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Everything posted by Woovie

  1. Woovie

    Cars On Respawn

    How should I know? It's your server. You should know your resources before installing them.
  2. That's already planned. Of course...
  3. Woovie


    You still don't have a single clue what he's talking about. You need to edit your ACL file.
  4. Woovie

    Cars On Respawn

    Edit your resource that spawns the cars.
  5. That bug occurs occasionally when facing downwards, it's an issue with camera orientation. I think attempts to fix it have existed but it's never been 100% fixed.
  6. Do you get any error? "The program can't start because MSVCP120.dll is missing from your computer" I installed the x86 VC++ Redist 2013 as it says on the wiki. Try a reboot? MSVCP120.dll is most definitely VC++ 2013.
  7. No, nothing he said is true. It's all opinion. You can also stop posting about it in this thread.
  8. ... onClientResourceStart will fire when the resource is finished downloading. Start your downloads using this event.
  9. It depends on how fast it's finished. If it's not in 1.4, then it will be in a 1.4.x with a requirement for scripts using it.
  10. I made a web browser so far it loads a page, back/forward work with history. Source below. (View in full screen) Still WIP of course local browser = {} browser.browsers = {} browser.homepage = "http://google.com/" browser.images = {} browser.tabs = {} browser.buttons = {} browser.history = {} browser.historyPos = {} browser.window = nil browser.tabpanel = nil browser.currentTab = nil browser.pages = requestBrowserPages({"localhost", "facebook.com", "google.com", "youtube.com", "twitch.tv", "pandora.com"}) local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() function newTab() for i=1,10 do if browser.tabs[i] == nil then browser.browsers[i] = createBrowser ( 1160, 740 ) browser.history[i] = {} browser.tabs[i] = guiCreateTab ( "Tab #"..i, browser.tabpanel ) browser.buttons[i] = { guiCreateButton ( 0, 5, 20, 20, "X", false, browser.tabs[i] ), guiCreateEdit ( 20, 5, 480, 20, browser.homepage, false, browser.tabs[i] ), guiCreateButton ( 500, 5, 20, 20, "Go", false, browser.tabs[i] ), guiCreateButton ( 520, 5, 20, 20, "<", false, browser.tabs[i] ), guiCreateButton ( 540, 5, 20, 20, ">", false, browser.tabs[i] ) } addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", browser.buttons[i][1], closeTab, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", browser.buttons[i][3], goPage, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", browser.buttons[i][4], goBack, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", browser.buttons[i][5], goForward, false ) addEventHandler ( "onClientCursorMove", root, function ( relx, rely, absx, absy ) local ix, iy = guiGetPosition ( browser.window, false ) ix, iy = ix + 20, iy + 80 injectBrowserMouseMove ( browser.browsers[i], absx-ix, absy-iy ) end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientClick", root, function ( button, state ) local buttons = {left = 0, middle = 1, right = 2} if state == "down" then injectBrowserMouseDown ( browser.browsers[i], buttons[button] ) else injectBrowserMouseUp ( browser.browsers[i], buttons[button] ) end end ) browser.historyPos[i] = 1 browser.currentTab = i loadBrowserURL ( browser.browsers[i], guiGetText ( browser.buttons[i][2] ) ) browser.history[i][1] = guiGetText ( browser.buttons[i][2] ) break end if i == 10 then outputChatBox ( "10 tabs maximum" ) break end end end function closeTab() if #browser.tabs > 1 then destroyElement ( browser.browsers[browser.currentTab] ) browser.browsers[browser.currentTab] = nil for k,v in ipairs ( browser.buttons[browser.currentTab] ) do destroyElement ( v ) end browser.buttons[browser.currentTab] = nil guiDeleteTab ( browser.tabs[browser.currentTab], browser.tabpanel ) browser.tabs[browser.currentTab] = nil else outputChatBox ( "Cannot close tab - at least one tab must be open." ) end end function changeTab() for k,v in ipairs ( browser.tabs ) do if v == source then browser.currentTab = k end end end function goPage() browser.history[browser.currentTab][#browser.history[browser.currentTab]+1] = guiGetText ( browser.buttons[browser.currentTab][2] ) browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab] = #browser.history[browser.currentTab] loadBrowserURL ( browser.browsers[browser.currentTab], guiGetText ( browser.buttons[browser.currentTab][2] ) ) end function stopPage() end function goBack() if browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab] > 1 then browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab] = browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab]-1 loadBrowserURL ( browser.browsers[browser.currentTab], browser.history[browser.currentTab][browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab]] ) guiSetText ( browser.buttons[browser.currentTab][2], browser.history[browser.currentTab][browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab]] ) end end function goForward() if browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab] < #browser.history[browser.currentTab] then browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab] = browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab]+1 loadBrowserURL ( browser.browsers[browser.currentTab], browser.history[browser.currentTab][browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab]] ) guiSetText ( browser.buttons[browser.currentTab][2], browser.history[browser.currentTab][browser.historyPos[browser.currentTab]] ) end end function browserToggle() if guiGetVisible ( browser.window ) then guiSetVisible ( browser.window, false ) showCursor ( false ) else guiSetVisible ( browser.window, true ) showCursor ( true ) end end function clientRender() if guiGetVisible ( browser.window ) then local ix, iy = guiGetPosition ( browser.window, false ) ix, iy, iw, ih = ix + 20, iy + 80, 1160, 700 updateBrowser ( browser.browsers[browser.currentTab] ) dxDrawImage ( ix, iy, iw, ih, browser.browsers[browser.currentTab], 0, 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), true ) end end function resourceStart() browser.window = guiCreateWindow ( sx/2-600, sy/2-400, 1200, 800, "Woovie's Browser v0.1", false ) guiSetVisible ( browser.window, false ) browser.tabpanel = guiCreateTabPanel ( 10, 30, 1180, 760, false, browser.window ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUITabSwitched", browser.tabpanel, changeTab ) newTab() bindKey ( "b", "up", browserToggle ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, clientRender ) addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, resourceStart )
  11. Woovie

