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Everything posted by eAi

  1. You DO NOT have to create folders in your resourcecache directory. You should never have to touch any files in there, they are purely the files extracted there temporarily from the zip files in your resources folder. To install a resource, just copy it to your resources/ folder and type refresh in the console if the server is already running.
  2. Why not use the keys Control+[number] to set the location. E.g. control+1 is the same as the /s1 command. It looks like if you press 1 before you've done /s1 you'll get warped under the ground at 0,0,0... Perhaps add a 'hasBeenSet' boolean to your table for each teleport location which defaults to false and is set to true in savePlayerCurrentLocation?
  3. eAi


    You can use elements to index tables, just like you would use an integer to index an array: local teleportPoints = {} local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) teleportPoints[player][0].x = x teleportPoints[player][0].y = y teleportPoints[player][0].z = z Alternatively, you can just use setElementData.
  4. eAi

    Export variable

    You can't, and you shouldn't need to. You can export get and set functions.
  5. votekick (and anything similar) is not coded in MTA, it's coded in a resource. As such, it's entirely in the community's hands. If you want to add IDs, you're more than welcome to.
  6. Race used the registry to know where to run GTA from. The serial is optional, though some servers may require it.
  7. I know this is a bit late, but we don't have built in support for XML...
  8. Use the ACL. You can specify what users can access what console commands very easily.
  9. You should be placing user-editable settings in the meta.xml as settings tags. You should _never_ as a matter of principle make users edit code. That way admins can change settings from the console.
  10. you should type debugscript 3 in the console.
  11. We aren't compilers. Tell us what doesn't work. Any errors in debugscript?
  12. You've got to try to code it yourself, even if you make a complete mess of it. We're happy to help but we can't do it for you... Give us something to comment on. The vast majority of wiki functions are documented. The one you picked out was really obvious - no arguments and just a boolean return. I know you might not find it obvious but thats more an issue with your general level of LUA/MTA experience which you can rectify by messing about writing some scripts We're sorry we haven't got every function documented completely, we put literally thousands of man hours into that wiki and we're pretty happy with it - it's better documentation than you'll find for many other projects.
  13. I'd suggesting using an event. Use: addEvent, addEventHandler and triggerClientEvent
  14. eAi

    Radar Issues

    I think we're aware of this issue, it's reported as issue 3152 (watch the changelog to see if it's fixed). It's reported as happening when settings don't already exist and set is used to change them.
  15. I believe the script is out of date. There should be an updated version somewhere on the forum I believe.
  16. A few comments on your script: - It's nice to see a gamemode written properly - separating the map from the script - It looks like you could attach the playerExitVehicle and playerEnterVehicle functions directly to the 'van' element. This would avoid your if ( vehicle == van ) check and would be faster - You can attach your markerHit function to your capture1 and capture2 elements, again saving a check. - Your showTextForAll is inefficient. The point of the text display system is that it's flexible and is designed to allow you to show the same text to multiple players at once, you can just create the text display once then do textDisplayAddObserver for each individual player you want to see it. You can avoid storing the currDisplay, currTextItem and currTextItemShadow this way as all are shared between all the players. If you do want to store them you can use setElementData. - Again, vehicleExplode can be attached to your van element - Your client side code is a bit of a mess, could do with some better indenting Otherwise it's good
  17. eAi

    Radar Issues

    Can you produce a resource that reproduces this and send it to us. You shouldn't be able to crash either the client or server with a script, so any resources that can do are useful.
  18. I'd emphasise that webmap was really a proof of concept and that it's not amazingly well coded. You could do a much better job yourself in a few hours if you know Javascript and LUA. I'd also point out that the server hosting the images is not that fast, you might want to host your own images using tilecache (free, open source).
  19. As I've said on IRC - Use the MTA:DM map format - Release it as a resource for a relevant gamemode
  20. eAi

    Wrong script

    Well it's basically saying 'wtf is spawns?' You haven't told it what it is yet you're trying to use it. You probably want: spawns = getElementsByType("spawnpoint')
  21. Well, as I said, only you two have ever mentioned a concept of a map team to me for either Race or DM, thats what makes me suspicious. Either way, provide a pair of resources for MTA so people can test your maps before they judge them.
  22. I'm not sure where you get the idea there is a map team... I find it slightly odd that only you and [CaM] (the thread starter) are the only two people to have mentioned 'the map team', and that this is your first post. I may be being over suspicious here but please don't astroturf.Produce a version of the map that will run on MTA before asking for feedback - judging screenshots is pointless, maps are about gameplay.
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