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Everything posted by drk
Search for "NitroN Led Lights v2" on Google and you will find
You wanna put the player in his interior again? setElementInterior ( target, 1 )
I don't know if I must create a new topic for this, so here we go: #include "stdafx.h" #include <Windows.h> #include <stdint.h> int main() { int nPrimo; int bPrimo = 0; printf ( "Type a number: " ); scanf_s ( "%d", &nPrimo ); for ( int i = 2; i <= nPrimo; i++ ) { if ( nPrimo%i != 0 ) { bPrimo = 1; } if ( bPrimo == 0 ) { MessageBox ( NULL, L"The number is prime!", L"Information", MB_ICONQUESTION ); return 0; } else { MessageBox ( NULL, L"The number is not prime!", L"Information", MB_ICONQUESTION ); return 1; } } } I made this ( classes exercise ), It works now, but if number is 3 it says number is not prime lol I don't know why, can someone help? I can't understand this shitty prime numbers
addCommandHandler ( 'aj', function ( sCommand, uTarget, nTime ) if ( isStaff ( localPlayer ) ) then nTime = nTime * 60 * 1000 local target = getPlayerFromName ( uTarget ); setElementInterior ( target, 6 ); setElementPosition ( target, 265.21185302734, 77.63591003418, 1001.0390625 ); setTimer ( setElementPosition, nTime, 1, target, 268.03460693359, 77.43824005127, 1001.03906 ); outputChatBox ( 'You have been jailed!', target, 193, 13, 13 ); outputChatBox ( 'INFO: ' .. getPlayerName ( target ) .. ' has been jailed for 5 minutes by Admin.', root, 255, 0, 0 ); outputDebugString ( getPlayerName ( target ) .. ' has been jailed!' ); else outputChatBox ( 'Acess denied to the command!', localPlayer, 193, 13, 13 ); end end ) addCommandHandler ( 'auj', function ( sCommand, uTarget ) if ( isStaff ( localPlayer ) ) then local target = getPlayerFromName ( uTarget ); setElementInterior ( target, 6 ); setElementPosition ( target, 268.03460693359, 77.43824005127, 1001.03906 ); outputChatBox ( 'You have been unjailed!', target, 193, 13, 13 ); else outputChatBox ( 'Acess denied to the command!', localPlayer, 193, 13, 13 ) end end ) isStaff = function ( uPlayer ) if ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( uPlayer ) ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Staff' ) ) then return true; else return false; end end Here. You got a lot of errors in the code: You used localPlayer to get team in "isStaff" function and you haven't used player parameter instead ( that's why you get Acess denied ). You forgot somethings in the outputChatBox too. I added a thing in your code. Type /aj You can easily remove if you don't want: Just remove nTime parameter, nTime declaration and change time parameter in setTimer to the time you want.
Wait Wafamade, I found another bugs on his code. I'm recreating it.
function jailBastard(commandName, jailTar) local Bastard = getPlayerFromName(jailTarget) if isStaff(localPlayer) then local Bastardz = getPlayerName(jailTar) setElementInterior ( Bastard, 6 ) setElementPosition (Bastard, 265.21185302734, 77.63591003418, 1001.0390625) setTimer ( setElementPosition, 300000, 1, Bastard, 268.03460693359, 77.43824005127, 1001.03906) outputChatBox ( "You have been jailed !", theNoob, 193, 13, 13 ) outputChatBox ( INFO: getPlayerName(theNoob).." has been jailed for 5 minutes by Admin.", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0 ) outputDebugString ( getPlayerName(theNoob).." has been jailed !" ) else outputChatBox ("Access denied", localPlayer, 193, 13, 13) end end function unJail (commandName, jailTar) local Bastard = getPlayerFromName(jailTarget) if isStaff(localPlayer) then setElementInterior ( Bastard, 6) setElementPosition ( Bastard, 268.03460693359, 77.43824005127, 1001.03906) outputChatBox ("You have been unjailed !", theNoob, 193, 13, 13) else outputChatBox ("Access denied !", localPlayer, 193, 13, 13) end end addCommandHandler("aj", jailBastard ) addCommandHandler("auj", unJail ) isStaff = function ( uPlayer ) if ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( uPlayer ) ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Staff' ) ) then return true; end end
Will never work because you're triggering an event for the started resource.
I never seen any Sandking mod. Are you talking about his wheels / lights?
I have it. Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?pznxz2u8293p5j6
Go ahead and create with XML and you will know what I'm saying
Seems like you don't get data from table for 5 minutes.