    Paid Scripter

    Good work here, you have rep from fairly well known community members so you seem trustworthy to me. Hopefully you get some work.
  12. Your code is literally the same. engineReplaceModel ( dff, 1866, true )
  13. Woovie

    Nvidia Optimus Thread

    We really have NO idea why/how NV Optimus is breaking. It's really just a massive piece of shit. I don't know what to tell you beyond stick to a version that works.
  14. Woovie


    Well there's your problem!
  15. The supermarket has products that are already made available for your consumption. This is more the equilvant of going to a bakery and demanding they add new super awesome rainbow cookie deluxe and it's some insane recipe that requires skills beyond your bounds and the baker already has their plate full. And you're not requesting bugs to be fixed, you're posting in requests like the custom animations and saying it needed by servers. No, it isn't needed, it is far from a necessity. MTA is first and foremost about stability, not feature requests. wait wait please ... ? ? ? i see most server owners request this feature in this Forum or anywhere So the hell what? Want ~= necessity. Do African children need hotdogs, candy, cake, bubblegum? No, do they need clean water? Yes.
  16. Woovie

    Moving database

    Converter? What you want is SQLite DB -> SQL. Download SQLite Database Browser, open your internal.db, do a file -> export -> database to SQL file. Then you can import that database into MySQL using phpMyAdmin or a tool like HeidiSQL.
  17. Our concurrent user record is 21,873. Good luck getting 1/5th of the player population on 1 server, let alone have it stable.
  18. The supermarket has products that are already made available for your consumption. This is more the equilvant of going to a bakery and demanding they add new super awesome rainbow cookie deluxe and it's some insane recipe that requires skills beyond your bounds and the baker already has their plate full. And you're not requesting bugs to be fixed, you're posting in requests like the custom animations and saying it needed by servers. No, it isn't needed, it is far from a necessity. MTA is first and foremost about stability, not feature requests.
  19. Then stop fucking begging and acting like it's easy.
  20. Locking this thread to avoid further confusion. The OP is really old, we have actual functions for this now.
  21. Woovie


    This. Stop installing 500 car mods. No one wants that.
  22. MTA is meant to be played on a clean GTASA and the server deliver the mods to the client. It's more efficient and guarantees that your game will not suddenly stop working because shitty mod x was written by a moron.
  23. Get antivirus, use a clean GTASA.
  24. I'll state what I stated on IRC, just for the sake of notes: I feel like this should be a module. It's a really great idea and appears to work great, but with compiled scripts, there's the risk of malicious content.
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