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Everything posted by robhol

  1. Wrong. IF you don't know what you're talking about, please shut up. Copkilla: Are you SURE you have DP2.3? What does the text in the lower-right corner of the main menu say? You wouldn't get this error at all in DP2.3, which means you either have a nightly version, or an older version...
  2. Chatbox isn't really worse than SA-MP's, it's just different. It's also a lot more customizable and if you don't like it, either customize it until you do, or don't use the mod in the first place. People who leave a mod because of its chatbox aren't really going to bring anything to the community anyways..
  3. The admin resource hasn't been updated afaik. Its developer, lil_Toady, is also working on the mod. I hope he'll take the time to fix the admin panel before the release. I'd say that actually using an emulated admin script is probably not a good idea.
  4. I thought, correct me if wrong, that the community account thing with serial has left mtasa long time ago. You're correct, it did leave. But then it came back, in 1.0. To the thread starter: if this is DP2, you got an old version (use DP2.3), if not, you're already registered. Use that account.
  5. Making servers actually aiming to be similar to another server is pathetic. Pull your brains together and come up with some new ideas! Because chances are that if you aim to do something that's already been done, and aren't sure that you have the skills to make it better, you won't. You'll be wasting your time, and the players will stick to the old server.
  6. For vehicles that are a "permanent" part of the server/gamemode/map/whatever, you should use vehicle tags in a map. More info about this can be found on the wiki, but the basic syntax is: <vehicle model="" posX="" posY="" posZ="" rotX="" rotY="" rotZ="" color="" upgrades="" paintjob="" plate="" turretX="" turretY="" health="" sirens="" landingGearDown="" specialState="" locked="" interior="" dimension=""/>
  7. The fonts GTA and e.g., SAMP use for in-game stuff. Menus, textdraws in SA-MP, subtitles in-game etc. The fonts I've seen in the emulator screens etc seems different. I'm more curious though, it's not like this is a huge problem.
  8. And what kind of payment are we talking about here? If it's "admin status" you're not likely at all to find someone dumb enough to do it.
  9. Well, 1.0 is probably tons more of a developer preview than any of the actual DP versions - people don't play it to play, mostly, but rather to test. The failing gamemodes and other resources are because of the fact that MTA's functions, their uses and parameters keep changing around. Gamemode writers can't really keep their modes constantly updated. And no, the game doesn't have a login requirement - you can choose whether or not to require valid serials. This helps a lot, since, sadly, all online games have their share of cheaters, (SA-MP and MTA has more than most, because GTA:SA itself is easy to hack and has been modded to death. (QED! )) and IP bans are completely fucking useless, as demonstrated almost anywhere on the internet. Serials provide a much more reliable way of keeping those cheating bastards out of your way as a server admin, and it keeps players from having to experience the annoyance of being pwned by cheaters. Most resources have a help file or are so straight-forward you shouldn't really need them at all. This help file can be found in the resource file under the name help.xml or accessed in-game with F9. As for the lack of cars and guns on the maps, this has nothing to do with MTA itself, but rather the individual gamemodes and maps. Also, personally I think most default modes are very boring. I think they're intended more as demos... not to mention they are OLD.
  10. * robhol slaps people around with his sexy avatar image
  11. Speaking of which, we really should have the proper fonts if we're trying to emulate it... would it be completely impossible to get them?
  12. Then you screwed it up. Make sure the resources are in the right directory. The server one.
  13. Put the editor resources (all of them) into the server's resource folder, start the server, type Start Editor, join, profit. The server is installed with the MTA client, in case you were wondering.
  14. Textures are completely fuxed... did you try reinstalling the game?
  15. How about your DirectX? Updated that? Got any other mods? Tried ridding your system of anything related to GTA:SA and doing a fresh install? Could you try grabbing a screenshot?
  16. While this might be kind of off-topic, I feel I should make my case here, since some people (deliberately or otherwise) seem to misunderstand my intentions. I tend to grow sarcastic in threads that are very dumb, very pointless, or look like they've been written by a four-year-old with Down's syndrome under heavy sedation. The math is really pretty simple. I do try, in general, to help people, but if said people are unwilling even to spend two seconds in an attempt at figuring something out by themselves before writing some nonsensical, gibberish-filled topic, not giving a bit of information that could be useful to someone actually trying to help them, while raping the readers' eyes as well as the English language, and refusing to even make an effort, I'm not going to present the solution on a silver platter and shovel it into their head with a tiny golden spoon without making some remark about it. Apparently the people who moderate this forum take the help given by its members for granted while saying something that might make the guy think a little more in the future, and maybe not act like a complete idiot is considered a perverted and heinous crime. I might also add that I'm not the only sarcastic/rude person, and since none, or at most, very few of the devs seem to answer questions here on the forums in any significant degree, (i.e., more frequent than the once-in-a-blue-moon mark,) they should let the people who actually want to, do it, without requiring us to assume some kind of subservient attitude. I have grown very tired of trying to reply to each topic filled to the brim with idiocy which apparently is completely supported and illegal to point out. (Let alone trying to discourage.) I don't want to become some kind of free online support for a bunch of people who don't want to, or can't, think for themselves. Since my efforts don't seem to be appreciated, I'm going to stop making them, and lurk more, laughing at the idiocy rather than trying (vainly) to correct it. Oh, and Simbad: :D
  17. I won't even reply to that one, "scafrace". You're still not the boss of me, and this topic is still pointless. At least, I can't see the point. Can you?
  18. ZOMFG!!1!11 Wow. No, seriously, did you want input on this, or did you just feel like posting some useless topic about a server you might make? Because that's wasted bandwidth and wear on your keyboard.
  19. But as said before, having a big number of people test the Nightly's can be good in a way so that certain bugs may come out of the surface and can be fixed in the future. I didn't say discovering more bugs was bad, but from the viewpoint of any server owners who wish to stay sane, starting an MTA 1.0 server is.
  20. There's a reason running a server on MTA 1.0 is a bad move at the moment: the whole program is packed with bugs of all kinds. It's only to be expected, it's a beta version. While getting more players to MTA isn't a bad thing, now isn't really the time to do it. Also, you should try to update your nightly, I doubt people will give a crap about bugs in older versions...
  21. You can't just write random bullshit in your code and expect it to work. Go to the wiki, read the basics. I could piss more coherent code in snow, for god's sake. Also, spamming question and exclamation marks and bumping your topic after 7 minutes isn't going to get you any more help - just make you look retarded and probably make people not want to help you.
  22. I thought the converter only added meta.xml's, if it converts it to DM syntax too then it would be great I'm not sure, but I suspect that if it didn't, it would be called a meta.xml adder, not a converter..
  23. http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... sues_-_FAQ
  24. More than "for now", it's unlikely that people will actually go back and fix it, I think..
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