But... myonlake, he put. name="return to 90's detroit"
Use setGameType to change your gamemode name.
I don't know where is that "Bad login or pass" errors, so I can't help you.
Client-side: function createLoginBox() LoginGUI = guiCreateWindow(527,159,380,407,"Truck - Logowanie",false) guiSetAlpha(LoginGUI,0.69999998807907) guiWindowSetSizable(LoginGUI,false) IntroLabel = guiCreateLabel(47,62,290,32," Witamy na Truck!\nWpisz poniżej Login oraz Hasło, aby się zalogować!",false,LoginGUI) guiSetFont(IntroLabel,"default-bold-small") LoginLabel = guiCreateLabel(76,181,38,16,"Login:",false,LoginGUI) guiSetFont(LoginLabel,"default-bold-small") PassLabel = guiCreateLabel(72,218,40,16,"Hasło:",false,LoginGUI) guiSetFont(PassLabel,"default-bold-small") LoginBox = guiCreateEdit(128,179,137,19,"",false,LoginGUI) PassBox = guiCreateEdit(129,216,137,19,"",false,LoginGUI) guiEditSetMasked(PassBox,true) LoginButton = guiCreateButton(35,259,306,52,"Zaloguj!",false,LoginGUI) RegisterButton = guiCreateButton(35,330,306,52,"Zarejesrtuj!",false,LoginGUI) guiSetVisible(LoginGUI, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", LoginButton, submitLogin, false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", RegisterButton, registerPlayer, false) end function startLoginRegisterModule() createLoginBox() if (LoginGUI ~= nil) then guiSetVisible(LoginGUI, true) else outputDebugString("Nie moge utworzyc GUI odpowiedzialnego od Logowania/Rejestracji!", 3, 255, 0, 0) end showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), startLoginRegisterModule) function submitLogin(button, state) if button == "left" and state == "up" then local login = guiGetText(LoginBox) local pass = guiGetText(PassBox) if login and pass then triggerServerEvent("submitLoginServer", getRootElement(), login, pass) guiSetInputEnabled(false) guiSetVisible(LoginGUI, false) showCursor(false) else outputChatBox("#EE5555* #C0C0C0Proszę wpisać #EE5555Login #C0C0C0i #EE5555Hasło#C0C0C0!") end end end Server-side: function loginHandler(login, pass) mysql = dbConnect("mysql", "dbname=mta;host=", "damiano", "Censored", "share=1") if(mysql) then outputServerLog("\n[MySQL] Pomyslnie polaczono z MySQL!") outputDebugString("Pomyslnie polaczono z MySQL!", 3, 0, 224, 0) else outputServerLog("\n[MySQL] Wystapil blad podczas laczenia z MySQL! Polaczenie zostalo zerwane...") outputDebugString("Wystapil blad podczas laczenia z MySQL! Polaczenie zostalo zerwane...", 3, 255, 0, 0) destroyElement(mysql) end local acc = dbQuery(mysql, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `account` = `%s` AND `password` = `%s`", login, pass) local result = dbPoll(acc, 0) if result then if client then spawnPlayer(client, 1959.55, -1714.46, 10) fadeCamera(client, true) setCameraTarget(client, client) end else outputChatBox("#EE5555* #C0C0C0Podano zły #EE5555Login #C0C0C0lub #EE5555Hasło#C0C0C0!") end end addEvent("submitLoginServer", true) addEventHandler("submitLoginServer", root, loginHandler)
How much are you willing to pay? Tell us, dude.
Also, you can't use variables with same name of MTA:SA functions like getAccount.
I don't know, are the elements in the player? You can see race mode's code and try to view where is that.
You can use setVehicleLightState to set vehicle lights off. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Set ... LightState
Also you need better read documentation about c++ I'm already learning C++ from a book I bought and It has much exercises and these things but don't explain somethings.
Okay. Thanks, now can someone explain me in this code: void main() { int i, j, k; printf ( "\n" ); for ( k = 0; k <= 1; k++ ) { printf ( "\n" ); for ( i = 1; i < 5; i++ ) printf ( "Tabuada do %3d ", i + 4 * k + 1 ); printf ( "\n" ); for ( i = 1; i <= 9; i++ ) { for ( j = 2 + 4 * k; j <= 5 + 4 * k; j++ ) printf ( "%3d x%3d = %3d ", j, i, j * i ); printf ( "\n" ); } } } Why just in 2 for loops it's needed keys { } ?