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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. why dont you put it on server-side? anyways, try this: http://pastebin.com/q4z9JBQj
  2. lol, those files are for the server browser, example: start your server then go to ''. That's the website interface
  3. Jaysds1

    How to?

    oh, you want the original handling, ok, here: for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle"))do for i,v in pairs(getOriginalHandling(v))do setVehicleHandling(v,i,v) end end
  4. Are you talking about implanting it into the server? like making an web interface in the game, meaning to browse on the internet. if you are, then it's kinda impossible.
  5. is the problem solved?
  6. actually, it is 'Base', if that doesn't work, try this, Client: addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',guiRoot,function( ) if ( source == GUIEditor_Button[1] ) then triggerServerEvent ('NRG',localPlayer) end end) Server: addEvent ( 'NRG', true ) addEventHandler ( 'NRG',root,function ( ) if not( string.find(getMapName(),"Base",1,true) or string.find(getMapName(),"base",1,true)) then outputChatBox("Sorry, but you need to be in a Base map!",100,0,0) return end if ( getPlayerMoney ( source ) ) >= ( 1500 ) then takePlayerMoney ( source, tonumber ( 1500 ) ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( source ) local vehicle = createVehicle ( 411, x, y, z ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) end end )
  7. ok, first to remove the whole city with grass, you would need to use: removeWorldModel and remove the whole map (example here: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=43425&hilit=+removeWorldModel), after just run map editor with the script running then place the grass where ever you want, then for the clouds, use this: setCloudsEnabled .
  8. Jaysds1

    How to?

    try this: for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle"))do for _,i in ipairs(getVehicleHandling(v))do setVehicleHandling(v,i,nil) end end
  9. Please read here: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=7287
  10. Jaysds1


    lol, there's no interior, those are static objects too
  11. , I was gonna create Call Of Duty: Black OPS but it was to hard to set people in different dimension and if I make it, who would pay me
  12. Can you post the PasteBin Url please, so we could actually help you solve it?
  13. Sorry for the off-topic, but what does the stream.ini file hold? and what does it do?
  14. , well, I love the textures, they look more live like
  15. Jaysds1

    Cant Open MTA

    What version of MTA are you running? if you're not running MTA 1.1, please tell us what MTA you currently have.
  16. I posted here: viewtopic.php?f=94&t=43695#p469421
  17. try this: http://pastebin.com/QyuUW7Fq
  18. ok, Can you try reinstalling MTA again then try it again. if the problem persists, please take a screen shot of your MTA Folder.
  19. I think he is, and yea he was helping out with the wiki. BTW, I'm gonna keep Wiki copies in my Media Fire Folder, located: http://www.mediafire.com/?1z9whinnxm0ql
  20. was there any errors in the debug?
  21. ok, but one more try, please download and run this MTADiag, then post the generated PasteBin URL here.
  22. ok, when you download the map, move it to your "server\mods\deathmatch\resources" folder, after you are finish the map should be loaded automatically, but if the server is already started then you would need to type in "upgrade" in the console. if the map folder name has any spaces, please change it to: "-"or"_" (if you want). if nothing here works, please post the map meta.xml
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