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Road Dawg

Road Dawg (33/54)



  1. Wei

    DX Panel Skills

    Animation is very nice Good job
  2. Wei


    Thank you both for explanation
  3. Wei


    how to use while in scripts ?
  4. you can not get players, you can only get accounts getAccounts()
  5. onElementClicked then check if source is that element
  6. Wei


  7. Wei

    Bot Problem

    botTable = {} addEvent("Accept",true) addEventHandler("Accept",root, function (hitElement) botTable["Girl"] = call ( getResourceFromName ( "slothbot" ), "spawnBot", x,y,z,0,115,Dim,Int,nil,0) call ( getResourceFromName ( "slothbot" ), "setBotFollow",botTable["Girl"], hitElement ) setTimer( function () call(getResourceFromName("slothbot"), "setBotAttackEnabled",botTable["Girl"],false ) end,60000,0) end ) addEvent("onBotWasted",true) addEventHandler ( "onBotWasted", root, function ( attacker ) if (source == botTable["Girl"]) then outputChatBox("Mission Failed",attacker,255,0,0) destroyElement(finishMarker) destroyElement(myBlip) end end) do you have x,y,z,Dim,Int defined ?
  8. dxDrawText("#ff0000Hunter #00ff00Reached",0,sy/3,sx,sy,tocolor(255,255,255,alfa*255),(2.5*sx/1920)*alfa*1.6,"default-bold","center","center",true, false, false, true)
  9. This messages are embedded into mta. No problem...
  10. use cancelEvent() -- With event "onClientChatMessage"
  11. function kickall(thePlayer, cmd, ...) text = table.concat({...}, " ") for _, player in ipairs (getElementsByType("player")) do kickPlayer(player,thePlayer , text) end end addCommandHandler("kickall", kickall)
  12. Wei

    custom radar blips

    Did some calculating and stuff and found the answer Thanks anyway
  13. Wei

    custom radar blips

    Can you explain me or give me sample ?
  14. I tried to use this code to make the blips on my custom radar. viewtopic.php?f=91&t=71784 But when I rotate mouse everything rotates and blips are not in the position they are supposed to be... local blipX = (17+(300/2))+cblipx-(blipsize/2) local blipY = (608+(154/2))+cblipy-(blipsize/2) blipX = math.max(17, math.min(17 + 300, blipX)) blipY = math.max(608, math.min(608 + 154, blipY)) this are calculations image :
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