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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. Your EXE is named incorrectly, it says it right there. "Main file has an incorrect name" It should be named "Multi Theft Auto.exe" not "multitheftauto.exe"
  2. Edit: Nevermind, it loaded after the 100th try. Looks nice, good work. You could also do this with Excel but hey, good on you to make something you needed instead of begging for it!
  3. We don't know. We need someone to buy it on a Windows 8.1 desktop. I have a feeling the store is lying about x86 support.
  4. Error 193 is from a corrupt DLL/EXE.
  5. Do not incite DoS activity. He's now been banned for that post. We have enough problems with idiots in this community doing stuff like this.
  6. Your internet is at fault here. Not sure what to tell you. Here's an alternative download link. http://www.mediafire.com/download/h1q35 ... -1.3.5.exe
  7. The single ACL file handles all gamemodes.
  8. Woovie

    Car suddenly stopping

    Provide a video of it.
  9. Woovie

    MTA won't start

    Also try http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... aspx?id=29
  10. The antivirus error can be ignored. If the game is just closing, then check what 3D video settings you gave the VM. Edit: Furthermore try VMWare Player instead.
  11. Post here if optimus doesn't work for you. This is the latest patch. Please give any feedback you can to help up prioritize a fix and ensure it works 100%. https://nightly.multitheftauto.com/mtasa-1.3.5-fu ... 140404.exe Looking for feedback from NV too. https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topi ... heft-auto/
  12. Welcome to the MTA forums. Cool video, you should get some proper camera tools made in Lua so it's not as jerky
  13. From what I've heard, the MTA community is getting smaller. I didn't think it was growing. Anyway, I'm glad to see it get bigger! It's been growing for a long time. Feb 2010 monthly unique: 33,744 Feb 2014 monthly unique: 487,392 And this is actually low! Our stats server crashed a few times during February this year and we missed player counts. The crashes were caused by too many players. A happy crash. January we saw 522,006 unique players. Expect March to be over January or neck in neck with it nearly. We also set a new record this month: Unique players in 1 day: 127.922. This was set on Saturday.
  14. You can load http://www.reddit.com/ posts from ingame. Thanks everyone. The UI currently is just preliminary and I may move to dxDraw. We will see.
  15. Image loading, comment loading, and self post loading will work. GIFs, video, and any external website content, unless it's an image, will _not_ work. This is still pre-alpha really, it so far pulls a json from a subreddit of my specification and that's it. It will eventually even have account sign in, commenting, up/downvote working, adding/removing subreddits from your sub list, pretty much any feature reddit has. I'll keep updating this thread as I make it.
  16. Most servers disallow mods. If you're looking for resources, visit https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  17. What's the point of that? I list these stats because it's interesting to see our playerbase continuously grow, not set new records.
  18. The game engine is different, I bought it on my moms surface via the windows store and it's exactly like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIcP5NDb8WQ So I don't think that it does support MTA, you should buy it via steam. No, MTA most definitely doesn't support it. But, if you have a plain Windows 8.1 PC, x86, you might be able to download the game as the store says it supports it. Since you own it, you should try and download it.
  19. Woovie

    Please help me :)

    It stores in the internal.db. Password is encrypted.
  20. Listen, it's not a simple task. It involves programming, not checking some boxes.
  21. That doesn't prove much, as the grammar used implies that other versions exist, for non-RT devices.
  22. Everyone stop being assholes. If you have feedback, at least be nice about it. No need for name-calling. This isn't pre-k. How to post: Use "Lua" instead of "LUA". It is a proper noun, not an acronym. How not to post: omfg u fuggin idiet use Lua becuz LUA is wrong
  23. Woovie

    Server list spam

    Wait hold on. 1. You open a server. 2. You close it because of problems. 3. Someone opens a new server with a near identical server, while yours no longer exists. How is that stealing your players? If you wanted your playerbase, maybe you shouldn't have shut your server down.
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