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Everything posted by drk

  1. drk

    random location!

    local tLocations = { { -2128, -80, 36 }; } addEvent ( 'onClickCreateMarker', true ); acceptJob = guiCreateButton ( 37, 58, 94, 49, 'Accept', false, truckWindow ); function getRandomLocation ( ) return unpack ( tLocations [ math.random ( #tLocations ) ] ); end addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', root, function ( uType ) if ( uType ~= 'left' ) then return; end if ( source == acceptJob ) then triggerEvent ( 'onClickCreateMarker', localPlayer ); end end ) addEventHandler ( 'onClickCreateMarker', root, function ( ) local nX, nY, nZ = getRandomLocation ( ); local cMarker = createMarker ( nX, nY, nZ, 'cylinder', 250, 250, 250 ); local blip = createBlipAttachedTo ( cMarker, 53 ); end )
  2. It must be possible, how you think Game-Monitor and Game-State have the information?
  3. Your meta.xml. file node don't have any type.
  4. No one give for free, just dumbs
  5. drk


    I know that. Seems like you don't get data from table for 5 minutes.
  6. infernus.lua function replaceModel() txd = engineLoadTXD("data/infernus.txd") engineImportTXD(txd, 411) dff = engineLoadDFF("data/infernus.dff", 411) engineReplaceModel(dff, 411) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), replaceModel) addCommandHandler("reloadcar", replaceModel) meta.xml
  7. Bom trabalho, DNL291! Seu código vai definir a habilidade da arma toda vez que um recurso iniciar https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnResourceStart
  8. I don't like very much, I can't explain why
  9. Awesome ideas, give me the map when you finish please Joke
  10. drk

    Jail Help

    I don't understand you. Are you talking about outputChatBox in client-side? I was wrong, it works, but never worked here, I don't know why. Also, if it's client-side and it's not in a event, your code is wrong
  11. Increase your Draw Distance.
  12. drk

    Jail Help

    Kenix, it's client-side. Blazy, you must set colorCoded parameter to true. Also, Blazy, I gave you the function working before lol
  13. drk


    You just can't because when a player join the server, the file is downloaded and automatically started.
  14. drk

    Jail Help

    Ok, thanks for telling me that. I thought that is 1. THANK YOU ! No problem
  15. drk

    C++ | Mathematic

    Thanks for helping.
  16. You can't modify it only in the server. You must change your GTASA ( put "vehicle.txd" at models\generic\txd and replace ).
  17. drk

    Jail Help

    See my last code from line 8 to 13.
  18. drk

    C++ | Mathematic

    I can't understand how can this be 1 if division 3 / 2 returns result 1,5 Edit: Oh, awesome! I understand now why is that returning 1. Thanks, I solved the problem.
  19. drk

    C++ | Mathematic

    No. 3 % 2 returns 0 lol 3,0 | 2 1 0 1,5 0 Rest -> 0
  20. drk

    C++ | Mathematic

    I know, but anyway 3 / 2 = 1,5, not 1.
  21. You should use something like meta settings to add the possibility to others change position of the text, no?
  22. drk

    Jail Help

    addCommandHandler ( 'aj', function ( sCommand, uTarget, nTime ) if ( isStaff ( localPlayer ) ) then nTime = nTime * 60 * 1000 local target = getPlayerFromName ( uTarget ); setElementInterior ( target, 6 ); setElementPosition ( target, 265.21185302734, 77.63591003418, 1001.0390625 ); setTimer ( function ( uTarget ) setElementPosition ( uTarget, 268.03460693359, 77.43824005127, 1001.03906 ); setElementInterior ( uTarget, 1 ); end, nTime, 1, target ) outputChatBox ( 'You have been jailed!', target, 193, 13, 13 ); outputChatBox ( 'INFO: ' .. getPlayerName ( target ) .. ' has been jailed for 5 minutes by Admin.', root, 255, 0, 0 ); outputDebugString ( getPlayerName ( target ) .. ' has been jailed!' ); else outputChatBox ( 'Acess denied to the command!', localPlayer, 193, 13, 13 ); end end ) addCommandHandler ( 'auj', function ( sCommand, uTarget ) if ( isStaff ( localPlayer ) ) then local target = getPlayerFromName ( uTarget ); setElementInterior ( target, 1 ); setElementPosition ( target, 268.03460693359, 77.43824005127, 1001.03906 ); outputChatBox ( 'You have been unjailed!', target, 193, 13, 13 ); else outputChatBox ( 'Acess denied to the command!', localPlayer, 193, 13, 13 ) end end ) isStaff = function ( uPlayer ) if ( getTeamName ( getPlayerTeam ( uPlayer ) ) == getTeamFromName ( 'Staff' ) ) then return true; else return false; end end See line 22. Changed to set interior 1.
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