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Everything posted by Jaysds1

  1. Actually, The US is spending lots of money on NASA needs, just for going out to the moon and seeing if we could live on it, and after that's finished then we move to a next planet and a next planet, etc... The only reason why we can't live forever(unless Humanity makes a chemical or something to allow us to live long) is because the UNKNOWNS are worried that the planet can't handle enough and that's why they reap(not sure if this is correct ) people.
  2. ok, sorry for my answer (even though it wasn't rude), but if you actually asked that in the first post the maybe you would've got a better and accurate answer... anyways, I'm not sure what has moved and where it moved to, but I think this result if coming from the site it self, meaning we don't know, and you would need to ask in the Game-Monitor Forum.
  3. It's ok, but I love those girls
  4. ' (302: Moved temporarily)' It's temporarily moved...
  5. Love the Trailer, honestly!
  6. Jaysds1

    Help me !

    ok, here's the folder, that's the most we can do: 'MTA San Andreas 1.X\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[gameplay]\freeroam' once in there, you must 'edit' with CAUTION!
  7. Hi all, I recently got an email from the Avaaz and they said that this agreement would stop everything for our rights, lol, I don't usually do this but I know this is serious, here's my email from them: Sign the petition here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/stop_the_corpor ... ar_a/?copy and help us keep our rights!
  8. Jaysds1

    Help me !

    You would need to edit the Freeroam Resource located in your '[gameplay]' folder.
  9. Jaysds1

    i cant update gta sa

    Are we allowed to tell him the site name?
  10. Jaysds1

    Why is bad!?

    Cadu12 is right, here's some functions/event that you need: onClientRender dxDrawText getPlayerName guiGetScreenSize
  11. Isn't 404 a non existing page/file? anyways, make sure the file exists, and if it doesn't, remove it from the meta.xml of the resource CMG_info .
  12. Jaysds1

    i cant update gta sa

    well, I know a site where you could get patchs but Talidan said it has 'Warez', so try this: files.mtasa.com/apps/tools/gtasapatch_final.zip
  13. Wow, https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element/Console
  14. Jaysds1

    Help my Server

    Sorry, I never knew what you were talking about, Do you want if the player wants to play with real cars or normal cars?
  15. well, first you would need to login to your 'Admin' account in order to start/restart/stop a resource. If you don't know how to do this, please read this: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Ser ... nistrators and if you want to know any server commands then, please read this: Console
  16. Can you post your map's meta.xml please.
  17. well, all the resource/folders are suppose to be under 'C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas 1.4\server\mods\deathmatch\resources' anything in that folder is a resource. If you want to make your resources separate from these resource, then you would need to create a folder and add '[' at the beginning/front and ']' at the end/back. Example: '[Jaysds1_Resources]'. and please note, there's not suppose to be any spaces for the file/script names and/or resources, if you want to place a space, use '_' instead.
  18. This setting is located in your meta.xml . look for: name="*racerespawn" value="true" friendlyname="Race respawn after spectate" group="Spectating" accept="false,true" desc="Force players to spawn like after death." /> and change 'value="true"' to 'value="false"'.
  19. well, the features would take time to develop.
  20. if you mean a command like: '/out' then use: addCommandHandler outputChatBox setTimer kickPlayer
  21. if you're removing the whole world, then it wouldn't be easy to find the LOD's, plus, use this function: setOcclusionsEnabled oh, and there's an example with in the function above to remove all the world models
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