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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Jaysds1

    Some help guys

    What window do you want up first for default? try this: local textrules = "Rules." local textinfo = "Information." local infoWindow = guiCreateWindow(0.1988,0.2317,0.6363,0.6817,"info",true) guiWindowSetSizable(infoWindow,false) guiSetAlpha(infoWindow,1) local ino_ImG = guiCreateStaticImage(0.0177,0.0489,0.9646,0.2958,"ino.png",true,infoWindow) local buttonRules = guiCreateButton(0.2811,0.6777,0.1324,0.1653,"Rules",true,ino_ImG) guiSetAlpha(buttonRules,1) guiSetFont(buttonRules,"default-bold-small") local buttoninfo = guiCreateButton(0.5845,0.6694,0.1446,0.157,"Information",true,ino_ImG) guiSetAlpha(buttoninfo,1) guiSetFont(buttoninfo,"default-bold-small") local memoInfo = guiCreateMemo(0.0177,0.3521,0.9646,0.6259,textinfo,false,infoWindow) guiMemoSetReadOnly( memoInfo, true ) local memoRules = guiCreateMemo(0.0177,0.3521,0.9646,0.6259,textrules,false,infoWindow) guiMemoSetReadOnly( memoRules, true ) guiSetVisible( memoInfo, false ) guiSetVisible( memoRules, false ) guiSetVisible( infoWindow, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, function ( ) if ( source == buttonInfo ) then guiSetVisible( memoInfo, true ) guiSetVisible( memoRules, false ) elseif ( source == buttonRules ) then guiSetVisible( memoRules, true ) guiSetVisible( memoInfo, false ) end end ) function infoShow ( ) guiSetVisible ( infoWindow, not guiGetVisible ( infoWindow ) ) showCursor ( not isCursorShowing( ) ) end bindKey ( "F1","down", infoShow )
  2. the same function that Solid gave you should do the same thing example: for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player"))do setPedVoice(v,"PED_TYPE_DISABLED","n/a") end
  3. the server has to have players in order for it to work
  4. ok, Did you made the map? and how much people is on your server?
  5. Jaysds1

    New here :)

    ok, welcome to MTASA and to start off, the play resource is started first, so that's a GameMode, next is you start off from here: wiki.multitheftauto.com
  6. oh, ok, my results are at the top, I love the poland server, low ping and it doesn't go High anyways, I'll PM you more
  7. nah, I was seeing if there's any output to the chatbox, like the numbers of the teams and etc... this script:
  8. ok, I'll post the ping and if you don't want one of the servers, can I have it? server: mtasa:// my ping: 110-210 server: mtasa:// my ping: 130-170 (The best!!!)
  9. Did anything output to the chatBox?
  10. well, we don't know any functions for car spawners, unless you want to spawn a car, then you would need this function: spawnVehicle
  11. so, you want a ping kicker am I right?
  12. well, you can't set the average ping in servers. but for the min and max, you could find a resource on the community site.
  13. well, you would need to show us your script.
  14. ok, if you want to make the object move, use moveObject but if you want the object to turn and not move, then use setElementRotation
  15. and for the last question you asked, no, unless you want to use attachElements
  16. try using setElementRotation only change the z part, the x and y values should stay at 0. example: local z = getPedRotation(localPlayer) setElementRotation(theObject,0,0,z)
  17. Jaysds1

    race problems

    sorry but what mode is this in? DD mode?
  18. Jaysds1

    Patching 1.0

    Here: Moderation: Removed. Please don't link to No-CD cracks
  19. nice to see it working, have fun
  20. sorry, There's no server in the browser meaning that the server browser is not working(basically, Yahoo bought it out), so now Project-Redivivus is developing/rebuilding MTA 0.5 again, so for now, you would need to insert the ip and pass(if needed) manually.
  21. nothings the difference, just wanted to let you know, so, if the link doesn't work again, you could always get it there. that's all
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