Privilegies tab, change root account password. Now, go to Databases tab and create a new database. All ok, now install MySQL module ( https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Mysql ). In your script put: local connection = mysql_connect ( 'localhost', 'root', 'rootPassword', 'databaseName' ) Now use mysql_query to manage the database.
  19. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Yes. That's for what I'm here.
  20. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Not needed. Install Xampp or Wamp.
  21. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    Yes, but you will need to create 8 account data and put each value in each data. Better use SQL or MySQL.
  22. drk

    Problem Car Shops

    It's account data.
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