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Everything posted by eAi

  1. That'd be possible, but size is still and issue. Its one of the things I'm planing on looking into when I get time (i'm currently "on holiday"). The main issue is setting actor's skins to an arbitary bitmap, its possible I just haven't quite worked out how yet. eAi
  2. eAi


    Some people are so bad at reading (or want to appear that way). As Kent says, we'll have info on the SDK nearer the release (i.e. in the future). eAi
  3. Obviously not. I know what you mean, and it could work... eAi
  4. Someone could implement SMALL into an addon, which could proove popular. eAi
  5. If they want to... But they'd only be able to play it against other people with the same mod. eAi
  6. You can do many many things, including (almost all) the scm functions. Have a look at a list and you'll get an idea of the possibilities. eAi
  7. I think classic controls will not be an option in BLUE. I haven't tried them, but from looking at how our shooting works (and how R* coded it), using classic controls may screw things up, so we'll disable them. eAi
  8. Currently there are no fixed plans to support Liberty City. Anyone can, if they want, create their own Liberty City mod for BLUE though. We may or may not support GTA3. As it stands, I'm not sure there are enough reasons to do so (it'd require months of work). eAi
  9. Let me just add to that, what made Half-life so successful was the mod support. Nobody says "VALVe were lazy, they should have made Counter-Strike themselves and not allowed anyone else to modify the game". We've put a huge ammount of time and effort into BLUE. If you think adding mod support is the easy way out, think again, its one of the hardest parts. eAi
  10. This is a suggestion? eAi
  11. BLUE has no scripts... I have no idea what you're talking about OpiuM. eAi
  12. OpiuM: one day you'll get it. The server admins are not the people who will create the addons. 3rd party developers will create addons and distribute them. Stop suggesting that server admins do things - you'll just misleed people. On the subject of speedometers, this is somthing that the addon could implement _very_ easily. eAi
  13. I imagine this will be fixed. We don't really have enough people on the team to test things like this (and no, we don't need testers), but we'll see. I'm sure we'll ensure that there are only the correct number of players in a vehicle, as this is an exploit, it may be fun, but in some situations it'd give an unfair advantage. eAi
  14. I love blue and its not out yet... eAi
  15. "Glue" will be in in some form. As it is the addon can do it manually using scm functions, we'll look into easier ways of using it at somepoint. Its on the to-do list. eAi
  16. No, you won't be able to use vb as vb can't create "true" dlls (only ActiveX). If I get a moment I'll look into possible ways of integrating them (it'd be possible in some way, though I'm not sure how)... eAi
  17. Well, we're not going to "dump" 56K users any time soon, but theres the steam poll at http://www.steampowered.com/status/survey.html which gives a sort of indication of the percentages using each connection speed. As you can see, non broadband users are in short supply: Clearly we aren't steam, and we're not a content delivery platform, but thats a survey of gamers, so it should be fairly accurate. eAi
  18. Possibilities exist, but the main issues lies with the syncing. As the server is unaware of the map, it can't direct actors around. So, who does? If a client is in charge of an actor, surely that opens it to exploits? What happens if the client in-charge of the actor disconnected, of crashes? See? Theres lots of issues that are hard to fix without adding a lot to the server, which is a hard job, though it may happen one day. eAi
  19. jacoB: we don't need criticism of our current core from you of all people. Wait until you see blue, then you can offer suggestions. As it stands 0.4 is having very minimal dev time. eAi
  20. 0.4 is written on the same core code as 0.3. This wasn't written with enough foresight or knowledge to enable this. It should work perfectly in blue. eAi
  21. Counter Strike is still Half-Life, and I don't think many people who play Counter Strike don't realise that. We're going to try to help mod developers as much as possible when they create mods for blue. We haven't quite decided exactly what support we'll be offering, but we plan on it being as extensive as possible. More information on this somtime... eAi
  22. I did breifly look at implementing a scripting language into a BLUE addon, and I'm sure it'd be possible. Although we don't have the time right now, after we release the SDK, it'd be possible for someone to implement LUA or somthing similar into an addon if they wish. eAi
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