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Everything posted by drk
Because basically, all servers use a edited race script from a fu** server
Just try increasing draw distance and see what happens.
Check if house child index 'nHouse' exists. I can't find any error.
If you're saying about your other code about trucks: if ( hitElement == uPlayer and source == cMarker and isTruck ( uPlayer ) ) then isTruck = function ( uPlayer ) if ( getElementModel ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( uPlayer ) ) == 437 ) then return true; else return false; end end
if ( getElementModel ( getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) ) == 437 ) then It works.
Off-topic: LOL MTA SA 1.1.1
Use: addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit', root, function ( uPlayer ) if ( source == cMarker ) then triggerServerEvent ( 'truckStop', uPlayer ); end end )
Ok. Problem found. Child 'house' where 'house' is nHouse not found. Show your homes.xml
addEvent ( 'HouseSystemBuyHouse', true ); addEventHandler ( 'HouseSystemBuyHouse', root, function ( nHouse ) local fRoot = xmlLoadFile ( 'homes.xml' ); local fNode = xmlFindChild ( fRoot, 'houses', 0 ) local fHouse = xmlFindChild ( fNode, 'house', tonumber ( nHouse ) ); if ( fHouse ) then local fPrice = xmlNodeGetValue ( fHouse, 'cost' ); local fOwner = xmlNodeGetValue ( fHouse, 'owner' ); if ( not isGuestAccount ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ) then if ( fOwner == '' and getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= tonumber ( fPrice ) ) then takePlayerMoney ( source, tonumber ( fPrice ) ); xmlNodeSetValue ( xmlFindChild ( fHouse, 'owner', 0 ), getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) ); outputChatBox ( 'You have bought this house for: $' .. price, source, 255, 255, 255, false ); for _, cPickup in ipairs ( getElementsByType 'pickup' ) do if ( getElementData ( cPickup, 'housenumber' ) == nHouse ) then -- check element data 'housenumber' setPickupType ( v, 3, 1273 ); end end xmlSaveFile ( fRoot ) elseif ( fOwner ~= '' and getPlayerMoney ( source ) >= tonumber ( fPrice ) ) then outputChatBox ( 'This house has been already bought!', source, 255, 0, 0, false ); elseif ( getPlayerMoney ( source ) < tonumber ( fPrice ) ) then outputChatBox ( 'You do not have sufficient money!', source, 255, 0, 0, false ); end end else outputChatBox 'Node not found!'; end triggerClientEvent ( source, 'hideHouseGuiWindow', source ); xmlUnloadFile ( fRoot ); end ) Try. Also, check if in chatbox appear 'Node not found!'.
What do you mean by "improve the graphics as a server"?
Check local houseRootNode = xmlFindChild (houseHeadRootNode,"house",tonumber(housenumber)) . Use statement "if" to check if houseRootNode is found and use xmlNodeSetValue instead of xmlNodeSetAttribute. Also, check pickup element data.
Check conditions, use debugscript and tell us what part don't work and explain in a proper english.
First, why you need "theVehicle" parameter in 'onClickCreateMarker' event? Also, what is "lp".
cMarker is not global. You must remove "local" before cMarker in the code to use it in other functions. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_variable
Hi guys! I was thinking in why not contribute and create a new design for the forum / bug tracker / community. First of all, the ads on the community is in a very bad place and the design isn't very good ( To be honest, I hate ) and I don't like much the forum design. So I'm here saying that, if someone is interested with that, I can help in somethings. PS: I'm not very good at design
Just learn and create your own. We will not script for you lol
Can't you just post the fucking script and learn for a proper english? Do you think I will steal scripts? Why I will steal scripts if I can make by my own lol
Yes, I need that. You said the car don't spawn. Where the part of vehicle spawn? Also, for fix that: Seems like we are obliged to fix your code lol
Where is 'vehicle' server event?