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Everything posted by MIKI785

  1. You can't use FTP but only HTTP... that is webserver like apache.
  2. Simply redefine the playSound function... or you could use getElementsByType("sound") to get it.
  3. MIKI785


    I don't have any idea of what you're blabbering about here and the script you posted has so many errors in it...
  4. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/User:Rodney901
  5. using either timer or render events and isElementInWater will do.
  6. You do have dual sawn-offs by default afaik... Do you have the "pro" skill level? Try replacing setWeaponProperty with this: setPedStat(mPlayer, 73, 1000)
  7. MIKI785


    Theres no event for that clientsided so use triggerClientEvent... Something like this: --Server addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function () triggerClientEvent(source, "onClientPlayerLogin", root) end ) --Client addEvent("onClientPlayerLogin", true) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerLogin", root, function () removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, showRules) end ) Should work
  8. MIKI785


    It looks like you're combining client and server... don't use onPlayerConnect but onClientResourceStart
  9. I think that these can be found in the navy ship in SF near SFPD. Map Editor than provides tool to copy that object.
  10. I would use something like this: local time = split(get("resourceName.time"), ":") setTime(tonumber(time[1]), tonumber(time[2]))
  11. Try learning some english first and of course more importantly some scripting as well, you have no idea at all about what you're doing here as i can see so far. That thing has to go wherever the bans get sent to client. If you knew the basics of scripting you would know that. "You're trying to run but can't even walk yet"
  12. killmessages exports outputKillMessage so use that to make custom messages appear there
  13. That makes no sense.. it's done wrong... You check the model of a vehicle that's defined somewhere else and has the correct model, of course it will always pass... use source instead. There are other things done wrong as well.. and does indentation mean anything at all to you? Who's supposed to read that?
  14. MIKI785

    Hi guys

    There is no such thing as spawnpoint by default, you would have to make them or use some resource... use spawnPlayer.
  15. You could use fetchRemote clientsided to download from the webserver hosted on the same server as the mta server. Other way is to use triggerClientEvent or triggerLatentClientEvent which is better for large things.
  16. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/ You don't need 1.4 config.. if something is missing it will use the default values, i myself still have config from 1.1. I just added few new settings that were introduced. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Mtaserver.conf Anyway you can find the config in the server that comes with windows client.
  17. It's not a stupid idea actually, chances are the player base for MTA would sky rocket, but there aren't enough developers to do it. I don't think so.. just imagine the GUI for instance... the chat would take up half of the screen and.. just no, it would never be possible.
  18. Nicely done, good track and deco as well.
  19. I don't like it much.. too much colors for me.
  20. You don't need to use server scripting at all.. use GameQ library to get the amount of players and other info provided by ASE. Just search for it.
  21. There is no such thing as Windows/linux only scripts... all Lua scripts work on both systems.
  22. What about debug? Saying that it doesn't work isn't enough..
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